Come out, come out, wherever you are! Once again it’s time for all lurkers to declare themselves.
What is a lurker? Well, basically a lurker is anyone who stops by and reads, but doesn’t comment. So, if you’ve read here before, but have never said hello, or if this is your first time visiting, this post is for you!
Love Our Lurkers is just a time for those of us who blog to let all our readers know that we so appreciate you and it’s an invitation for you to say hi, comment on something, ask a question, etc. If you’ve never done so before it may seem scary, but I promise you, it’s really not. If you do it once, you may find yourself doing it again and again. And maybe you’ll even start blogging yourself! No, really, that’s how many of us got started.
Some options if you’re feeling uncomfortable … you can comment anonymously if you like or you can pick a name for yourself and create an email specifically for commenting on blogs or you can send me an email instead (the address is on the left hand side of the page).
I definitely appreciate all those who stop by and read here, whether you comment or not. But for those of you who haven’t said hello yet, I wish you would, at least in response to this post. I would love to “meet” you!!!
For more information about LOL Day 10 and a list of all participating blogs, I invite you to visit our good friend Hermione. Thank you!