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L.A. Part 1 – My Arrival

Well, as a lot of you know, I recently got back from L.A. where I did several shoots for Clare Fonda and Chelsea Pfeiffer. I am going to write and show you some photos throughout this week and next week taking you on a short tour of the amazing time I had in L.A. on and off the camera.

I arrived on Friday July 10th around dinner time. When I got to the hotel, I met Beverly Baci for the very first time. She is a fellow brat of mine from Punished Brats. We had both been very familiar with each other’s work, but had not yet met in person. She is such a genuine, smart, and beautiful woman. I am so glad to have finally met her and gotten the chance to work with her.

The cameraman picked me up at the air port and it was strait to work. Clare Fonda was waiting at the hotel with Beverly Baci. The camera’s were set up, the lights on, and we were ready to shoot. We shot for a site that Clare is working on right now about “call girls” getting spanked. I played the part of the “girl next door/sweet and innocent” call girl (hmmmm…..could there be such a thing?) Here is a sneak peak of some photos from the “call girls” scenes. Beverly spanks me for not holding my weight on a “job,” Clare spanks us both, I spank Beverly for hustling for a bigger tip, and then she gets me back for it.

It was a long day with the flight and the shooting, but it was well worth it. I got a red bottom out of it, made a new friend, finally got to see Clare again, and got some good food.