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Last shoot in L.A.

On my last day in L.A. I shot again for Chelsea Pfeiffer. The scenes we shot will be available on

We shot a short scene where I played her daughter and got drunk on my 21st birthday in front of the whole family and she spanks me for it when we get home. Chelsea doesn’t usually play the part of “mom” but when we were all dressed and ready to shoot we looked at each other and she said that it would only make sense to play my mom cause we looked so much alike. Mother/Daughter scenes are my favorite kind to be in, so when she said that, it was so cool and I was so excited that she would do that for me. Here is a photo of us before we shot the scene.

Here are a few photos from the scene.

After that scene we shot a Chelsea Spanks. I was super nervous about this as I knew there was no calling “cut” and it was a half hour of spanking. She said I would be able to handle it, so I trusted her and sure enough I did it and not only that but I did really well. I took the hair brush, a leather square paddle thing, and a large leather paddle.

Here is a photo of me and Chelsea right before we shot the CS.

Here are some photos from the CS.

Thank you Spank Bad Ass.

Well, my blog is finally coming together and it is all thanks to Spank Bad Ass. He is very computer and internet smart. His blog is called Spanking Naughty Bottoms. You should check it out if you haven’t, it is very up to date with all the latest news in the industry. I couldn’t have made my blog without his help. Thank you! Also, if there are any suggestions or questions anyone has for me I can create posts to address your questions as I go along with my blog. Is there anything you are just dying to know about me? My opinions on things? ect.?

L.A. Part 4 – Meeting Chelsea

Beverly and I got up today and got ready to go and shoot with Chelsea Pfieffer for her site,

We were a little nervous about what Chelsea would say after she saw how marked up our bottoms were from our previous shoots with Clare Fonda. Chelsea wasn’t angry, but she didn’t seem too happy either. She sounded unsure about who would be spanking who and what the scenes were going to be. She tells the story about it in her journal. I was just so excited to FINALLY meet her. I mean since I got into this industry a little over a year ago, I had wanted to meet/work with Chelsea and it was finally going to come true. It was so funny, Chelsea said that I reminded her of an eager puppy, cause when I found out she might not be spanking me after all due to all the marks I had, I said…”please Chelsea, spank me, please spank me.” She thought it was cute. She did end up spanking me after all. I didn’t come all the way to L.A. to not get spanked by Chelsea Pfeiffer. Well, the scene was that Beverly and I were sisters who snuck out of Aunt Chelsea’s house to go and do a spanking video that we saw an add for in the newspaper. Beverly and I compare bruises to each other and it turns into a spank off until Aunt Chelsea comes in and gives us “REAL” spankings. We didn’t want real ones we exclaim……but it was too late. It is called, ‘Paid and Paid Back’. Here are a few pictures from the shoot.(I will edit this post and add more as I get more. I want to put up some of Chelsea spanking me).

First, Beverly Spanks me.

Hehe….then I get her back.

This scene is now available on

L.A. Part 3 – EE3

Well, I am starting to get the hang of this blog thing even more. I am getting some help right now and hope to have my own theme and my custom header back soon. I love the color pink, so I gotta have some pink here.

Getting back to L.A. Well, on Sunday morning me, Beverly, and Ashley were up and getting ready nice and early. The cameraman came to pick us up and take us to the studio to shoot EE3 which will be available on Girl Spanks Girl sometime mid-August I am told. Yes, studio… was so cool to be at a real studio. We had a classroom set for EE3. I was so excited to be a part of EE3 this year. I had been a fan of EE1 and EE2. We arrived and got ready for the video. I have always had difficulty doing my own make-up, so Ashley Edmonds helped me out…..she is amazing at doing make-up and she taught me so much about it.

After we were all dressed and ready, we got right to work. Here is a photo of most of us girls almost ready to shoot. We were trying to do an America’s next top model kind of a photo. Unfortunatly, not everyone is in it. Included in the photo is, me, Beverly Baci, Ashely Edmonds, Jessica Bangkok, Kylee Reese, Kay Richards, and Naomi Cruise.

Then we were ready for EE3. Clare Fonda played Miss. Fonda, our teacher and Lana played Principal Miller. Here are some photos from EE3.

Here are some photos after the shoot of me and Beverly, me and Kay Richards, me and Kylee Reese, and some of just me.

After our very very long day of shooting EE3, Me, Clare, the cameraman, Beverly, and Ashley all went out for an amazing dinner.

L.A. Part 2 – Second day of shooting

Day two of L.A. was just as fun and just as productive as day one. Ashley Edmonds arrived in the morning as she was going to be in EE3 and doing scenes for the new “call girls” site. She is a very organized, friendly, professional, and beautiful girl. I really liked getting to know her. Clare didn’t arrive to shoot until around 3pm, so we just relaxed and got to know each other for the morning an afternoon. When Clare and the cameraman arrived, we prepared to shoot. We shot for the new site and we did a scene for Spanked Sweeties. For the “call girl” site, I spank Ashley for selling out me, her friend, for a finder’s fee. Mama Clare shows up and doesn’t like that I have taken matters into my own hands. She spanks me for spanking Ashley and then she spanks us both and when she leaves, Ashley gets back at me. I know, a lot of spanking…..but oh what fun we had.

After we shot for “call girls” we were each interviewed for Spanked Sweeties and then did a mother daughter scene where we played sisters and Clare played our mom. We were having a pillow fight and made too much noise. Our mother, Clare, was downstairs having a meeting and was called up to the room because complaints came that her daughters were being too loud. She spanks us both for being too loud in the hotel.


After our afternoon and evening shooting, we all went out for some dinner.

Here is a photo of Clare Fonda, me, Beverly Baci, and Ashely Edmonds.