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Vacation at the Beach!

I am on vacation this weekend at the beach with my dad’s side of the family. We luckily have internet at the house we are renting and my family likes to go to bed really early, so I have the place to myself at night basically. Yay, blogging time! I did manage to get some nice photos of me on the beach today and then some later in my room using the self-timer on my camera. It isn’t the best quality camera, but I am getting a better one soon. I love wearing bikinis and going to the beach. I can hardly believe this is my first time this summer. Hopefully I will get a nice tan to go back to school with in the fall. Well, enjoy the pictures. Sorry that I didn’t put up any bare bottoms yet, maybe next time. But, you get a lot of that anyways, so enjoy these for now.

On the beach

Trying to take pictures of myself

And then in my room

Edited to add a few more shots

Cute Critters

So, as well as sharing with you the stories of my spanking life, I will share other parts too, so you can get to know me. I wanted to create a post for my pets. I LOVE animals. My father is a vet and I have grown up around animals my whole life. I had these two dogs up until last summer. They passed away within a few months of each other. The golden retriever (Sasha) was 10 years old and the beagle (Marci) was 9 years old. We got Sasha as a puppy from a breeder and Marcie was given up by her owners so we adopted her. Here are a couple pictures of them.

Here is Marcie

Here is Sasha

Sammy was my dad’s dog, but I got to spend time with him a lot when I was at my father’s house. He was a yellow lab. He passed away last summer.

Here is Sammy

My current pets are my dog, Molly and my guinea Pig, Piglet (nickname: Piggles). Molly was a stray found by animal control and brought to my dad’s vet hospital. I fell in love with her. She is part beagle, but we are not sure what other breeds, maybe part terrier. My mom has had her since last summer and she is mine when I am living with my mom, which I am right now for the summer.

Here she is

And, Piglet

Costume fun

I love costumes. Dressing up in cute and sexy costumes and posing for the camera is always something that I have loved to do. I always put a lot of thought into my Halloween costumes every year and take advantage of every other opportunity I have to dress up in a cute/sexy costume. I love the sexy versions of popular Disney and Fairytale characters and I also love coming up with my own costumes. I have found that for people with various fetishes, costumes become a natural part of things. As a spanking model, I love when the scene calls for a cute outfit/costume. A costume that I have gotten to wear in many spanking scenes have been the common school girl outfit. Amber Pixie Wells does a series on Punished Brats where she and other members of the brats team get spanked as popular Fairytale characters, such as snow white, Little Red Riding Hood, and Gretle . Maybe one day I can play a fairytale character. Some other fun roles I think would be to play a Cheerleader, Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and get spanked by either Auntie Em or the Wicked Witch and Cinderella by her Mean Step Mother. Hmmmmm……maybe that will happen one day. Here are some photos of me in various costumes over the years.

These next photos were taken back in March on my first trip to L.A. to shoot for Clare Fonda in the video Call me First from Girl Spanks Girl. The house that we shot at had a room full of costumes…..boy was I in heaven. Chloe Elise who also starred in Call Me First, and I had a lot of fun trying the various costumes on and taking pictures of each other. Here are some from that set.

Final fun in L.A.

So, I have posted on all of my shoots that I did while I was in L.A., but I did a lot more besides shooting for Girls Spanks Girl, Spanked Sweeties, Good Spanking, and the all new Spanked Call Girls. I went to the Hollywood Wax Museum, strolling along Hollywood Blvd., Santa Monica Pier, Hiking with Chelsea, and out to some nice dinners. I am going to post some of my favorite photos from all the above mentioned activities. I hope you like them.

Here are a couple favorites from the Wax Museum.

And of course I had to get a picture in front of Frederick’s of Hollywood.

Clare Fonda and I went to Santa Monica Pier.

And finally I went Hiking with Chelsea Pfeiffer. It was actually really difficult as I am not used to hiking. My whole body ached the next few days, worse than my poor bottom did from all the spanking. It was really beautiful though to look out over the mountain as we hiked.

We were so so so tired from the climb up…

Also, I got the privilege of being thrown over Chelsea’s knee for some spanking photos at “Pixie’s Peak” You can see Amber Pixie Wells get spanked on this famous peak on Good Spanking.

Out to dinner with Chelsea.

Chillin’ at Chelsea’s with her and Clare Fonda.

GOODBYE L.A……I hope we meet again soon!

Amber Pixie Wells’; my spanking role model

As many of you know, I met Amber Pixie Wells’, fellow spanking model, on my first Punished Brats shoot about a year and a half ago. I must tell you that she is such a sweet, intelligent, talented, accomplished, beautiful, and motivated young woman (but you all already know that). In her blog, she really lets her readers, fans, and friends into her thoughts, inner world and tells them just what they want to hear about her life, her shoots, and her adventures (and shows them just the right photos.) Over the past year and a half we have grown to become friends and I really cherish that friendship. Though it is hard to see each other in person because we live so far away, we manage to talk often. She has inspired me from day #1 to be the spanking model/actress that I am today. When I first met her and watched her on camera I was taken aback by her passion, at how much she gets into it, and how much she puts into it. She can take a hard spanking and she is also a wonderful actress, though when she is really being spanked that hard she doesn’t have to act as much, it is more just about staying character and reacting to the pain how that character would react. I like to think of myself as following in her footsteps along my journey in the spanking world. Some girls who do spanking, are not as much into it as she is, she is a true spanko. When I started I didn’t think I was a spanko, I was just trying out something that I thought I might like and could make a few bucks off of it. After my first shoot, I knew I was a spanko and could not wait to get my next spanking. Since then I have traveled to the other side of the country and back three times. Though, I love going to L.A. and Las Vegas, I hope that my next shoot will be with my Punished Brats family, The people who got me started. Thanks Pixie. Thanks David Pierson and Eric. (My PB family). I love you guys.

One of my favorite scenes that I did for Punished Brats was called ‘President’s Daughters’ Pixie and I got to be in this scene together. I hadn’t been in a scene with her up until this scene. It was really fun to be able to be on camera with Pixie and do such a fun scene. We played the part of sisters who went out and had a “wild and crazy” night out on the town. Our father, the president, had ordered his agents to spank us for being so wild. That is the basis for the scene, you should check it out on Punished Brats.

Me and Pixie getting spanked.

Here is a favorite photo of mine of me and Pixie.