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As most of you know, I am big into musical theater. I am a singer and actress. I love to be on stage just as much as I love to be in front of the camera. I am curious to know what people think when they see a spanking video that has a great spanking, but not the best acting as far as the scene goes vs. having the acting be wonderful. Does it make a difference in the “spanking world” as far as ability to act or is watching a good spanking all that matters? I know that a great spanking is what all spankos are into, but what about the theatrical aspect of it? I was drawn to doing the spanking videos because I have a passion for theater and love to get spanked, so put the two together and there I am.

These thoughts are raised in my head right now only because I was recently in a theater production. We closed the show this weekend after 2 months of rehearsals and 2 weekends of performances. We did the show “Princess Ida” by Gilbert and Sullivan. It was really a great experience and I met lots of amazing and wonderful people who I will be friends with forever. I was thinking how amazing it is that whenever I do a spanking shoot, I make lasting friendships, as whenever I am in a theater production, I make lasting friendships. I just think this is cool that the two places I feel most comfortable can come together when I do a spanking video (theater and spanking)

Well, here are a couple photos from the show….my make-up looks very weird because it was stage make-up so the stage lights wouldn’t wash me out.



Note about donations

Well, I have had a few emails and comments suggesting this idea, and if I may say so myself, it sounds like a cool idea. As you all know, I have a donations button on my page. I use this money to help me out with travel expenses and other costs that I may have to cover on my shoots. This blog is also a domain I paid for and so the money helps with the site costs as well. The more you give, the more you see. I am hoping to get back to the west coast again to work more with Clare and Chelsea and this money will help me a lot. So here is the plan. I have topless photos. Some are bondage, some glam. I have spoken with my photographer and he is cool with this idea. Anyone who donates a fair donation, I will personally email a few topless photos to. The larger the donation, the more photos you will receive. Sound fair? This might not be for everyone, so I understand if you can’t donate and it isn’t your thing. Since I don’t technically have my own paid site, this is the only way I feel that I can allow others to see me partially nude, since I don’t want the whole world to see.

Again, if this isn’t you thing, it is cool, if it is, that is awesome. Hope this pleases some of my dear fans.

Photo by DOB Photography

*Edited to add more detail*

Ok, here’s the deal. I have spoken with some of my fellow spanking buddies and I think that for every $25 donated I will send you 12 photos. So, if you were to donate $25, I would spread out my sending of photos to you over a month by sending three photos a week, kind of like being a member on a site. How’s that? I need you to promise though that my photos will not end up somewhere on the internet, please! I am going to put my name and a copyright across the photos as well, just so you know.

Woodland Modeling

Well, as promised, here are some of the lovely photos that Pixie took of me on our afternoon frolic in the woods. We had a great time. Luckily the weather held up, though we had some dark looking clouds at one point give us a scare. Pixie is a wonderful photographer as well as model. She knew just where to tell me to go and what would look best. We even did some shots together with the timer, which I will include in another post. But enjoy these photos from our frolic.

Pixie’s Wedding

What an amazing weekend I had. I spent Thursday night hanging out with my dear friend, Amber Pixie Wells, at her house. We had so much fun talking, hiking, frolicking in the woods, having a pillow fight, going out to eat, and just spending time together. It was so hard to keep my mouth closed as to why I was visiting her for the weekend. I bet you all thought we were doing a shoot….hehe. Well as you know now, I was there to celebrate her wedding with her. She posts about it on her blog. Friday, we all went out to have our nails done, then I helped Pixie with her hair. Saturday was the big day. Pixie was such the princess. Her dress could not have been more perfect. The joy, contentment, and love from her face were radiating all around her. I kept saying, she could be on the cover of a bridal magazine. Her hubby looked so very handsome too. Just like a fairy tale wedding. She found her prince and they are living happily ever after.

As you can see from Pixies blog, our pillow fight was very fun. And spanking is not what happened when us two brats got together. It was a pillow fight. Maybe there would have been some spanking if we had a top around Thursday night. As you know Pixie is 100% a bottom and being a bottom is my preference, even if I have been seen topping in the past.

Here are a couple more pics from our time Thursday night. Oh, and there might be some of us frolicking in the woods to come later.

And then the wedding (photos include, me, Pixie, David Pierson, Beverly Bacci, and Richard Windsor)

And I caught the bouquet

Mmmm, it was chocolate rassberry

The spanking buddy gang