Category Archives: Uncategorized

My dominant side discovered…

Well, I know I am posting another post on the same day and I don’t usually do that…but I was so excited to get the news out about my latest shoot on a website that is different than spanking. As promised here are some photos for my shoot with……get ready…….Scissor Vixens. This shoot was different than what I usually do, but I like to try new things that I am comfortable with, and well scissoring guys sounded weird at first, but I realized how fun it was and discovered the dominant side of me more. Plus, the people who I worked with from the site were so cool and we had a lot of fun talking and working together. As always, I love to make new friends on shoots and I did that yet again.

Although don’t get any big ideas…..I am a sub/bottom at heart when it comes to spanking. Check it out and let me know what you think. Don’t worry though, I am not leaving the spanking world….never ever.




Shoot with DOB Photography

I had yet another shoot this past weekend with my photographer Dick Obrien. He gave me a cd with all the images he shot of me a month or so ago and also emailed me a few from the weekend. The new ones I will save for a surprise later…as some of them are for Christmas…hehe. I also shot with a new website and it is not spanking….hmmm what could it be? I am going to also keep that a secret until the website puts me in their updates then I will tell you all about it and link you there. Keep posted and enjoy these photos.

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Thank you!

Thank you all so very much for all your thoughts and words of wisdom. It really meant a lot to me to read your comments. I go back and re-read them when I get down on myself and they will always be there for me. Things are going a little bit better. My mother is still not coming around….and for those of you who wanted to know it was because I am a waitress at a strip club and apparently that makes me a “horrible daughter” and I apparently have “no Judgement” and my father is an “unfit” father” for allowing me to have such a job and looking the other way. (all stated by my mother) Anyways, enough of that.

I know that things mostly seem to work out and get better. I have had experience with this as far as I can remember. I have to remind myself that I must go through pain to come out of it….you can’t go around it. Coming out two years ago was difficult…but I did it. My parents were always accepting of that, and for that I am grateful. But, other choices such as choosing to work in a club and being a spanking star….I know they would not accept….my point proven when I told my mom about my job at the club. But I KNOW this is what makes me happier than ever. The vanillas in my life who know about my spanking stuff totally respect me for it…yea they might not all understand it but they think it is great that I am doing what makes me happy and they can all see it does. For those vanillas that wouldn’t accept or support me, I choose not to tell them.

I am so glad that I am a spanko and I feel so welcomed and loved in this scene. I am glad that you all like to watch me get spanked and spank. I am also a huge fan of so many spanking stars. I look up to everyone I have worked with and have so much respect for each and everyone of them.

Is it hard for you all to tell your friends and family about your spanking fetish…or that you do spanking videos (if you are on the web)? Who do you tell and who not….how do you make that choice? How would you handle it if the people you loved most didn’t accept it and talked down to you about it? I am curious to know the answers to these questions from you.

(and just a hint of how 2009 is going to start for me….LOT OF SPANKING SHOOTS!!!!….so get ready)

And just to give you a look at what a lot of you come here to see… spanked bottom…here ya go!

See me get spanked this week by the lovely Clare Fonda on Spanked Call Girls

And I will also be getting a good “mommy” spanking from Clare Fonda this week on Spanked Sweeties

And finally, check me out getting a spanking from Chelsea Pfeiffer in a Chelsea Spanks session at Good Spanking.

It isn’t always what it seems to be

I am going through a rough patch in my life right now. Trying to find my place in this crazy world. I feel close enough to my friends on here to post a little about it. Things have just been hard with my family and having them not accept me and my choices in life (not about the spanking). Feeling like a failure and trying to find myself. It has been two years since I came out and I still struggle with the feelings that come with knowing I am different. Sure, some days it feels great and I love it, but others, I just can’t not think of all the could have beens if I wasn’t gay. But I am and RADICAL ACCEPTANCE is huge. There are so many things that I have to accept to keep going and that is one of the many. I have to accept the fact that my mother thinks I am a failure, that she hates my father, that grad school was too difficult for me to finish so I left it, that I am 24 and still don’t have a “real career” That I might not have kids (I wanted them so much for so long and then lost the desire one day) that I may not find the woman of my dreams, that I may never find a town to live in that makes me feel happy, that people will always leave me cause they do. No matter how close you get to someone, there is always the chance that they too will leave and that sadness and inner torment can screw with all possible relationships. Accepting the pain and hurt that we go through in life is hard. I am not saying I have had a hard life or horrible childhood. My parents loved me, I had friends, went to public schools, took dance classes, all that…but I have always had down thoughts and feelings. Being part of this spanking world has helped me tremendously like one could never ever know. It makes me feel safe and like I have a place in the world. I have people like David Pierson, Pixie Amber Wells, Abigail Whitaker, Audrey Knight, Miss Chris, Jenni Mac and Chris and Sasha and others whom I have met through my spanking endeavors to call when I get to a hard place and I feel like stopping and jumping off the rollercoaster I am on in my life. So in the spirit of Thanksgiving, thanks to those who care for me enough to offer themselves as my friend in my times of darkness. I can’t express how much it means to me to have you all there for me when no one else is. Stuff just sucks right now and it will get better, but it is the waiting and the stress in the meantime that is killing me.

Happy Spanksgiving!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. I am home with my family. I can’t write a lot as they are in the other room…hehe. I am thinking of all my fans and friends on here. Thanks for all the love and support. I am thankful today for all of you. Without you all, I would not be the spanking star I am.

Hugs and Spanks, Sarah