I hope you have a spanktastic Valentine’s Day. I am going out to dinner with my former ex, now friend as I hate to spend the day alone as it has always been a special day for me. It is the first year since I was a sophomore in high school that I have not had a partner on this day. We are also going to bake heart shaped cookies together….mmmm! I will go to my morning yoga class as well. That is a summary of how my day will go. How will you spend your Valentine’s Day?
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It is confirmed….
That I am going to the Shadow Lane party. I have purchased my plane ticket and party ticket, so I will see you there. I can’t wait to meet those of you who will be attending and I can’t wait to see my spanking buddies who will be there.
My birthday party went really well. Besides drinking too much and being sick the whole next day (oops) I had a good time. We went to the strip club that I am a shot girl at and had a wild and crazy night.
Afterwards when we got home, I brought out all my spanking implements to show off to my friends…..yes I told my friends about it and my cousin. I talk when I am drunk….lol. Well I guess alot of people would. My cousins girlfriend and I had a little bit of fun playing with my implements. Although there were no “real” spankings involved as much as I wish there would have been….I sitll had fun showing off my wise array of spanking toys.
Time for Birthday Spankings…
Well, I can hardly believe I am yet another year older. I swear I still feel like I am 21. But I feel like everyone feels younger than they are to some point. I am 25 today! Yay for me. I hope someone decides to give me a birthday spanking…we’ll see. If not on my birthday than I know a few people I could go to after the fact and insist. I will let you know. This coming weekend I am celebrating with a lot of my friends and I am looking forward to that a lot.
What have I been up to lately?
I cam home from California to find a bunch of packages on my bed. I opened the first package from my good friend Amber Pixie Wells and there was a Christmas stocking. I looked inside and pulled out lots of cute panties. You will have to wait to see some of them in my next shoots. I opened the second package from Chloe Elise and came across……guess what it was?…………..one really nice pair of panties!!! and a really cute bee keychain that says on the back…”Beelieve in Yourself” which is something I don’t do a lot of the time, so it was perfect for me. The next package was from Cane-IAC. They sent me some implements to try out. Since they are using a photo of me on their website, they offered to send me some implements in return. They sent three different OTK canes and a leather strap to add to my small implement collection that is slowly growing…yay….well yay to those who get to use them on me. Here is my collection so far:
Brat Paddle given to me from Abigail Whittaker for Christmas.
Pink Heat it Up Paddle given to me from Audrey Knight.
I have been slowly unpacking. When I got home, my dresser completely broke, as in the drawers would no longer open and all my clothes were stuck. I had to pull the thing apart and search for a new one. Luckily I found one on Craig’s list, so I got it and now I can put my clothes away. That was stressful.
I did another photo shoot with Dick OBrien. Here are a few shots. We had a good day and did many sets.
I have also been planning a couple of Birthday Parties for myself….yes two. I am going to go out on my Birthday which is Feb. 5th with a bunch of people from the play I was in. Then I planned a party for myself at the strip club I am a shot girl at. I invited all my friends from college and hometown where I grew up. They should both be very fun and I am looking forward to celebrating being 25!
And finally….I am planning my trip to the Shadow Lane Party. Yes I am pretty sure that I am going. So, getting the details in line for that has been taking some of my time as well. I am still accepting any donations to help with expenses on my spanking travels…..and yes I will send you photos as well. This blog post explains it. I have lots of new photos to send you for your donations!
Hugs and Spanks, Sarah
California wrap up……one very very long blog post!
Wow, I was out on the west coast since before Christmas. I am home now and gearing up for another semester of courses, working, and living the ahhhhh….everyday “normal” life. I did have a nice break from school. I had enough down time, fun time, and of course shooting time while in California. I was part of many spanking shoots for Spank that Brat, Abigail Whittaker.com, Miss Audrey Spanks, Girl Spanks Girl, My Spanking Roommate, Spanked Sweeties, The Spanking Digest, and Good Spanking. I also had a lot of fun exploring the many sights to see in Southern California. I also made so many wonderful new friends. Abigail and I grew especially close and I know that I have a friend for life in her.
On one of the few sunny and nice days, we took a drive through the beautiful beach town of Laguna.
The beautiful and sexy Abigail Whittaker
On another nice day we went to San Diego to the Birch Aquarium, Balboa Park, and walked around by the beach in La Jolla. I saw so many seals on the beach and in the water. We lucked out with the nice sunny weather. It had been so cold for many days, so to have this weather was wonderful.
Sarah and Abi eaten by a shark…..ahhhhh!!!!
Riding the Carousel at Balboa Park….it really is as fun as it looks
Sassy Jane and Chris rented me and Abigail a car for the last few days so her and I could have some time to go out together. We took a trip over to Santa Monica Pier, rode the ferris wheel, and watched the beautiful sunset from the top of it.
Abigail and I also took the car over to L.A. to meet up with Clare Fonda to see her comedy show. Clare is such the funny gal……we had so much fun!!!!
After Abigail left to go and shoot for Firm Hand, I still was out here for another few days to shoot and see more attractions. Audrey Knight arrived a few days before Abigail left so that they could shoot for Spank that Brat. After Abi left, I had some time to hang out with Audrey. Me, Chris, Sassy, and Audrey all went to Disneyland on my last weekend in California. It was sad to go without Abigail, but she had another shoot to get to. It was fun hanging with Audrey and getting to know her a little better. She is really fun to be around. We went on some fun and crazy rides. I get really scared, I mean really scared and sometimes even cry when the ride is too scary. I went on Splash Mountain and I was freaking out at the big drop. I don’t know why I get so scared. It is like my stomach gets in all these crazy knots and my heart goes into my throat and I go into this silent shock where I can’t move and then the ride is taking me all over and I can’t even keep my eyes open. Then the tears begin to roll down my face out of terror and anxiety and then all I can think is, when will this ride stop. Then after I am so proud of myself for doing it. I don’t know why I put myself through it, but I do and it does give me a huge thrill and get me into the moment and out of my stressful life. My favorite rides had to be Space Mountain, Indiana Jones, and the Bobsleds. I am a huge Disney fan. My favorite Disney Characters are Winnie the Pooh, Cinderella, Belle, Ariel, Mary Poppins, Minnie Mouse, and Piglet.
And alas……what you all come here for…..spanking. Well, now that you have read my super long blog post that had nothing to do with spanking……I am throwing in a tid bit at the end that may spark your interest. Audrey Knight asked me if I would shoot a short scene on my last day for her site, Miss Audrey Spanks. I was unsure if I could or not because I was pretty marked and sore from my Chelsea Pfeiffer shoot the day before. Audrey and I talked about it and she decided that we would have it be more of a “sensual” caning to sort of introduce me to it since I had never really been caned. It was a realistic scene where I asked Miss Audrey to “play” and give me a light spanking and caning so I could experience it. It was also more like a therapeutic spanking. I was so emotionally drained from my long trip away and feeling tired and worn out. I couldn’t react as much as usual being as out of it as I was….but it makes for a good scene. You can see it on Miss Audrey Spanks in the near future.
All the canes used were made by the wonderful people over at Cane-IAC