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And onto Paddles we went

The train ride into the city went quickly as Lisa and I were chatting way…well I was chatting away, and getting to know each other. When we arrived in New York, we were greeted by Lisa’s good scene friend, Steve. He had been a fan of mine and he was very excited to meet me, well I was excited to meet him too as I had heard such great things about him. As we were walking in Grand Central, we saw HUGE posters advertising my favorite show, Wicked. Lisa and I just had to pose together in front of the two posters.

Off to the bathroom we went to change out of our street clothes and into cute party outfits.

I had no idea what to expect at a BDSM club, as I had never been to one before. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. Luckily I had the opportunity to meet some fellow spanking friends before the party at the pe-party Munch…hehehe (the word munch reminds me of the video game pacman.) Anyways, Lisa and I took a cab over to the diner where we were meeting. We were there early and there were only two people there, Cassandra and Rad. They are very close friends with Lisa and I was so excited to meet them and be able to sit near them. I had been friends with Cassandra on myspace and ever since, I had wanted to meet her and it was so great to be able to do that finally. I felt comfortable right away, as I tend to do with my spanking buddies. I got right to chatting away…as I tend to do a lot. For those of you who have never met me, beware….I will talk your ear off….lol.

Me and Lisa at the diner. I had just went to the bathroom to finish putting on my party outfit.

Well, soon after “A” showed up with Marie and others showed up one a a time over the next 15 minutes or so. I recognized Marie right away and said to her “Wow, you look so familiar” She looked at me and said, “I am Kate James, the spanking model” I knew I recognized her and there she was, Kate James. She had a really nice and sweet personality. “A” had been Lisa’s friend and I had heard so much about her and how we were so similar. We were going to be staying at her place after the party. I made her come right over and sit next to me and we hit it off great. People asked, “so you two already know each other?” we were like, no we just met. It was funny cause we acted like best friends within minutes of meeting. Though it might never happen, I fantasize about moving to NYC and if I ever do, I would totally live with “A.” We would be great roommates. Two actresses, singers, hard wired spankos, and of course brats.

After we got some food in out stomachs, we walked a few blocks to the club.

Yes, that is a heart on the end of a crop sticking out of my bag.

I have no shame in others seeing what I have on me. The crop wouldn’t fit in, so sticking out, it had to be. I bet all the vanillas we passed were jealous on the inside. I was also wearing hot pink “f#@k me heels” as Marie put it ,and got quite the looks and compliments on the shoes and dress. Yes, for those of you who don’t know, it is fun for me to walk by and know I am turning heads. I am not an “attention whore”, meerly someone who enjoys attention. I bet a lot of people feel the same way, but would never admit it.

When we got to the club, we paid and went inside. It was lit very darkly and Lisa showed me around. There were very nice pieces of furniture perfect for spanking. This included, leather tables, chairs, and benches of different types. There were also cages and other chains and cuffs hanging all around. It looked like a dungeon. I had never been anywhere like this and was in amazement over it.

And so the night progressed with me getting one spanking after another. I would be lucky if ten minutes went by between my spankings. I just couldn’t get enough, and apparently others couldn’t get enough of watching my bottom turn all sorts of shades of pink.

Lisa spanking me…as she did many times that day and nightdsc04808

and an action shot…..OUCH!

That didn’t feel so good…..pout!

The lovely and stern Cassandra giving me a spanking, and very hard I might add

I can honestly say that I had a wonderful night as well as an emotionally draining night. All of my spankings from Lisa made me cry not just from physical pain, but due to the emotional cleansing and head space I was in. After an intense spanking from her, I felt drained, tired, and completely a mess as all my make-up seemed to come off with the tears. I felt unattractive but was assured that I still looked amazing despite the puffy eyes, and “cry face” as I put it. After I was spanked, I also felt very light and like I just wanted to curl up and close my eyes for a little bit and so I did. “A” and Lisa would stroke my hair while I rested after my spankings which really helped.

So, now what you have all been waiting for….me to tell you about the REALEST spanking that I have ever received. I mean REALEST DISCIPLINE spanking. Well, after 10pm, it wasn’t just OTK night anymore. Many other people started to arrive who had interests in all sorts of different aspects of the fetish and BDSM world, not just spanking. A very nice man asked me if I would like a foot massage. It was the rule to ask Lisa first before playing with others, so I did. She said it was ok for me to do that, but that was it. I went off with him and he gave me a wonderful foot massage and then asked me at the end if I would mind standing on his chest. I didn’t think anything of it and said, “ok.” Then, another man approached me as I was putting my shoes back on and asked me if I would do the same for him, but with my heels on. I was conflicted at first because I was supposed to ask Lisa, but I also felt bad saying no as he seemed very nice. I didn’t exactly understand at the time what I was doing, which I now know that they thought I was a “dom.” Then as I was walking on this guy, he asked me to do more and I said that I couldn’t and I had to get back to my TOP. He replied, “Oh, you are a sub….I see.” And off I rushed to find Lisa. At that moment, “A” approached me and told me something personal about the situation and how that guy wasn’t a good person. I felt really really guilty all of a sudden and sat down at the table on the booth and hid my face and began to cry. I couldn’t stop crying. It felt like my chest was caving in on itself. People asked if I was tired and if I was falling asleep and I just shook my head no. “A” offered to explain it to Lisa for me and told me it would be ok. I agreed and then I saw through my curls Lisa approach me and slide into the booth. She grabbed my chin and made me look her in the eye and tell her what I did. She knew how bad I felt and how guilty I felt, but that didn’t stop her from grabbing my wrist and dragging me out and across the room into a back room. She sat me on small bench and went to get a chair. She then through me over her lap and pulled down my panties and gave me the hardest bare bottom spanking that I have ever received. I was in hysterics at that point and didn’t know the difference between implements and just could feel pain. My whole body was shaking and then I went limp. She spanked me until she felt it was enough and pulled me up and just held my head in her lap and let me cry. I cried so much. I kept saying to her, “I ruined everything, didn’t I?: and “Do you hate me?” and “Are you mad at me?” She assure me that she could NEVER hate me and no she wasn’t mad anymore and that I didn’t ruin anything and she would always be there for me and wouldn’t abandon me. I have struggled my whole life with issues of abandonment and loss and couldn’t handle someone leaving me again as so many do. She just held me and then it was all ok. I was ok, she was ok, and we went on with our night and had a good rest of the night, well what was left of it, that was. I can’t say that I liked this kind of a spanking….but I know why I got it and I know I deserved it. In the end it helped her and I to both get past things and be ok. My guilt and her anger were both set to rest through that spanking.

The long overdue meeting

As most of you who have been following my blog know, I have been looking for a special woman, a mentor and top. Someone within driving distance who has that maternal flare and can give me what I crave and need. Well, look no further, I have found her. Lisa is one of the most genuine amazing woman I have met in a long time. She has not only taken me under her wing, but she has introduced me to all her amazing friends and brought me into the social spanking scene more. I had been afraid to make that move on my own, being the naive youngin’ that I am who can sometimes be very trusting and too trusting of others at times. I know that under the care of Lisa in these large social situations I am safe IF I follow her rules and stick by her side. She is a wonderful, yet stern woman who is never afraid to take a brat like me over her lap and give a hard and I mean hard spanking to when necessary. My cute and pleading protests don’t fool her and certainly don’t get me out of a spanking. I TRUST her and know she has my best interest at heart. Thank you “mommy” for being there for me, for letting me cry in your arms and over your lap, for listening to me, and correcting my bad behavior, as well as giving me the lighter spankings I want so much too. I know I may be rude and bratty at times and I am sorry.

And so the saga begins…….

It is Saturday morning and I was up earlier than I expected. I drove the rental (yes rental as my car broke) to Lisa’s. It took a little over an hour to get there and I did not even speed, which I usually do by the way….but I promised her I wouldn’t and I don’t break promises. When I pulled into her driveway, she came outside and greeted me with a huge smile and a warm hug. I felt loved instantaneously. I had awaited this moment since we had started talking online months earlier. I felt the brisk chill of the air roll over me as we walked into her cute house side by side. I said “oh gee, I am going to be cold today.” and she stated back to me “no coat?” and so the mothering began.

She showed me around her cute lovely decorated house. It was so cozy and I felt so comfortable. When we go to the living room, she said, “no better way to break the ice than a spanking.” She sat down on the couch and told me to “come here” and took down my tight fitting blue jeans. She guided me over her lap and my cute bottom was raised over it so perfectly. She commented on how cute my little blue stripped panties were and she started to spank me. I felt at home and loved right away. It was a getting to know you spanking. She was also addressing some personal issues that I had discussed with her and spanking me for some of them. It wasn’t a hard spanking, but still one that got the point across. She spanked me then on my bare bottom and put me in the corner and told me not to move. I felt very scared and didn’t move an inch, which is very rare for me. I was being controlled for real, but in a good and needed way. She then came over and had me look at her and she told me it was ok and she just looked into my eyes and I felt the tears start, but I held back for some reason and I think she could tell. She just hugged me and said, “oh Sarah, it is ok, you can cry” I still held back. I knew though the next time I would not, as I now felt more trusting and knew that I could let go if I needed to. Even though she assured me it was ok that first time, something in me held it back. We then sat down and talked some more. It was a nice morning. I had brought a cd with me of my vocal recording for her and we listened to it, oh yea I am a singer too for those of you who don’t know.”

After we listened to the cd, I was very anxious to go for a walk to the old, boarded up school building from the early 1900s she had spoken to me about previously. It was on the lot next to her house. I love old buildings and the photographer in me jumps for joy when surrounded by artsy chaos in fallen down broken buildings.

We started to walk around the school house and I had my fancy Nikon D60 to take photos. She took a lot of photos of me in various places among the debris



and I took a lot of artistic photos of broken glass chards and boarded up windows and old spray painted signs warning children not to play on the playground unsupervised.


As we were walking, I saw a long stairwell down to a few landings with some really cool looking debris scattered.

I so wanted to get down as far as I could and take photos. Lisa saw how unsafe it could be down there and how many diseases probably lived there and told me sternly NOT to go past the first landing, only then she turned the corner, so guess what I did? Well, Lisa came back and saw me crouched down among the broken glass shards, and other not so nice pieces of garbage and before she could get in a “young lady” I blurted out…” hey us artists, we suffer for our art, and I suffer for my art!!!” She said, “young lady, you will suffer for your art,” and so goes my outdoor spanking.

All in all, it was a fun time. Pretty soon she said we had to get going as we didn’t want to miss out train into the big city…..I protested for a little, but soon realized she was right we had to go, the building would be there next time I was to head out her way. So on our way to Paddles we went……

(you can read more about me and Lisa’s spanking adventures together at her blog.)

Quick weekend update

It is almost 1:30am on Sunday night/Monday morning. I got back about an hour ago from my weekend in NYC. I had a lot of fun and a lot of spankings. I experiences one of my first “real” discipline spankings. I cried for real like I never have. I will write more about it when I have more time to really focus and am not so tired and worm out. It was intense. I also got to meet some really nice people in the social spanking scene as well as other celebs. I met the cute and super nice Kate James and the beautiful and stern Cassandra Park. I also got to spend the whole weekend with my mentor, Lisa. I will be attending the SSNY party on the 18th with Lisa as well. I am really looking forward to that. I have to wait a whole two weeks……..boohoo! At that party I will get to hang out with Kate James again as well as many other new spanking friends. My friends David Pierson and Amber Pixie Wells from Punished Brats will also be there and I am so excited to see them and help out with their booth a little bit. I have to be careful that weekend not to get marked as I will be back shooting with Punished Brats FINALLY the following weekend, the 25th, and I am so very looking forward to it as I have not worked with them since December of 2007. I have already talked with my Top Lisa and she understands that and knows that as naughty as I may be, a real hard spanking will have to be put on the back burner that weekend. However, that does not mean that I won;t get spanked st all and let me tell you, even the medium spankings that don’t mark me as much still hurt very very much.

Laying across Kate, Cassandra, and Lisa……what an honor it is!dsc04804

My mentor, Lisa, spanking me

Kate James and me cheek to cheek

NYC, here I come!

Off to the big and beautiful city of New York on Saturday to attend my very first PaddlesNYC party. I recently found out about this BDSM club and that the first Saturday night of each month is spanking night…whoohoo! I am going to be attennding this coming Saturday night with my new spanko “TOP” mentor/friend Lisa. She has been going for years and I feel so honored to have been invited to go with her. She has told a lot of her spanking friends that I am going with her and has gotten quite a positively strong response…. for example one friend stated, “WOW, no way, you are coming with THE Sarah Gregory, that is amazing, I am so excited to meet her.” Well, you can only imagine how good that made me feel. I don’t have the best of confidence at times and it feels amazing to know that I am wanted somewhere, especially among my fellow spankos. I am looking forward to this weekend so very much. I will be sure to keep you updated when I get back with photos and plenty of stories.

Until then I will just be in the corner waiting for all my well deserved spankings…img_100small9

More about Shadow Lane

So, I have some more photos and stories to share from my Shadow Lane party experience. Thank you to all who commented and read my last post about the spanking I received from Mistress Stephanie Locke.

Saturday started with a day full of shooting. I shot for Clare Fonda’s sites, spanked call girls and Girl Spanks Girl. I had the pleasure of being spanked by Miss Andi a star of Northern Spanking and I also got to play the part of the sister of beautiful and cutie, Amy Hunter, also from Northern Spanking. We shot a video called Mothers and Daughers 2009 and this will be available to be viewed on Girl spanks girl in May.

Here are a couple of preview photos of from the video Mothers and Daughters



I also FINALLY received my long over due Birthday spanking from Clare Fonda. I couldn’t ask for more. It was great and of course stingy. We made this into a short clip that will be available on Spanked Sweeties this week.

The day before we shot a video for Spanked Call girls where I got to work with the lovely and stern Miss Chris for the second time in a video and play side by side the cute Jenni Mack again. I love working with these two and hope to many more times.

The bare spanked bottom is Jennie Mack’s

After getting spanked By Miss Andi and Clare Fonda, I headed over to the other hotel to shoot a short video for Northern Spanking., I had met them the night before and it was such an honor. I have wanted to work for them for quite some time, but it is difficult to travel all the way to Scotland for that. However, they would LOVE for me to come over there and shoot a day full of videos, so I am attempting to plan a trip to the UK sometime this summer to do a European spanking tour. Who knew that my bottom would bring me all the way there one day? If anyone would like to help fund this tour, they can donate. It would be so very much appreciated. Any companies that would like to book me, I am open to it, so make suggestions and offers. I hope to make it over there sometime in June or July.

Me and the girls of Northern Spanking at the Shadow Lane Banquet

Clare Fonda and I both planned to wear red to the party. As she put it, we were like Cabernet and Merlot, the perfect pair of hotties.

Miss Chris and Jenni were so cute dressed in 1960s costumes. What a perfect pair.

That wraps up my first Shadow Lane party experience. Thanks guys… was a blast and will be remembered forever.