Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Sarah Gregory Videos on the web

Hey ya’ll! Clare Fonda has recently released two new videos that I shot with her last time we worked together. My birthday spanking is now on Spanked Sweeties. I just turned 25 in real life and I asked Clare to give me my birthday spanking when we were out at the Shadow Lane party. She decided to make it into a cute video. It does portray some truth in I am always asking Clare to spank me when I am around her…heehee!

Free Preview Gallery


In addition….Mothers and Daughters ’09, the brand new domestic drama, premiers this week on Girl Spanks Girl. It stars Clare Fonda, Miss Andi, Amy Hunter, and me. Andi and Amy came all the way from the UK and both can be seen on Northern Spanking. This was a really fun video to shoot. I love playing the bratty daughter and I gave a good attitude in this one until the spanking really begun to hurt….then my apologies spilled out as I cried…”no mommy no, please, I am sorry”

Free Preview Gallery


You can join all of Clare’s sites with the Clare Fonda Pass special

Update….me and Lisa

Here is a portion taken directly from Lisa’s blog. I feel that she puts it best into words.

“I wish to update a bit about Sarah. She and I are dear friends..and I am more than happy to spank her when I can. We are not affixing any other labels on our unique ‘thing’…not D/s, not the mentoring thing, etc. We cleared the air..were VERY honest with each other about our mutual needs ..and all is well. She is am I. She knows my hand is always out to her ( in more ways than one. HA!) It opened up some really pertinent dialogue about labels, expectation, the meaning of “real” vs. role-play..etc. Ahh..those pesky ways in which us kinksters “define” ourselves.

As soon as Sarah and I became friends..I KNEW there’d be trouble by classifying our D/s “status” on Fetlife! So…we got rid of them..but then…mutually decided she would be my ‘little girl’ after all ..which is sweet and my being a ‘mommy’ is a LOT less pressure than being a “Top” or Mentor. Trying on that last ‘robe’ gave me a very real sense of heightened respect for those who have mentored ME..I will tell you that!” – Lisa

Just so you know, we both made this decision, there are no hard feelings and we still wish to remain close friends and attend lots more spanking parties together and hang out. She will still spank me when I need it as she sees fit…and hopefully when I just want it as well. She is very busy with her work, kids, dog, ect. and I have a lot going on too with school, work, theater, my modeling, traveling, ect. We still love each other, but choose not to define ourselves in the D/s relationship labels.

Fun times with Pixie

I just got back from a fun filled weekend long visit with one of my BEST friends, Amber Pixie Wells of Punished Brats. They booked me for a shoot this weekend and I wouldn’t choose to just come for the shoot and leave. I will write about my time shooting in my next post, but here I will focus on me and Pixie and the fun vanilla and not so vanilla times we had outside of the actual shoot on Saturday.

I was up bright and early Friday morning after a late night working at the club. But, I had a long bus ride ahead and knew I could get some more shut eye in, so I wasn’t too distressed over the lack of sleep. My ticket had me planned for a 6 hour bus ride with only one layover in NYC. When I got to New York, I was shocked to find out that the 1:05 to Jersey as no longer running and the website had not been update. I had to walk to 6 information windows to find this out. If I had my way, I would have loved to spank each and everyone who was rude to me and sent me away to ask someone else the same question. I would also like to spank the people in charge of updating the website with the bus schedule. Regardless, there was a later bus that would get me in at 4pm instead, so I had to take it. At least I would get there. Pixie was hoping I would get there with enough daylight left to do our planned activity of hiking in the woods and getting naked for some very artistic nude photos. Fortunatly, I did make it with just enough sunlight and not only that, but it was the perfect time of day for vibrant colors and shadows to be brought out more by a lower sun.


Log into the members section on Punished Brats to see more photos from this set in the bonus galleries.

After getting naked, climbing on dirty logs, walking barefoot through soggyish/crunchy leaves and twigs, wading in dirty slimy water, and squishing my feet an other parts of my body into green, wet, and mushy moss, we decided to call it a day and head out to a diner for dinner. As it was, we knew we had to have an early night as we would be shooting the next morning and had a 2.5 hour drive to meet up with David Pierson for the shoot.

On Sunday, we slept in a little later….well I did…and we had a slow relaxing day. We wanted to take advantage of the beautiful 87 degree weather. We went for a stroll down to the lake and walked along it towards a small local beach. We sat on the dock and put our feet in the water, swung on the swings and just talked and talked and talked. There is never a silent moment with us, unless of course one of us…meaning me, is running off of 2 hours of sleep as was the case Monday morning on out way to the bus stop. We did another outside photo shoot later in the afternoon. I posed in my blue and white dress.

(More photos from this set on Punished Brats)

And I explored the forest as only Dorothy would.

Peeking out from behind a tree to make sure there were no lions around and the wicked witch wasn’t following her.
(Photo also on Pixie’s blog)

You can read more about my time with Pixie over at her blog.

Sticktly Spanking NY part Deux…

Where did I leave off…..oh yes, my public spanking from Lisa. She has a way of spanking me like no one else does, where I just feel like that little girl being punished for something naughty….and I don’t even mean something really really bad, just simply mouthing off and acting bratty gets me an over the knee spanking and I need that. When she was spanking me, it was just me and her, even though I think others were watching. I was taking my spanking and internalizing it…on video I tend to be more vocal than in a real spanking for some reason.

Here is another great photo from this set

After the party, Lisa and I had a “small” get-together in our hotel room. We also were warned ahead of time of the fact that we could not have noise complaints…however, that seemed way to difficult to obey being we were a room of spankos. We only got three phone complaints…and after that we shut up. The third complaint wasn’t even for spanking noises, it was for the fact that I had been singing for the people in our room. I do a lot of musical theater and Lisa had asked if I would perform one of her and my favorites, ‘The Wizard and I” from Wicked and I agreed despite my having a slight cold. I love performing and I had a very receptive an engaged audience.

Here are some photos from the after party fun we had in our room…

First thing when we got back, me and Marie/Kate James had to wash our feet as they were very dirty from walking around at the party bare foot (my shoes hurt so I took them off).

Squeaky clean

I practiced my scissor moves that I learned from working for scissor vixens on Gary

I got my beloved light bedtime spanking from Lisa


AND Watched Chester perform many of his amazing card tricks

After a long fun night….we woke up to get ready for the brunch. Checkout time was at 11 and we left around 10:45 to make our way over to the cute little French restaurant in the Village. Cassandra planned and organized a wonderful post party brunch. I was very very tired and despite not being a morning person at all…I think I managed myself very well.

Me and Marie at the brunch

Me and The London Tanner

After I ate I rested for a little bit

After brunch…..many of the group went off their own ways. However, a small group of 7 of us decided to stay and just enjoy the nice weather outside walking through the Village. Marie knew of a really cute place to gt ice cream, called PinkBerry, and it was so yummy. We also went to a cute store called Rainbows and Triangles. I think that if I ever lived in the City I would want to live in The Village. It was just my style with all the cute stores, places to eat, and beautiful apartment buildings.



We really wanted to go to The Leather Man to scope out all the spanking implements and had to go 13 blocks to get there….which mind you took “only” a few hours due to all the stops on the way to take photos of each other, get ice cream, look in other stores, and just have some playful public spanking fun. At one point, Lisa and I acted out a short spanking clip which Gary filmed on his phone and my camera where we were just walking along and Lisa would swat me a few times before pulling me over her knee right there on the street and giving me a few swats for having an attitude to her. Let’s just say, some of the onlookers weren’t just smiling….we got some dirty looks too…lol. After we finally made it to The Leather Man, we looked and got some ideas for implements that we would like to purchase at later dates when we had the money. Lisa and I think we want to order from The London Tanner, as we know he has better quality than anything we could find in a store. Just waiting for the funds now. I really liked the smaller leather hairbrush OTK looking paddles…hint hint hint…heehee.

Me and Marie posing in front of a male Panty store…heehee.

And showing off our cute bottoms….wish we could have pulled down the pants…but didn’t want to risk getting in trouble.

At one point while waiting my feet got sore, so I just sat down…this is such a “me” thing to do.

All in all, this was one of the best days I have had in a really long time. Therer were no time constraints or stress…just a group of spanko friends enjoying a warm day in the City.

Strictly Spanking NY Party adventures Part 1

Well, it is Monday night (well actually early Tuesday morning) and I just got bqack from a night working at the club. I have a horrible head cold and sore throat. I felt it coming on all weekend and with the lack of sleep, over-excitement, and adrenaline rush, I woke up this morning practically unable to lift my head. Now with lots of cold meds and hot tea in me, I had one busy day. I wish I could rest more, but I was blessed with no such luck. I got my new car from the dealership (the only exciting part of my day) and then worked a night at the club….just what I want to be doing…NOT.

This weekend I had a blast at my first SSNY party.

My weekend went as follows, Friday night I drove to Lisa’s house in CT. We had a good night with some light spanking (didn’t want to be marked before the huge party) and got to sleep around midnight…..well I did, I was fast asleep before her. I already had a sore throat…grrrrr. Saturday morning we took the metro North into Grand Central station and was greeted by Lisa’s long time friend, Steve, who is such a gentleman and sweet man. He helped us get to our hotel and leave our bags off and then off we all went to Canal street for some shopping.


I love all the knock off brand names stuff, especially the purses. I bought one for my mother, as she had requested it, and a very real looking coach bag for me…..which I kept protesting “But, it is real!” to Lisa which annoyed her….lol. She also bought me a really cute ring with hearts on it.

After we crammed as much shopping as we could into our day, we had a quick bite to eat and went back to the hotel to get ready for our big night. Once we were dressed and ready…we took a few photos in our beautiful dresses.

We made a fashionably late entrance as none of us had written down the address and were going off of a general location…which I warn you is not a good idea. We eventually made it to the party only 45 minutes late.

I was super excited to see my Punished Brats friends and ran up to Pixie with such enthusiasm and gave her the biggest hug.

We chatted for a bit and then I scurried over to the Punished Brats table and gave Davis Pierson such a big hug and he even lifted me in the air for it. I had missed them so very much and consider them part of my family. I am so excited that I will be with them all again soon for my well overdue shoot. However, I was not off the hook for them having to postpone my last shoot…as I was under the weather and terribly marked up from my month on the west coast. David gave me a spanking for that. It was my first time being spanked by David actually.
I wanted to be ready for my huge debut of being spanked by a man on camera and I will do this next weekend with David.

I also saw my good friend Richard Windsor….who I had wanted to play with, but there just wasn’t enough time for all I wanted to do it seemed.
dsc04865Kate James.

One of the most important and long awaited moments also happened that night. I finally got to meet and be over the knee of the lovely and mesmerizing Tasha Lee from Bum Rap productions. She was the first person I confided in about my spanking fetish and helped to make me feel more comfortable weith myself through many exchanged messages online. We were writing almost everyday years back and it is because of her I was able to come out as a spanko and believe in who I was and persue to talk about my fetish with others and join the video scene.


More new people I met were Ian the London Tanner

and the super adorable Chester, a male spanking model who can be seen on Miss Audrey Spanks.

…And yes I did spank him in our hotel room after the party. My first time spanking a guy and who knew it could be so fun. But, don’t get any ideas guys….it was a one time thing to try and see what it is like. Maybe it will come up in my future more one day, but for now…don’t ask me to spank you if you are a guy.
I really branched out and discovered parts of myself that I never knew existed.

And he got me back after…boo hoo (NOT!)

And of course a spanking party would not be complete without a public spanking from Lisa, my mentor and Top. dsc04887

More stories to come later…..