Category Archives: Uncategorized

What have I been up to?

No, not trouble if that is what you are thinking. I have been very busy with vanilla stuff. I ended my classes for the semester a week ago. I was taking digital design and digital video. I have started in swing dance, salsa, Lindy Hop, ect. It has been taking up a few nights a week. I am visiting my mom this weekend because my cousins are in town and my grandparents have been ill so we were all getting together for them. Next weekend, my choir performs it’s final concert of the semester. I have two auditions coming up for community theater productions. My summer seems to be booking up and filling up faster than I can get it all organized. Between trying to figure out when I am shooting, going to swing dance festivals, being in theater productions, singing, working, seeing friends, going to the gym, and family vacations the summer will be gone before I have time to sit and think about it. One thing I am really looking forward too is the fact that this is my first summer where I am not moving home with my mom and not working at the day camp. I am staying at my apartment a couple hours away from where I grew up and just using the summer to do things that I want to do and that make me happy. There is even an outdoor pool that opens soon where I live….yay for sun and swimming.

As far as spanking related trips, I have already booked my flight to the Chicago Crimson Moon Party the end of July. I will be staying with who else, but Tasha and Yoni, and shooting for them as well. I also recently spoke with Audrey Knight who told me that she is going to be there that weekend as well and I she mentioned that she would love for me to shoot some more content for Miss Audrey Spanks and Spank that Brat. I am super excited about working with her again and shooting with Tasha and Yoni for Bumrap productions for the first time. They sent me home from their last party with a pile of their films so I could watch and get a sense of how their films are and let me say….wow, I really like what I see and it will be so fun to be in one of their films. It will also be so fun to meet more people in the spanking community and play with new people.

I am also planning to go to the next SSNY party on July 11th in New York. I hear my good friend Pixie might be there so I am looking forward to seeing her, though we are trying to figure out a good time for her to come out to me and spend some time at my place, so hopefully I will see her sooner.

I am trying to work out my L.A. trip for either sometime in June or in August. I have a few people over on the west coast who I have worked for and some new ones I would like to work for so I hope I can work that out and buy my ticket soon. I also just really miss Clare Fonda. She is one of my best friends and I love when I can just spend time chilling with her and relaxing for a few days. I hope to be able to afford to travel with her one day to Europe. Clare, if you are reading this…Love you!

I did a couple of recent bondage shoots that I will fill you in on as soon as I have photos to post.

P.S. – I am still very very grateful for everyone who has donated to my travel fund. You are making it possible for me to travel as much as I do in the spanking community, thank you. If you have not already donated money before, just a reminder that $25 will get you 12 beautiful, edited, topless photos of me/and or spanking photos of me. I also would like to thank those of you who have continued to support my work by joining the sites I am featured on through my blog. I have the affiliate program and yes, I have to pay to keep this blog going, so I appreciate when you click my links and join the sites.


It’s official

and up on Punished Brats! Yes, Me, Sarah Gregory, who one day long ago, said, “I don’t get spanked by men,” has now started to experience it quite a bit and had her first on camera spanking by a man, the super cool David Pierson from PunishedBrats and part one of this saga is now posted in the members section of the website. You should really join if you have not yet or if you have let your membership expire. This is a very powerful and dramatic/realistic scene. I put my all into it and let go of control and totally submitted to my spanker. I trusted him 100% and that made it work in every way. Enjoy this free preview clip and then join to see the whole scene!!!!


I was asked in a previous comment on my Punished Brats shoot post by J,

“You never mentioned how you felt after David had spanked you. Did you feel weird? You know how sometimes you get that feeling like “Ok, I’m definitely going to need some time to digest this.” Or was it all good and you can’t wait to jump over the next guys lap?

I would like to take a little bit of time to answer this question publicly in it’s own post. I really like questions in the comments section that make me think and makes me want to post about it. It gets me thinking.

Well, J, and others reading; I did not feel weird after David spanked me, I felt good and well spanked. I felt safe, comfortable with him, a good connection, trusting, and like the naughty little daughter I was over his knee. I took the spanking and got really into the role. I also got into a good head space with him. I certainly am not going to just “jump over the next guys lap” as I wouldn’t with a woman I didn’t know either. Most of the time I shoot for a site, I have had correspondence with my spanker ahead of time and gotten a chance to talk and get to know them a little bit. After having experienced my first on camera man spanking with someone I trust, I must say I would like to do many more scenes with David and with other men I know and trust, such as Yoni of Bumrap productions, Danny and Keith from Shadowlane, Richard Windsor, and possibly Rad if he ever shoots for a site. It isn’t about gender so much for me anymore as much as how comfortable I feel, the vibe I get, and the connection I feel. I have made the next big step in my spanking career. Does this answer your question?


Spanko De Mayo party

Last weekend I attended my first ever small house spanking party. I drove all the way to Jersey City for a fabulous night of conversation, good snacks, friendly like-minded individuals, and of course lots and lots of spanking. Little did I know at the time of arrival that I was about to make and have two of the most wonderful friends one could have. After spending a night with and whole next day with Tasha and Yoni of BumRap Productions, I must say that these two people are the sweetest. They are not only fun to get spanked by and I mean both of them…but they are both very talented in not only the spanking film business, but the mainstream theater and film world as well. I was very impressed. Tasha is a brilliant writer and actress. I am in the process of viewing a pile of their spanking movies that I was given….wow!

There were people at the party that I had met before and new people that were fun to talk to and get to know. Richard Windsor was there. I was so so happy that he made it. This was my third time seeing him in person and a spanking from him was long over due as he put it. So, over his knee I went.



Of course Miss Cassandra Park and Rad were there. I had wanted to play with Sandy at the SSNY party, but it never seemed to happen, so that was also overdue. I finally said…”so, Sandy….when am I going over your knee?” And it wasn’t long before I was.

And she was good about giving me that comfort after….this for me is the conclusion to a good spanking.

And of course……drum roll please……….!!!!!
My first official real life sensual spanking…from guess who???

Tasha Lee.

Let me just tell you…wow. I have never been so sexually turned on from a spanking before. In the past I have been all about the disciplinary spankings, especially in videos. I mean, sometimes I do get turned on even from that, but not like I did with Tasha. She has a way of spanking that is like no other that I have experienced. I think this also has to do with the strong sexual chemistry that I have with her and she with I.

There are different styles and rhythms throughout the spanking, not much dialog besides occasional laughter, sighs of pleasure, here is a lot of rubbling, running of fingernails up and down legs, rubbing shoulders, grabbing hair, ect. WOW.

The first spanking of the night that she gave me was in private. I had shown up to the party in a cute plaid skirt and black low cut tank top. When we went into her bedroom for the spanking….I slipped my skirt off, pulled my top off over my head and layed across her lap on the bed in my black lace bra and panties. She spanked me first over them and then didn’t hesitate to pull them down. My head sunk into the pillows on the bed as I get very turned on. I began to feel very floaty and happy and felt a eurphoric feeling. My toes were curling and I was giggling out of pleasure. When the spanking was over, we decided to go back out to the party and join the others. We heard some pretty crazy parts to conversation while away from the group and eventually thought it best to go back. I wanted to just lay over her lap all night….and do more…if you know what I mean. I am shy around people I like and well, let’s just say, I was feeling very very shy.

Tasha and I walked out. Everyone stopped to stare, probably because I had decided to just keep the bra and panties on and not put my clothing back on. hey, lots of others were walking around in lingerie, why shouldn’t I? I mean I do it at work at the club while serving drinks.

Throughout the rest of the night, I got spanking by Richard, as mentioned above, Rad, (Sandy’s husband), Sandy, Yoni (Tasha’s husband), and Tasha again out in the living room for everyone to see. I gave Georgina a lap dance, and showed off my booty shake to the room. I met Rossbound finally from fetlife. All in all, it was a wonderful night of spanking and fun times to be remembered forever.

Sinn Sage accident

A very special member of the spanking and fetish modeling community, Sinn Sage was in a horrible snowboarding accident. Here is an email fro, Chelsea Pfeiffer explaining what happenned.

“Our lovely, exciting and completely wonderful Sinn Sage has been in a terrible accident. She was snowboarding in Whistler, Canada, close to Vancouver and hit an ice pack and hit her head. She’s in a hosptial in Vancouver where she’s in an induced coma. After surgery to remove the fluid from her brain she is doing well and is breathing on her own, which is very good news. She’ll be in the coma for about two weeks and is being moved to a hospital closer to home tomorrow. Her medical expenses are up to $160,000 so far, though. A website, has been set up to accept donations to help with her medical expenses and for all to leaves postings for her to read once she’s better.”

She is a very sweet and beautiful girl. I wish her a speedy recovery and urge you all to help her in whatever way you can.


Punished Brats shoot

Some of you might not think much of the fact of getting spanked by a guy, but for me, it takes a lot of trust and getting to that comfort level and head space that allows for this kind of experience. Even when I am spanked on camera, I still feel the need to trust my spanker and feel comfortable for things to go smoothly on my end.

I recently took a huge step in my spanking career. I allowed myself to let down previous barriers and fears of getting spanked in a video by a man. Yes, I have recently since that last Shadow lane Party played with several guys, but I had wanted to have some idea what it would be like off camera before being behind a camera doing it with no backing out.

As mentioned in a previous post, I recently got back from shooting for Punished Brats. I had told David Pierson and Pixie months back that at my next shoot I would like to try getting spanked by a man and felt that David Pierson was the right person because he had gotten me started with my modeling career and I had known him longer than any other male spanko and video producer. I also felt I owed it to him and wanted to do this for him because I knew it would make him happy. I felt comfortable because I knew his style and had seen him spanking many others in person and on video. I had also played with him at the recent SSNY party to get a feel for it personally.

Since I knew that I loved doing “mommy scenes” the best and playing the naughty little girl or teenager, I opted for a daddy scene. I had also been asking Punished Brats if I could do a Pajama scene for over a year so I could use the cute heart PJs that Pixie gave me for a holiday gift about a year and a half ago. So the two were combined.

I hear that this special scene is expected to premier on Punished Brats sometime mid-May.


I also got the opportunity to work with some other wonderful female tops. Beverly Bacci, whom I had worked with before on Clare Fonda’s Site, Spanked Call Girls, and Susan a Punished Brats top whom I had never worked with before. As always, I love working with Beverly and have loved seeing her Topping side develop. I also really felt a good connection with Susan and felt very comfortable receiving a spanking from her. We played the mommy daughter roles good together.




And finally the Cheerleader, yes the cute sassy cheerleader….a role also long awaited by me. I was thrilled to learn that I was going to be able to act like a cheerleader and wear the cute uniform along side Pixie. We did a cheer-leading scene with matching adorable red and white uniforms where we were paddled hard by the stern coach, Beverly Bacci. It was a fun scene with a lot of witty banter exchanged and sassy bratting off.


The other bottom that day was Nyssa Nevers, a very popular bondage model. It was a pleasure getting to meet her and talking a bit with her. I hope to one-day work with her on her bondage sites. She is very friendly, smart, and talented.

All in all it was a very fun filled day with a lot of spanking, bratty behavior, joking around, and just being around people I love and trust. Thank you Punished Brats!!!


I hope you enjoy the preview pics from my upcoming scenes on Punished Brats.