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California Part 2

My next stop was the beautiful Carmel. I took a short flight from LA to Carmel where the lovely Dana Specht picked me up.

I had a wonderful time hanging out, sight seeing, and of course getting spanked.

We shot an hour long video called “Sarah’s Summer Spankings” Which you can purchase on DVD from me directly for $39 plus shipping. If you are interested in purchasing a DVD please email me at

As you know, I am in the process of designing my own pay site where I will be putting up tons of new photo galleries and video clips every week. So, if you don’t buy the video now, you will be able to join my site when it is ready and view the clips there.

Sarah’s Summer Spankings
Starring: Sarah Gregory and Dana Specht
Length: 59 minutes
Price: $39 (pay by cash or paypal) plus shipping
Synopsis: Sarah is sent to spend the summer with her strict Aunt Dana. Sarah has an attitude problem and seems to always find ways to misbehave. Her mother has had it with her and has entrusted Aunt Dana to correct the unwanted behaviors the old fashioned way. Aunt Dana believes that there is no problem that a good over the knee bare bottomed spanking won’t fix. Not only does Sarah get spanked on her bare bottom by hand, she gets the wooden hair brush and the wooden ruler. Watch Sarah get spanked and cry out in pain on six different occasions while at Aunt Dana’s.

Preview photos




I absolutely loved Carmel. Besides the weather being a bit chilly and foggy most of the time, I got some beautiful photos of flowers.

And get this….I saw this statue of a man and woman sitting on a bench and I of course being the spanko that I am saw this as a spanking photo opportunity. I just had to try and lay across their laps. As I was laying there, a group of about 6 people walked by and started laughing. One of the ladies said, “Look, she is getting a spanking.” They couldn’t stop laughing, it was great. Little did they know who I It was so funny.

After I got back from, Carmel, Clare Fonda of Girl Spanks Girl and many other popular spanking sites, picked me up at the airport. I wasn’t going to be shooting for her, but just spending one night at her house between my shoots, so we still sneaked a spanking photo at least.

She is one of my good friends as well as a spanking producer I work for. I just love her to death.

We had a great time. I got to see her new house for the first time and meet her new dogs as well as see her dogs, Maxxxi and Goblin. She does a lot of work for the animal rescue league and has a dog named Sissy right now that she is trying to find a home for.


We also watched this crazy old horror movie from the 1970s called, The SinFul Dwarf. When I say crazy weird and $%#@ed up, I mean it. They got away with so much back then. Today this would be considered x-rated porn. For anyone who wants to see naked skinny women chained up and being given injections of heroin and having sex with strange men, I mean getting raped by them…this is the movie for you. I had no idea what I was getting myself into by watching this move, but hey, it wasn’t my pick. I can’t say I hated the movie, but the story was totally way to out there. The girls were attractive and seeing nude woman in movies is always a plus for me. I was more into the wanting to find out what happened after the girls were saved. I wanted to see them go to rehab and reconnect with their families, but I guess it wasn’t that type of film.

Stay tuned next week for more adventures with Chelsea Pfeiffer of Good Spanking.

Just a bit of Vanilla news

Before I tell you about the next part of my California adventures I wanted to tell you something vanilla. So, as you know from my previous post, I had two of my photographs in the arts festival this past weekend. Well, one of them sold. I have never sold any of my art before, so this is very exciting for me. This is the photo that sold.


California Part 1


Well, I have had one fun and adventurous time in California. I got to hang out with many of my friends from the spanking production world and also shoot with some I had done wok with before and some I had not done work with before.

I am sitting here on my first of three connecting flights home. I will have time to get this up online at my next layover. I have to fly from Burbank to Salt Lake City to New York then finally to Connecticut. Then I have to get all packed up and drive to my mom’s house where I will be spending the July 4th weekend. July 4th is one of my favorite holidays and this year both photographs I entered into the festival were accepted and will be on display to the public for the weekend.

In the early stages of my vacation I did some cheesecake shoots and spanking clips with a new model, Cameron Dawn. She has done some work on Spank that Brat. She is such a beautiful and outgoing girl. I hope to work with her again one day. She has quite the spankable bottom and although I am not a top in the social spanking world, I did enjoy spanking her.



My next stop was to Hollywood to spend a few nights with the beautiful and amazing Mistress Stephanie Locke.

Since meeting her at the Shadow Lane Party in March and having the extremely wonderful experience with her, I could not wait to see her. I have this feeling with her of a strong connection like I have known her forever. I felt so comfortable at her house and just felt at home in a way.

When I arrived, we took a drive with the video camera and still camera along Mulholland drive and all throughout the Hollywood Hills.


This was a favorite of ours. It captures the ‘golden hour’ with the sun so well and if I may say so myself….I think my bottom looks great too.

For those of you who are familiar with Stephanie’s Amsterdam adventures with Clare Fonda, you will be very happy to hear that yes, there will be another youtube video called “Hand Spanking in the Hollywood Hills.” Once edited we plan to put this up for free as a preview on youtube, but then put a full version with panties down in a members site. Which brings me to my big news…

My new member’s website is currently in the making. I have been offered a few partner-ships, which I have turned down as I have decided that I want this site to be mine and all mine. I am going to run it myself and if I find I need help here and there I have a few friends and other production companies that are there for me to ask questions and offer advice. I have bought my domain and I plan on having my site up and running by mid-August in time for the Labor day Shadow Lane party. I have learned Final Cut pro, Photo Shop, and am in the process of learning Dreamweaver. I will be handling the customer service, video/photo editing, updates, and being the talent and face of the site I am so excited to finally be able to do this. I have been saving my money and learning all the skills I need for sometime now. I know it will be a lot of work, but I am excited and passionate and want to put my all into it and build it to be something I am proud of and something that you will all want to join and watch me continue to grow. I will keep you updated more on this as it becomes live and available for you to join.

Getting back to my time with Stephanie…
I really want to tell you about my sleeping arrangements while traveling, as they were so different. While with Cameron, I shared a bed with her, then at Stephanie’s; I slept in her dungeon on the bondage bed….lol. So for those of you who have had session with her at her home, you will know what I am talking about. There were many different implements hanging behind the door and in a basket on the floor. There is a huge mirror with a horse bench thing in front of it. The room was painted red with beautiful velvet black curtains hanging to cover the windows to the outside. It is a really beautiful in home dungeon. The bed was a little hard, but with a big comforter, it was made into a nice little bed. I am also realll an animal person, so I enjoyed getting to know her cute little dog and cat. The cat by the way kept me company one of the nights. My father is a vet, so I grew up with animals and I seem to have a strong bond right away with many that I come into contact with.

I also learned about my easy ability to be in tickling videos. I had always been scared of this idea because I am one of the most ticklish people and have been ever since I was a kid. Childhood babysitters had so much fun with that. Like spanking, it can be a young and innocent act. While spanked, I enjoy being the little girl over mommies knee. Getting tickled is quite innocent for me as well. It brings back childhood memories of camp counselors tickling me and giving me the “most ticklish camper” award at the end of the summer. Although spanking and tickling can be erotic and hard core and so much more, when I do it on film, I choose to stay within the realm of the innocent, disciplinary, and playfulness factors. Right away Stephanie noticed my tickling star quality and suggested that a good career move for me would be to start doing tickling videos. I have sent some emails out and hopefully that will work out. What do you think? View a short clip we put together on youtube as my first time being tickled on film.

Stephanie and I filmed some really good spanking clips and a cute tickled Ballerina clip that will be available in my clips4sale store and Mistress Stephanie’s website as soon as they are edited.

Here are some sneak peak photos.



I have so many photos I want to post and so much to say I have to spread it out. Stay tuned for more on my trip later in the week.

But here are a couple more from the public spankings with Stephanie.


I’m leavin’ on a Jet Plane

and I will be in California for a couple of weeks…yay!

I just wrapped up a shoot with Dick Obrien and in my opinion, I think we produced some of my best shots. He has sent me some that I can post here for now. Check out my fetlife page for more.








I will be in California until the end of the month doing various shoots. I will be shooting Dana Specht for the first time and am looking forward to that. I met her at this past Shadowlane party and really liked her. I know we will produce an amazing film. I am also going to meet up with Mistress Stephanie Locke and hopefully shoot some scenes with her and also I will be filming once again with one of my all time favorite spankers, Chelsea Pfeiffer. This is turning out to be a very well planned trip with a lot of exciting shoots, though it took a lot on my part to work it all out. Stay tuned for more updates.

Bondage shoot

I recently did a photo shoot for It was a new concept for me; being put into strait jackets. Being just a spanking model, for so long and now testing the waters in other areas of fetish has been a really cool experience. However, spanking will always remain MY true fetish and what I really enjoy most, it is always nice to try other things out. Kevin, the photographer was a really cool guy and had so many different strait jackets to choose from. I really enjoyed just looking at his collection. You can really make some cool photos using them. We had such a great time shooting, that he has already booked another shoot with me in July and it will be a double shoot in which I will get to work with popular nude and fetish model, Kobe Lee. She is so beautiful and well known, it will be an honor to be in her presence. She has even asked me to help her out as far as the spanking scene goes.

I have also booked a lot more photo shoots with various local photographers in July. I hope to have a variety of new photos to add to my portfolio soon. I love to create beautiful and artistic photographs with different photographers as it adds a lot or versatility to my portfolio.

Here are a few photos from my recent shoot.




Pretty soon I will be flying off to California for some more spanking shoots.