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Crimson Moon wrap up and my new PO Box

The last major event at the Crimson Moon party was spanking court. It was a fun game where people would “accuse” others of things and then they would be put on trial and then dealt with the way we spankos know best.

DSC06561 Yup, that’s me spanking Yoni

I played the part of the defense attorney. However, just because I was employed by the court didn’t mean I got out of a spanking. When the defense attorney talks back to the judge in spanking court, well let’s just say this is what happens….

Saturday night was also Yoni’s birthday, so I actually did have fun spanking him because he had been making fun of me in his own little way all day. (That is what I accused him of at court)

Even though I did do some spanking, I still prefer to be the bottom and an much better on that end of a spanking.

Don’t worry, I still love you Yoni. I hope you had a great birthday. I am so glad that I got to spend it with you.

And lastly, but not least. I have my own PO Box finally. It had been suggested to me by a number of people that I get a PO Box so that I can accept gifts from all of my friends and fans out there. So, here it is

Sarah Gregory
PO Box 616
Broad Brook, CT. 06016-0616

Crimson Moon part 2

Friday night at Crimson Moon was a Pajama party. I was so excited because I love wearing cute PJs. The only problem was, which ones to wear. I think you will agree with me that I made a pretty good choice.


The night started with some fun games. For the dice game, I got to be the one who rolled the dice. There are two dice, one has numbers and one has implements….you see where I am going with this. Well, after rolling for everyone else, it was time I rolled and I think I rolled 25 and hand, so that is what I got.



I also had honor to hang out and get spanked in a room party where there was two handmade wooden racks with all of Ian, The London Tanner’s leather implements hanging on it. The man whose room it was, was very kind to allow me to try out almost all of his spanking implements that Ian had made for him. I choose a bunch of them to try out and I narrowed down my favorite to be the boudoir paddle, which I have a feeling I will be receiving real soon.


I also got to try out being strapped into the Dungeon Stanchion. I didn’t do any playing while in it, just felt what it was like to be strapped in and took a few photos. If Tasha was feeling better I would have loved to be strapped into it naked and have her playing with me and spanking me. Just thinking about that is turning me on…whew!



I had a really good time tonight despite Tasha still being sick.

The next day was the Vendor’s fair. I had a table that was all mine to set up and sell my DVDs and also promote my blog. I sold quite a few DVDs and talked to a lot of people. I also signed a lot of autographs on the DVDs. I had a really fun time.


Don’t forget, you can still order the DVD from me by emailing me at and letting m,e know you would like one. It is $39.00 plus $4.95 for shipping if you live in the United States. It is an hour long with 6 spanking scenes and very worth it.
I am actually going to put some of the money from the DVD sales towards the start up fees that my upcoming paysite will have.

Saturday night was Spanking court, Yoni’s Birthday, and more fun times. Those tales will come in part 3.

Crimson Moon Part 1

I had one hell of a f#@%&#@ good weekend and that is an understatement.

I met some new wonderful people and also had the pleasure of hanging out and seeing some good friends and other spankos I already know. I flew in on Wednesday night and Yoni and Mike picked me up from the airport. Tasha didn’t come with them as she wasn’t feeling well. I got to see her when we got back to the hotel. I missed her so much and it was grest to see her. I felt bad that she was sick for most of the weekend. However, we still managed to shoot a couple of scenes. Those photos will be up later. But enjoy this one of her and I.

Mike is one of the co-owners and original leaders of Chicago’s Crimson Moon spanking club. He is such the cool guy and we hit it off right away and became fast friends.

I had an easy flight, although the plane was so small I had to duck when I was walking down the isle. Luckily my pink laptop was fully charged so I had entertainment. if I didn’t have a laptop with me, I would not be able to fly as much as I do. It keeps me distracted from the anxiety I tend to get. It was so funny cause I bought a privacy shield that is a screen that slides over the computer screen so that onlookers cannot see what I am doing at my computer. When looking at it from an angle, the monitor appears dark and almost black. The gentleman sitting next to me commented and was curious as to how I was using my computer if it wasn’t on… Little did he know it was on and I was looking through…well quite the naughty photos. I also got to watch a few episodes from two of my favorite tv shows, Weeds, and The L Word.

Wednesday night was pretty uneventful. We went out to eat and then just had a relaxing night and unpacked, and hung out, and went for a swim in the hotel pool. I slept a long 12 hours and then went swimming again on Thursday afternoon.

My first two swats of the weekend were from who else, but Tasha and Yoni. They each got a cheek…heehee.

Thursday night was sort of a get to know you night. There wasn’t a specific theme for outfits, so I chose a cute short red and black plaid skirt with a matching black shirt.

Even though I have recently started getting spanked by men, I decided for this party that I was only going to play with women, as that was the kind of mood I was in and I wanted to get in the right head space and have a good time. I did play with a select few men whom I had met previously and had a history with and knew. Because playing with men doesn’t come as easily and naturally for me, that is the way I do it.


Surprisingly enough, there were many female tops and switches of whom to choose and I made sure to get as much play time in as I could.



Stay tuned for more later this week!


Yes, I know it is way past the party, but I have been super busy this summer and so it has been hard to keep up and post as much as I would love to do. A couple of weeks ago I attended the Strictly Spanking New York party. I had a great time and got spanked by many people. I stayed at my good friends Tasha Lee and Yoni’s apartment.


As you have read earlier in my blog, Tasha and I have a special connection and I just love being around her. She is a beautiful, sexy, smart, and funny gal.

Yoni is so kind and a great friend. Can you believe I even asked him for my bedtime spanking my first night there as Tasha was feeling tired and needed to go to bed early. Yes, I am getting more used to men spanking me. Although it is not sexual at all for me, there is something about the dynamic that is very paternal that I could get used to. He did spank very hard though and as much as I can take in the videos is not what I always prefer to take in real life. In a video, my adrenaline is going and I seem to be able to take more due to that. When getting spanked in real like, I like a lighter more therapeutic spanking.

I also had the pleasure of seeing one of my best friends and spanking buddies, Amber Pixie wells of Punished Brats.

I also got to see an get spanked by someone I had met at an earlier party, Ian The famous London Tanner.


Tasha wasn;t feeling well so she decided to stay home and rest while Yoni and I attended the party. She was nice and rested up and feeling better when we got home, so yes, her and I had some fun.




This coming weekend I attend Chicago Crimson Moon with who else but Tasha and Yoni. I am very excited to see them both again. I will also be seeing my good friend Audrey Knight and hopefully doing some shooting with her as well.

Don’t forget: You can still purchase the hour long video of me and Dana Specht. Read about it here in this post Email me at for your copy today.


California Part 3

Sorry that it seems to be taking me quite a long time to get this story out. I have been so busy with back to back photo shoots all week and also I was away in New York at SSNY this past weekend and will have to tell you about that in my next post.

So, on with my adventures on the West Coast.

My last stop was with Chelsea Pfeiffer. I had done shooting for her many times in the past, but had never gotten the opportunity to stay at her place and spend a lot of time together. Chelsea and I had a blast. She is a very wonderful woman and has a lot of good advice to offer. That is one thing about this last vacation out to California…..all of the people I stayed with and spent time with had very good advice to give me abut my life and where it is going and offered many strong words of encouragement. I often question my choices in life and whether I am making the right ones, and to have such great friends such as those I have written about here, really helps me.

When I arrived at Chelsea’s place, we hung out and talked for a bit while we waited to go to dinner. We went to a really yummy Mexican restaurant. I had some of the best Mexican food and a very delicious frozen strawberry margarita. When we got back form dinner, Chelsea and I went up on her roof and sat under the moonlight and talked. It was a beautiful night, not too cold, but just a little breezy. It felt like the warm winter nights I know so much. I felt calm, relaxed, and at ease. It was me, Chelsea, the night air, and our thoughts. I wish I could have captured that moment in a bottle so I could re-live it over and over when I just want to go back there. We were up there for at least an hour. Eventually we went downstairs as it was late and we both needed sleep.


The next day, I slept in until my usual time, around 1pm. When Chelsea got back from Yoga I was up and almost ready to shoot. We had lunch, finished getting ready and spent the afternoon filming some wonderful scenes for Good Spanking. Her husband is a great camera guy and really knows how to make the video come pout great from the artistic point of view.

We did two scenes. One was our own version of something reminiscent of the movie Secretary. It is called, Deliberate Provocation. It was really fun for me to play the role of a secretary. For all of the previous spanking films I was in, as far as I can remember, I hadn’t played the part of an adult. I was either, the bratty teenage type, daughter, niece, college aged brat, school girl, cheerleader, ect. In this video I was a grown adult getting a spanking from her female boss and not only that, but a well deserved and quite provoked I might add. A new role for me to take on and it was fun. I let loose a little more sexually than usual for me at the end. When Chelsea grabbed my hair and threw me down bent over the desk…there was definitely something quite erotic for me about that. Then when the spanking was over, she stood behind me, stood me upright, my skirt still lifted over my red and sore bottom, and felt up my boobs from the outside of my low-cut, tight, white, slightly unbuttoned shirt. Well, let”s just say…HOT! I must admit, I was taken back at first when she grabbed them, but it is something that I settled into the idea of quite quickly and would totally have kept going a little more if enticed.

Enjoy these sneak peak photos. Deliberate Provocation is NOW available on Good Spanking.


In the second scene we did, I played the past of a stuck up, and bitchy model.


Totally the opposite of me in real life. Chelsea was my photographer and I wasn’t following her directions at all and wanted to do things my way. Well, that didn’t fly with Miss Pfeiffer, and so she decided to take things into her hands, her way.

And teach a bratty oppositional model a lesson the hard way…



After getting a red bottom, that model learned to listen and do as she was told.

After our shooting, Chelsea and I went out and did some food shopping. I love fish, so she splurged and bought the best salmon ever that is not available all year round. It was so yummy. Chelsea is quite the chef as well.

We ended the night with what else, but a movie…and the perfect choice at that. And yes, we had to go to two stores to find it and ended up having to buy it as Blockbuster didn’t have it in. The last person who rented it never returned it. Hmmmmm….I wonder why…lol!