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Busy Busy Busy

Wow, has it really been that long since I posted last. While you have been enjoying my various current spankings on the web on Spanked Sweeties, Punished Brats, Good Spanking, and Bad Tushy, I have been busily rehearsing for the musical theater production that I am currently involved in. As most of my readers know, I love theater and do a lot of community theater whenever I have the opportunity. The show goes up this coming weekend and then runs for two weekends. We have rehearsals and tech nights every night right now. When this show closes, I will be moving right into my next one and have some overlap which will be hard to manage. That show opens in January and I have a bigger part. I was going to plan to be back in California this fall, but have to put my trip on hold until late January. I was so excited to shoot more, but it will have to wait a few months unfortunately. However, I do get to take a weekend, Halloween weekend, to be exact and travel to Chicago to attend the Crimson Moon party. I am so looking forward to that. For now, enjoy these few fabulous photos from recent photo shoots.

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(c) John Bigham 2009

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(c) John Bigham 2009

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(c) MTM Photo 2009

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(c) MTM Photo 2009

(c) Gregory Giger 2009 and Studio 95 Photography

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(c) DOB Models 2009

And a free gallery from, my latest Spanked Sweeties video about my therapy spanking fantasy

Spanking Therapy

This comes as a huge topic to me and it hits home in many ways. Whenever I have been asked by a female spanker at a party or otherwise what kind of spanking I would like, I reply with the term, therapeutic. Not everyone seems to know what this is and I am not even sure that I do completely. It is different for everyone just like love can mean different things for different people. As a lot of you have read previously on here about my spanking with Stephanie Locke at the Shadow Lane party back in March, that was a therapeutic experience for me in the way that I was just spanked and let to go into my head, escape, and breath. Yes that is one form of therapeutic spanking I quite enjoy, another is something more typical to what you might call talk therapy, but when it doesn’t seem to work, resorting to spanking to help motivate and solve problems, even concerning to love, loss, and nurturance. A lot of of spankos as bottoms I have noticed are almost looking for a care giver when we look for a spanker. We are searching for parenting that we felt was never there or was incomplete. We seek nurturance and guidance. Discipline is a form of nurture and guidance if done in a loving and controlled way. I by no means support spanking children, so don’t take this that way, but I mean for adult consensual play, this can be what the meaning behind a spanking is. For me, what can bring me to tears is that the person spanking me cares so deeply for me and they are acting motherly, not angry, but strict and caring at the same time. They are soothing me and telling me it will be ok and that I am worth something. A lot of you already know that I have struggled my whole life with clinical depression as I have blogged about it before. I also have a range of other issues that I work on daily. I see a therapist and though she cannot spank me, as that is not moral and not what it is about with her, sometimes I seek that extra spanking therapy elsewhere such as parties and in private play.

In a recent scene shot with Clare Fonda, I decided to let loose a little and explore this idea more on camera. I had wanted to shoot this kind of scene for awhile and had talked with Clare about it weeks prior to it. I though that this would also make a good interview for her Spanked Sweeties site to speak to the members a little more in depth about this idea and act out a fantasy scenerio of my actual therapist spanking me. (By the way, I did allude to wanting my real therapist to spank me and you can also hear about that in the interview) The video mimics an actual therapy session with the couch and me not really doing what I am supposed, to which in reality are the real issues I work on, you can hear about them in the video. All for the issues are not talked about on camera, but the ones I felt comfortable sharing were. Clare spanks me as a loving, maternal, warm, therapist, who has my best interest in her heart and wants me to be healthy and feel better.

This scene premiers today on Spanked Sweeties and is called Sarah’s therapy spanking




You can also join this site through the Clare Fonda spanking pass special

Where you can see me spanked right now

Well, as promised I would tell you the site that I did a spankling shoot for following the Shadow Lane party. I did a shoot for the firt time for Bad Tushy. I was spanked by the beautiful Francesca Lee and the sexy Kayla Quinn, known as Ms. Law. We shot three scenes, one with hand, one belt, and one paddle. I had a good time and met some cool people. Hopefully they will shoot with me again next time I am out that way. Oh, and by the way, they are calling me Tina on the site for some reason. I guess they like to change people’s names.



Also see a current video I shot with Chelsea Pfeiffer, Deliberate Provocation, now on Good Spanking

And on Punished Brats this week, I get spanked by Beverly Bacci in a video, Keys in the Door. She is my roommate and I keep leaving the keys in the door after she has reminded me several times not to.


Don’t forget I have a clips4sale store. In it, there are new updates including scenes from the video I shot with Dana Specht, Sarah’s Summer Spankings, and a scene from Bad Ballerina, shot with Stephanie Locke.

You can still order the DVD, Sarah’s Summer Spankings. An hour long, six hard spanking from Dana Specht with hand, hairbrush, and ruler. Email me at It is $39 + shipping.

Shadow Lane – Back to School Party 2009

Since I have so many blog posts in mind for the next few weeks, I am going to try and fit all of my Shadow Lane adventures into one post. It will be primarily a photo diary of my time there as I am so totally wiped out and jet lagged but tonight is like the only time I have to post this week. I got back to back rehearsals for the play I am in right now, The King and I, and I have to work more than ever right now. Plus coming back from almost a week away, well there are always a million things to do it seems.

Wednesday September 2nd – I flew into LAX. Clare Fonda’s Cameraman picked me up at the airport and we grabbed some dinner at Hooters in Hollywood before attending Clare’s comedy show at the world famous Comedy Store. She MCs quite a lot these days and I must say, she is so very talented as a comedian. There is nothing that she can’t do it seems. I mean come on, she runs some of the best spanking sites, she is a super funny and experienced comedian in LA, she is so real and genuine and let’s just face it, most people in this crazy world ain’t so real and seem to be afraid to share all, she also is just a good friend and fun person to be around.

I must say that out of all the comedians, she made me laugh the most and she even threw in a spanking joke….because me and cameraman were there.

Thursday September 3rd.
– Cameraman picks me and Clare up and we drive to Vegas. The ride was super hot and let’s just say the air conditioner in the volvo was having issues especially going through the desert you gotta turn it off occasionally or your car would over heat. At least we stopped for food and got some real AC there. We arrived in Vegas around 6:30pm and Clare had few passes to see a movie, so we saw Inglourious Basterds. I have mixed feelings on the movie, but won’t get into them on here. Let’s just say I am glad I saw it, but wouldn’t be sad if I never watched it again. On the way through of the beautiful Suncoast hotel on the way to the movie we ran into various attendees and spankos whom I recognized. It was so excited to be recognized and run into fans and friends.

Friday September 4th – We woke up and had a wonderful breakfast and then got ready to shoot. I had agreed to trade shooting with Clare Fonda for a room to stay, rides to and from the airport, and food to eat. It was a great deal for both parties. I got to have a super fun and low stress financial time in Vegas and got to also shoot some super cool scenes with Clare Fonda, Jenni Mac, and Miss Chris. All people I love to be on set with.

We shot a bunch of scenes for My Spanking Roommate that day. I got spanked by Jenni Mac, it was her first time topping on camera by the way and by Miss Chris. I also topped Jenni in one scene. Clare got it good and hard from Miss Chris as well. You can’t miss these great scenes on My Spanking Roommate, the spanking soap opera like site part of the Clare Fonda Pass.

(Photos to come soon)

We also shot another scene, just Clare and I. This scene idea was one that I had been mentioning to Clare for a few months and it was very exciting to finally be able to shoot it. It was based on a true story but it was the, how I would have liked the story to go. It is a scene where Clare is playing my therapist. It was a very emotionally powerful scene and I shed real tears. It should be available soon on Spanked Sweeties.

That night was the Back to School themed vendor’s fair and party. The buffet had yummy food and there were lots of vendor’s. I helped out at Clare’s table to promote her sites and sell her DVDs. She spanked me good and hard in front of her table to get a crowd and boy did we get a crowd
but what really drew over more people was me spanking Clare. I finally got the honor of spanking Clare Fonda and she even admits I am one hard spanker. It was the biggest crowd she has had watch her publicly being spanked she said to me.

Everyone looked so good in their school girl attire.

Especially one school girl spanked by another…hmmm what could have been the circumstance…you guess..

I was so happy to see one of my favorite spankers….the gorgeous Chelsea Pfeiffer of Good Spanking. I had only just found out recently that Chelsea and Larry would be attending so I was super excited when I saw them.

I also was excited to see my new friend Ian, The London Tanner. I have now seen him at most of the parties that I have been attending. We are becoming better friends the more we chat and hang out. He is super cool.

I had so much fun going around to the suite parties and getting spanked. One woman who goes by the name of Red spanked me. She said that she is a bottom. but yes, I somehow managed to be her first bottom. She has a very maternal way about herself that I quite liked. Her hand was very bruised after her go at my bottom. I hope she will spank me again one day.

Saturday September 5th – I slept in today as I was out most of the night playing. We went to lunch when I got up, then came back to the room and hung out. Chelsea stopped by and later, Emily and Zille. After we all hung out and talked, me, Clare, and Cameraman got ready for a short mommy and daddy scene we were doing for Spanked Sweeties.

After shooting we were all ready to go down to “prom” night at Shadow Lane. We decided to wear our dresses for the shoot so we were all ready. I searched and searched and found the perfect dress. It fit me like a glove and it got quite the many looks…just as I had expected….heehee.

At the party, I got to talk with and see my friend, Erica Scott.
I wish I had spent more time with her. She is such a nice person. I seemed to be so busy and trying to fit so much in all weekend that I kinda wished I spent more time just talked to certain individuals, her being one of them.

I had so much fun at the party dancing. I have recently been taking West Coast Swing and Salsa dance lessons and when the DJ announced that we were going to do some West Coast swing, I got all excited. A few fellows there knew how to lead west coat, so I had a blast. I also danced a couple salsa’s as well. I was so tired out after all the dancing that I left the ballroom before it was over to begin my spanking fun. I realized that I prob would not want to stay up as late as i did the night before, so I wanted to get the spanking going early. I went with Chelsea and Larry to their hotel room for some more mommy, daddy type spankings.


After another long night of spanking, I slept like a baby.

Sunday September 6th – We drove back to Vegas. When we got back, Clare dropped me off at one of my fave stores in L.A., Ross, to do some shopping because its not like I don’t have enough clothing. I bought some cute shoes, a dress, and some tops. We got some subs at Subway and went back to her place to watch a movie. We wanted to watch Femes Desade, but it was a burned copy and the DVD player would not play the disc (maybe next time), so we settled for The Texas Chainsaw Masacre. It was really scary and Clare had to leave the room a few times and decided to do the dishes instead of be freaked out by the movie. Come on Clare, if you can take The Sinful Dwarf, then you should certainly be able to watch this one.

All in all I had a great weekend in Vegas at Shadow Lane and in L.A. at Clare’s place.

Stay tuned for me to reveal to you the spanking company that I shot with in L.A. on Monday the 7th. I have never shot for them before and I had a great time as always. I love shooting spanking films and I have not had a bad experience yet.

Vanilla Update

I posted about my last Crimson Moon adventures yesterday. Just wanted to tell you all that I am finally having a “me” vacation. I am on Cape Cod with my family. Hurricane Bill will be coming through tonight and it will rain through the night, but hopefully I will be able to get some sun and some beach time tomorrow or Sunday.

Photo taken by David of Shared Vision Photography (July 2009)