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So Many Birthday Spankings…

Were given to me over the past tens days that I spent in California and I got the bruises to show it.

Watch one of my Birthday Spankings right here.

Today I turn 26 and it feels so old in my mind, yet so young according to so many others. I still feel like a 19 year old, and I am even told that I look it to. I don’t want to stop being the young looking/feeing bratty but oh so cute and innocent little girl I feel I am.

As I sit here on the airplane and write this I think back on how much fun I had in L.A. and that I am so lucky to be able to travel about twice a year across the country to work with and get spanked by so many of my favorite spanking video producers.

It takes a lot of time, energy, and precise planning to put a trip together as such. Not only do I have to block the time out in my vanilla life schedule, explain to my family with lies as to why I am traveling yet once again across the country, but there is so much more. I have to contact all the people I would like to book shoots with and all the people I will be staying with and make sure that all the dates line up with all their schedules. So, I stayed with 6 different people over the past ten days. I had to be in contact with all of them as to work out all the details ahead of time. I also had to arrange my shoots in proper order and to make sure to have enough healing time in between. It takes a lot out of someone to do all this, so to have some time to myself will be nice when I get home. However, that might not be the case right away. I have Birthday dinner plans and then plans on Saturday as well. Sunday, I will rest. Monday, I start classes. I spoke with my father on the phone earlier today, my last day in L.A. and he asked how I was. I answered, “ I am tired.” He could not understand how I could be so tired when I was on what he thought was a “vacation” Little did he know that I was on a working vacation and I had been getting spankings, editing photos, videos, preparing blogs posts, clips updates, and traveling from one house to another. The only regret I have was not spending ANY time outdoors enjoying the California weather. Now I am on my way back to the cold east coast.

I spent the night before I got to the airport with Clare Fonda of The Clare Fonda Spanking Site pass. I didn’t shoot with her this time out there, as she has a lot of content of me right now, but she is my friend, so we hung out and spent girl time together.

I stayed with her Sunday night and then again we hung out on Thursday for dinner. She took me out to California Chicken Café and it was wonderful. I had one of the best salads that I have ever had. We sat there, ate, and talked for what seemed forever, yet at the same time went by so fast. Her and I have so much in common, yet so much not, we always have so many funny stories to tell to each other, and we just seem to get each other, and not to mention have similar humors. She took me out for what I consider my first birthday dinner, as it was the night before. Before I left, we took some fun photos together.

Looks like the Goblin doggy wanted a spanking too! lol

Earlier that day she picked me up at Chelsea Pfeiffer’s house where I had stayed for two nights. Chelsea and I had so much fun together. We shot a scene for her site Spank Sinn. Starring the talented and sexy Sinn Sage.

I got the chance to hang out with and talk to Sinn. She is such a nice person and we plan to work together again in the future. So, soon, you will see me premier on yet another popular spanking website. Chelsea and I also shot some really great scenes for my clips4sale and my upcoming site that I am still working on.

I will let you know when my work with her premieres on my clips store. She and I work so well together and have such great on camera chemistry, she even looks like she could be my mother and as you might have guessed, we did do a mother-daughter scenario.

I know I promised you in my last update that I would write more about my time with Stephanie Locke, but I feel that I need to dedicate a whole post just to my time with her, and I really wanted to get this one up on my Birthday. So, you will have to wait for that to come next. For now, enjoy the words I share above and some photos to illustrate more of my travels through spankville, California.

California travels

Well, here I am at the famous Mistress Stephanie Locke’s house writing my first blog post on my travels. I am at my third stop along in my trip. I had an unexpected stay with some new friends I made while shooting on Wednesday with Spank That Brat and Cameron Dawn. I met super cute couple, Katherine St. James and Kyle Johnson. We became instant friends and were already making plans to shoot together at another time in my stay on the west coast.

They and I both have clips4sale online stores. So, the plan was to shoot a bunch of content for both our stores and sites, otherwise known as a trade shoot.

We shot a few scenes for Spank that Brat and for Cameron Dawn’s spanking site on Wednesday.

Then on Thursday night I stayed at their house and we stayed up late talking, singing karaoke, and planning our shoots for the next day. We shot sooooo much wonderful content. We did scenes dealing with themes of dragons, cheerleaders, bitchy girlfriends, making out, and birthdays.

All of the videos to go with these photos will soon be available in my clips4sale store.

We still have so many more ideas and plan to get together again in April to shoot more. Kyle has such a great business sense and is very smart. I think he has and will continue to teach me a lot about running a business.

Stephanie Locke and I shot some amazing spanking videos today. I can’t wait to tell you more about them in my next update. But here are two sneak peak photos….

and yes, that is a face after a long emotional release filled with tears.

Hello California

Just arrived in not so sunny California. Hopefully it will warm up a bit. I am here to do some shooting with a few of my favorite producers/friends. I am also here to just get away and have time to be away from vanilla life for a bit. I was so wrapped up in the musical I was in, that spanking went to the back burner for awhile. This winter/spring I am planning on focusing on spanking as a top priority, as well as my class in web design, my work and relationships. I will update as I shoot with photos and adventures.

Happy New Years from Sarah Gregory

I am wishing you all a very happy and healthy new years. I spent the evening with my mom watching movies and tv, as my other plans fell through. Hope you all had a wonderful evening to bring in the new year.

I also have a bit of news. I bought myself a Christmas present this year, a very expensive gift at that…a puppy. He is so cute. but a lot of work. Say hello to Maxi.

Happy Holidays

I recently got back from vacationing some place warm. I had a lot of fun being photographed on the beach by my friend whom I went with. It was a great few days and good to escape life’s stresses.

I have also been very busy rehearsing for the musical I am in right now as it opens mid-January.

I am planning another trip out to the west coast to happen sometime early in the year….more details to come later.

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and happy and healthy New Year. I already celebrated Chanukah and opened a few gifts. I will celebrate Christmas as well with my GF and her family. I received a lovely Christmas present to open from AK, one of my faithful readers…thank you. My PO Box did come in handy this holiday season after all.

Sarah Gregory
PO Box 616
Broad Brook, CT. 06016-0616

From Clare Fonda’s My Spanking Roommate, Christmas 2009 video