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Boardwalk Badness spanking fun

The first night of this wonderful party went very smoothly. Between the vender’s fair, the fashion show and spanking skits, it was a group of spanktastic time.

I vended and sold some of my DVDs as well as promoted the opening of my new paysite. Still waiting for Visa though, sorry ya’ll. It’s a bitch to wait.

I was SOOOOOOOO happy to seem my good friend, Pixie. As most of you know, she has been sick. I have missed her very much not only in the spanking world, but as my friend in the vanilla world as well. If you are reading this, glad you made it….Love you!

At the Vendo’r fair there were lots of great spanking skits performed. Here is a little synopsis of the one’s I participated in.

After all the spanking skits, I decided to try out Robospanker….that was a hoot. I want one!!!!

I had a lot more fun getting spankings from Richard Windsor, David Pearson of Punished Brats, and Dana Specht, and Miss Chris again as my last spanking before bed. A full night of spankings for a naughty Sarah.

Richard Windsor heating up my bottom again.

I had a fantastic time at my first party night here in Atlantic City. I also want to give a shout out to a new spanking friend, Joe/DrLectr from fetlife. He as been my helper this weekend driving me to Starbucks, a clothing store I loved, helping me set up my vendor’s table, and being my photographer and videographer in the video shoots I have been doing as well. He has taken most of my photos this weekend. He is a very trustworthy guy and great friend.

Goodnight, see you tomorrow.

Look out Atlantic City…

Sarah Gregory has hit the Boardwalk.

I just arrived today to the beautiful hotel in AC for the Boardwalk Badness weekend. I am looking forward to a spanking filled weekend with so many wonderful friends and fans. I will post more later as I am going to go and take a shower and head out to do an errand. I will be shooting some videos tonight with the famous Richard Windsor for my new site Sarah Gregory Spanking.

You will get lots of photos and stories coming soon from the weekend’s events.

It’s ALIVE!!

Sarah Gregory Spanking is now a live member’s paysite ready to be joined except for Vias, which will take another two weeks or so to go through. This has been a long and coming project and goal and it is finally coming true. I have financially done it all myself and am very proud. I can’t write a whole lot here now as it is very late at night and I have spanking friend’s from out of town here to shoot this weekend. We are shooting some very good scenes. All the shooting I have been doing for what I had called “my site one day” is finally here.

The first videos on the site are

Credit Card Comeuppance

Skirt Too Short

This is the blurb taken from the site.
“Sarah Gregory Spanking is Sarah Gregory’s new spanking website which offers traditional disciplinary spanking, playful spanking, and sensual spanking. My members section will feature many new faces to the spanking world as well as have many other established fetish and spanking stars on here through at least 4 updates a week including photos and videos. The spanking stories here involve females and males and are edited, directed and produced by a girl who has had a spanking fetish for as long as she can remember. The videos will vary in length depending on the story line. Sarah Gregory will be seen not only as a bottom, but also doing quite a bit of topping. She will be spanked by both men and women, but only top women.”

I will share some photos from this weekends shoot soon and let you know about the progress of the visa. I hope you all like my site.

xxxooo, Sarah


I know you all (my readers) prob would like to give me a hard spanking right now for not updating in like forever, but….you will all be very happy when you hear of my BIG news. I have a special project (my members site) that I have been busily working very hard on. I am happy to say that it should be ready for members within a couple weeks. I am submitting it to billing tomorrow then the visa has to go through. I have been busy editing photos, videos, working with my designer, and shooting spanking content. I have also been working a lot more at the club and doing spanking sessions to bring in some extra $ to put into the site I have a lot of new girls I am shooting with who are new to the spanking world. Hopefully you will all be pleasantly surprised at my efforts.

I will be attending the Atlantic City Boardwalk Badness spanking weekend soon and hosting the spanking American Idol. I will be announcing my new site and vending at the party. I will look forward to seeing may of my spanking friends and fans there. I hear this is gonna be one hell of a spanking party.

I promise once the site is up, I will be blogging a lot more and talking here about the shoots and new girls. I love you all and if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be who I am.

Hello from Texas

I arrived in Texas Thursday afternoon after a long day of three connecting flights. I did a bit of playing that night, but being as tired as I was, tried to get some good sleep. Yesterday was fun. I shot some videos with Tat and Michigan Headmaster. We did a daddy/daughter scene and a school girl video. That was a lot of fun. Then last night we had pizza and played a whole lot more. I enjoyed being spanked by many. This morning I had to get up on the earlier side of the day, which is something I am not used to, to prepare for the vendor’s fair. I didn’t do as well as I had expected, but at least I made a little something. So, I have lots of left overs now if anyone is interested in buying any of my DVDs. The plan for later today is to shoot a school girl clip with Tasha Lee as well as be part of her demo for the book she wrote, Hot Crossed Buns.

Here are some photos from the weekend so far.

The beautiful and motherly Kyra (who is a bottom by the way) spanking me because I am just too cute and bratty to not spank.

The vendor’s fair

Tasha Lee and Yoni (two if my fave people)

Still from a daddy/daughter scene with Michigan Headmaster

Tasha Lee and I having some fun at the vendor’s fair

and more fun