Category Archives: Uncategorized

Upcoming travels, new models, and more

Hey all…so I am about to board a plane next week for another trip out to the beautiful California. I only have two shoots confirmed, but hope to book a few more. I will be shooting for my new site with Chelsea Pfeiffer and with Dana Specht, both of whom are spectacular spankers.

I have also been doing a lot of local shooting with some new faces to the spanking world. This week on Sarah Gregory Spanking, I introduce Audrey Lynn, an adorable brunette who gives a very good spanking.

In Disrespectful Student, Miss Lynn is the new young substitute teacher. Sarah seems to think that just because there is a sub, she doesn’t have to follow the school rules. Miss Lynn is fed up with being disrespected and ignored, so she uses some good old fashioned corporal punishment to deal with Sarah’s unruly behavior.

I have also been working with Cane-iac on a special project and in the mean time, they have sent me some beautiful implements to use on my site.

Thanks for all your support.

xxx, Sarah

Spanking with Julianne Leigh

This week I shot with a brand new girl to the spanking scene, Julianne Leigh.

Though not very experienced with spanking…this girl took one hell of a spanking from me. I actually spanked her harder than I thought I could spank, but she said she could take it…so I went for it. She has a great personality, is very talented, and super cute. I hope to have one of her videos up on Sarah Gregory Spanking within the next couple of weeks. We shot 4 scenes. She spanked me for 2 and I spanked her for 2. I got to do a school girl scene…where guess what? I WAS THE TEACHER. It was so fun being in a new role when it comes to school shoots. I really got into “top” mode more than I have in the past. I think that because Julianne actually cried…as she said she would, it got me more into the role. The scolding just flowed naturally.

leather strap made by Cane-iac

Daddy spankings…

This week on Sarah Gregory Spanking, Mike Billa spanks me as my daddy in Credit Card Comeuppance.

“When Sarah’s parents go out of town, they leave her the credit card for emergencies and tell her she cannot have any company to the house. So, Sarah figures having people to a hotel would be ok then. She “borrows” the credit card, gets a hotel room and orders food and drinks for 30 people. Daddy isn’t too happy when he finds her….”

As a lot of you know, I started in this biz only letting women spank me. Over the oast year, I have become more and more comfortable with men spanking me. When I get into the headspace of daddy’s little girl, it becomes easier and more natural for me. The mommy spankings were always my favorite, well it seems like the daddy spankings are taking their well earned spot as another favorite. When I feel comfortable enough with a man, as in, I have known them for awhile, I build up a trust with them that allows me to let go and go where I need to be in my head in order to create the kind of spanking atmosphere that works. I will have many new videos of being daddy’s naughty little girl on Sarah Gregory Spanking.

In addition to my new site news, I also want to wish Pixie my best in her recovery and healing process. I know it sucks being in the hospital and I hope she gets better soon. She is a dear dear friend of mine and a wonderful person all around. I love this girl.

*Also…if I am slow to respond back to you, well slower than usual, I have been dealing with a family emergency since I got back from Boardwalk Badness weekend. My site will still be updated every other day with photo and video.


TODAY……May 1st, 2010 my member’s site, will be officially open for business and accepting all forms of payment!!!!

Interview I did with Richard Windsor at the Boardwalk Badness weekend talking about the new site!!!

There are a few special opening prices that will be good only for a short time, so take advantage of the specials now. I have a 3 month and 6 month special up for new members and the special low recurring price of $19.95 a month. This has been a huge project in the making and I have lots of great videos to share. I have a bunch of videos and photos already in the member’s section of the site.

This week’s update stars me and Tasha Lee from Bumrap Productions and is called, Lap-dance Punishment.

When Sarah’s girlfriend catches her doing a lap-dance for a strange man in their hotel room, she makes Sarah strip then punishes her with a very hard bare bottom spanking. See Sarah’s first topless spanking scene!

Boardwalk Badness weekend continues…

My second day/ night at the Boardwalk Badness weekend was really fun. I slept in til about noon as I was up late the night prior getting spanked.

I started off my day with a yummy breakfast delivered to the room.

I went out and did some errands with my new friend, Joe, after lunch.

I found some cute bras and panties, of course.

I guess there were some pretty cool skits in the morning that I missed, so you will have to hear about those elsewhere. Then in the late afternoon it was back to the room to get ready for the fun filled night of events.

The first main event was dinner. I with Jules and Coach Tanner and told them what a wonderful time I was having at their party. I was also mentally preparing to open the Spanking American Idol with a song, Nasty Naughty Boy, by Christina Aguillera.

Our judges sat at their table ready to judge the competition. Each contestant would bring with them a person who would be taking the spanking if they got voted that way, the robo-spanker was used to dish them out.

Richard Windsor (as Simon) Pixie (as Paula) and Miss Chris and (Randy)

The Lovely and stern Dana Specht performed and she did an amazing job, stopped midway through to deliver a spanking on stage before continuing the song, what a performance Dana..woot woot!

I had to have a photo of all the main people involved in the hosting and judging. (isn’t it a cute photo?)

My last photo before going to bed, Auntie Dana and her little Naughty Sarah 😛

I just want to say thank you to Jules, Miranda, and Coach Tanner, and the rest of the SSNY/PHILLY group who planned and put together an awesome full weekend of spanking fun!!!!!