Category Archives: Uncategorized

Crimson Moon party

I had such a great time at the Chicago Crimson Moon party. I have had limited internet access as I have been traveling throughout California and have been staying at friend’s houses and various hotels. I did a bunch of shooting for Sarah Gregory Spanking throughout the weekend of Crimson Moon. I worked with Alicia Panettiere, Lily Starr, and Cassandra Park.

As well as all the fun I had shooting, there were a lot of suite parties, group spanking games, yummy food, and fun people around, not to mention spanking, spanking, and more spanking. At “spanking court, I got accused of saying…”Don’t mark me!” too many times……lol. I was just worried about being marked for my Clare Fonda and Chelsea Pfeiffer shoots.

I put together a few collages that sum up a lot of the fun I had.

And of course the sexy Tasha Lee spanked me.

And kissed it to make it better

Katherine St. James and I had fun with spanking too.

The Vendor’s Fair was also a lot of fun. I sold a lot of DVDs and got to promote my new paysite.

In photo below: Me, Tasha Lee, Yoni, and Miss Chief (taken before Spanking court)

See more posts coming soon on California adventures.

Sarah News

So, I have not posted in awhile for 2 reasons. Firstly, the wordpress application that  my blog with was not working since I switched hosts, so my web guy fixed it for me. Also, I have had some health issues. Turns out I need surgery, but they are letting me wait til after my California and Chicago trip because I am not willing to give them up. I won’t be able to stay in L.A. as long as I was going to, but at least I get to go. I will be shooting for Clare Fonda, Spank Sin, Spank That Brat, and with a whole bunch of other people for my website. Just to name a few, Alicia Panettiere, Katherine ST. James, Kyle Johnson, Mike Billa, Paul Rogers, Cassandra Park, Chelsea Pfeiffer, Sin, and possibly Tasha Lee.

I am flying out this Tuesday to Chicago to attend the Crimson Moon party. I won’t be able to do as much social playing cause of my health issue, but I will still try to get in as many shoots as I can. Then after the party, I fly out to L.A. to do more shooting. Then back home mid-August. Not sure if I will make it to Shadow Lane either, it depends on how fast my recovery is.

In the mean time I have been doing more shooting with some new models for my website. I just did a spanking shoot with a girl named Krystal Star.

She is not a spanking model, but sh has done some work in the adult world and some bondage videos. At first she was kinda shy about spanking me and saying, she didn’t want to hurt me…how sweet…but I said don’t worry. Eventually she spanked me nice and hard, not as hard as I can take, but hard. We did a video called “Spanked Stripper” and parts 1 and 2 are on my website this week.

And I spanked her

I have also been doing a few fun photo shoots for my upcoming fetish website, The Fetish Princess. I am doing this website as a joint project with one of my photographers and the owner of the photo studio I shoot at. It will be mainly photos with some bondage videos.

Spanking Travels Part two

Well. let’s see, where did I leave off? Well, I spent time with Chelsea Pfeiffer, then I moved on to shoot some content for Spank That Brat with the cute blond, Cameron Dawn. I had fun hanging with her and I got to spank her. After my shoot there, I took a trip over to the beautiful Carmel where I spent almost 5 days with the Strict and loving Ms. Dana Specht.

I love staying with her. It is like we are family when I am with her. I feel very comfortable there and like she is really my aunt. Even when she wakes me up in the morning she says things like “young lady, it’s time to get up. Do I have to pull those covers down and spank your bottom?” Now to stay at someones house and have them wake you up with that, what more could I want?

I shot a few really intense videos with her.

She even got some pretty bad blood blisters from spanking me.

All of the videos we shot will be available within the next few months on Sarah Gregory Spanking. This week on Sarah Gregory Spanking, the beginning of the video, “Sarah In Trouble” premiers. The Plot:  “Sarah’s parents have gone away and asked her to take care of the house. To her surprise, they come home early and find the house completely trashed. When they try to talk to her about it, she is bratty, rude, and impossible to talk with. Mom and dad have no choice but to teach their bratty daughter a lesson she will not soon forget.”

I have also been updating my website with what I call “extra” galleries of photos I have from parties and photo shoots. This week I have posted a photo album of me handcuffed and nude in my members section. Here is a sneak peak.

Spanking travels part one

Well, the first stretch of my trip is now over. I spent the first few days with THE one and only Chelsea Pfeiffer. We had such a great time together. Whether we were shooting spanking videos, talking, watching movies, trying on shoes together, or just joking around….we never stopped having a good time. She is truly one of my best friends. We did 4 scenes between the few days I was there. One of them is now available on Chelsea’s spanking site, Good Spanking. It is called Injury to Insult. I had a lot of fun playing this part being a Celtics fan and all and her being a Lakers fan. What a perfect scenerio, especially right now with the play-offs going on.

“Chelsea loves post season basketball, especially when her favorite team is in the finals! She treated Sarah to a ticket in the corporate box, but Sarah was unappreciative of the gift and spent the entire game texting friends and getting embarrassingly drunk in front of all of Chelsea’s colleagues. Now, there’s a price to be paid and Chelsea’s exacting it on Sarah’s behind!”

I also got to see what a lot of Chelsea’s implements felt like. One of the nights I stayed over, we watched Legally Blonde, and then went through her drawer of spanking toys. I was like “Can you try those on me?” She sat on a pillow and I layed my body over her lap, bottoms up, and she went form implement to implement. What a fun time. She even gave me a Paddle Master Green Butterfly paddle for my collection. I have some cute ideas for spanking scenes with this paddle.

It was also fun to have a quick dinner with Clare Fonda.

I got to catch Clare up on how my website is going and she seemed very impressed. She said my site is a good mix of traditional family spankings with some romantic scenes mixed in as well. I really appreciated her feedback as Clare was one of the first people I reached out to in the business. Sometimes I cannot believe that I have my own site as when I was a teen I was going online and checking out Dana Specht, Chelsea Pfeiffer, Tasha Lee, and Stephanie Locke and now I have them on my website. I want my scenes to have so many details because my fantasies sure did. Clare was also impressed with how many updates I am giving my members. I felt that because when I first opened, I didn’t have a whole lot of videos up for the newest members, I want to thank those who stuck around. I am now updating EVERY DAY with video. I am going to be putting up daily videos for the first few months so I can build lots of new and diverse content. So, as Clare said, “wow, your members are really spoiled right now!” It is a lot of work with the editing and uploading, but it is worth it to me to build up my member base and have happy members. I am really having fun with the whole project. I don’t know of a lot of 26 year old women who run their own website independently. I add a new episode every week, and then mix in clips from previous weeks to spread them out a bit. I then will always put up the full video at the end of all the individual parts.


Guest Star: Chelsea Pfeiffer

As I am getting ready to travel to the West coast once again, I am working hard on my updates for the website so that I can focus on shooting videos and spending time with friends. I have decided to post a video I shot with Chelsea Pfeiffer of Good Spanking as I will be staying with her in a few days to shoot more videos and hang out. There is not a better time to premiere her appearance on my new website. I am so happy to feature her as a guest star.

I hope you will enjoy the video and if you are not a member, you should check it out.