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Ashley and Sarah get spanked

Last week I had Ashley Graham in to shoot. We had a very productive and fun day. I got to spend a lot of time behind the camera and I am really starting to love the directing aspect of spanking video production a whole lot.  We shot three scenes for my site and three scenes for Paul’s upcoming site that I am helping him with. Ashley Graham gave me a couple photos of of her Model Mayhem site to use.

She is such a fun girl to be around. We became fast friends and couldn’t stop talking. We have a lot in common. I look forward to shooting with her again whether I travel out to her side of the country or bring her back here to my side. She can take a very hard spanking and has a great on camera presence. She has worked for a lot of other fetish companies as well as spanking companies including Punished Brats and Chelsea Pfeiffer. Here are a few sneak peak photos from videos that will be released on SarahGregorySpanking

This week we are shooting with the beautiful and talented Erica Scott. Look for photos from our shoots next week. We shot all day today and will again all day on Wednesday. Erica, Paul, and I are creating some amazing spanking videos.


Well, now that life is getting back to normal I have time to post again. I want to thank all of you for your kind words around my grandmother’s death. It has been a very sad time for me and my family. On the positive side, I just got back from a fun filled vacation. It was a good distraction from all that has gone on. At first I was hesitant about going, but once I got there, I knew it was the right thing to do, plus I wouldn’t want to waste the airfare.

What was supposed to be a vanilla vacation turned out to be not so vanilla….hehe. The plan a year ago was to go away with some of my swing dance friends as one of them has a time share. There was an extra bedroom available, so I got permission to invite Paul, Tubaman. He was asked to bring someone and it just so happens that Kat St. James was available to go…great news for me as she is one of my best friends and we have a special relationship.

We had so much fun together, we even got to shoot my Christmas Spanking video in the resort. The beginning of this video goes up today on my site with elf Kat getting spanked by Santa. The full video will be up by Christmas. I just loved her facial expressions in this video. It is called “Lazy Little Elves.”

We had a lot of great adventures which included swimming with Dolphins, snorkeling with turtles and sting rays, and riding horses on the beach and in the water. It was a vacation I will never forget.


Just want to let you know I have not dropped off the face of the earth. Just as I was about to do another in depth blog post, I got called away as there was a death in my family. I had to up and leave town quickly and will be gone through the week with family, the funeral, and sitting shiva. Also, I will not be updating my website this week with new clips, but will double it up next week to make up for it. Thanks for understanding. This is just a very sad time for me and my family.

Spanking parties, theater, and more.

On Halloween weekend I attended the Chicago Crimson Moon spanking party, and although only there for less than 48 hours, I still managed to get a lot of spanking in and visit with friends. Though coming from a weekend spanking party into tech week for the show I am in was kinda rough. Due to being so busy and having next to no down time, I came down with a bad cough…which really sucked for opening weekend of the Opera I am a part of. It seems to have gotten a lot better, but still lingers. That show closes this coming weekend and then I have already begun rehearsals for another musical. I do a lot of community theater and it is a HUGE part of my life as most of you know. Four years ago I went from not getting in, to then getting into the chorus, then getting call backs for leads, then getting cast as principal dancers, and that is where I am at now. I am still not landing the leading role, but I know I will someday, so I keep on trying. So, doing the website, all of these shows, caring for my pets, and traveling a lot, doesn’t leave much time for my social life. Though, I am trying to find a place for it. I may be forced to sooner rather than later as I did meet someone special at the Chicago Crimson Moon party and I see potential for something more and so does she… we will have to wait and see what blossoms. Her being in Chicago and me in Massachusetts does kinda suck though.

At the spanking party,  I had the pleasure of meeting Lee, “the paddle master pro” now called PM ProductX. He has an awesome line of paddles. Kat St. James and I are the Miss PM ProductX girls and we have had the opportunity to play with many of his paddles. I also use them in my videos sometimes. They make a great sounds, sting like crazy, but don’t cause crazy bruising as a lot of paddles can. They come in different colors and shapes as well. Below I am using an older version of the Butterfly Paddle in green in the video “Doing the Naughty” which is now up on Sarah Gregory Spanking.

This particular spanking party was very fun in that it was Halloween weekend, so there was a costume contest and party. The winner of the contest was Lily Star and I was very proud of her, as she did have a great costume. Here she and I are below at the party.

Other friends that I was able to visit with at the party were IMLX, Kyra, Paul “Tubaman”, Allison Mliller from Firm Hand Spanking, Natasha from Girl Spanks Girl’s EE5, Mike Billa, Yoni from Bumrap Productions, and DrLectr

Here are some more photos from the weekend.

Getting ready for another spanking party

Well, this has been one busy week between updating my website, making some cute videos for spankingtube, packing all my outfits, burning DVDs for the vendor’s fair, and getting my new 2011 calendar ready to be able to sell this weekend. I have 4 new DVD’s coming out this weekend. People who will be at the Vendor’s fair will be the first to be able to purchase them. Most of the videos are not even on my website yet. The 4 DVDs are titled, “Sarah’s Sexy Spankings,” “School Days,” “Girlfriend Trouble,” and “Pajama Spankings.” All of which will also be available for purchase through my blog by emailing me at My new calendar will also be available for purchase for $30.00.

Paul “Tubaman” Rogers flew in yesterday and he is helping me with last minute preparations as well as shooting my Halloween special videos. I will be making a free clip for spanking tube and a longer video for my members site. The whole video will be posted in one full piece on Halloween as a special thanks to those who are members on the site. It is becaue of all of you members that I am able to keep going with it, so thanks so much.

We are all ready for HALLOWEEN….even my doggie is.

So many costumes, so little time to wear them all.

P.S. I am almost full on private sessions, but do have one more opening if someone who will be at the party or even in the area of Chicago wants to book my last slot. Please email if interested!!! I top, bottom, and switch, role play, fun spanking, discipline…tell me what you want.