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More from Florida shoots and fun

Well, the following days after my birthday in Florida were filled with shoots, shopping, and sun.

I saw the beautiful Florida Sunrise and seagulls having their early breakfast on my actual birthday, what a gorgeous site.

We had so much to pack into only 4 days. We spent the day after my birthday shooting with a popular fetish model, but new to spanking model, Miss Whitney Morgan.

She had a very outgoing and bubbly personality and was easy to talk to right off the bat. We were being so chatty that it was tough to focus and get started with the shoot. I shot 3 scenes with her for sarahgregoryspanking.

The first scene we shot was a scene where she and I played friends at a hotel with my dad on a business trip. We stay out all night and almost miss our morning flight. We come back drunk and I am even missing my panties which I sold off for money to buy more drinks. Let’s just say Dad isn’t too happy when we come stumbling in during the early morning hours. I don’t have a name for this video, if you have any suggestions, would love to hear them. Also, I always take plot ideas for my videos. Just send an email over to me at if you have any story lines to offer.

I rat Whitney out for it being her idea, so she gets more…hehe

Then she gets revenge on my booty.

Then in another scene which I call, BAD MODEL, Whitney and I play roommates and she steals my modeling job, so when I find out, I spank her to teach her a lesson.

Her butt was very sore and marked after a full day of shooting with me and Paul. She was such a trooper and took it all. I think she is a true spanko at heart.

The next shoot we had in Florida was with a girl named Vivian

…..and we had Galas back to have a shoot with three girls together. So HOT!!!

Birthday spankings, Florida, and more shoots

So, I am finally in Florida after having 4 flights canceled on me and Paul due to the snow/ice storm in CT. We arrived late Wednesday night. The whole reason for this trip was my birthday (today), but then I sort of have this way of turning every trip into a work vacation. It is like I can’t go somewhere without advertising it on MM or fetlife then all these companies want to book me for work and I find models I want to hire for my website….so this is a working vacation. Luckily we will still have some shopping and beach time. Thursday I did a full day of shooting for Tatiana Petrova, a Russian Domme, fetish producer. It was let’s just say interesting work. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into for the first half of the day, but the second half of the day was a lot better and less “different.” Let’s start with the second half of the day. I did a chloroform kidnapping type shoot, where I was taken and chloroformed on my way home from shopping and brought to Tatiana by her slave. Tatiana then undressed me, and fondled me a bit. Every time I woke up, I was put out again. The second scene I shot for her was a fur coat fetish scene and we basically were in furs getting hot and bothered over each other. The last scene was a KGB interogation spanking scene. Basically I was an American Student picked up by a KGB agent and brought to Tatiana for questioning as I was thought to be a spy. She makes me strip and then spanks me for a confession. Turns out she was wrong, but she still makes me go home with her so she can have her way with me.  I will be sent some photos from these shoots, so I will share them as soon as I have them. So, the different part of the shoots were for a company that Tatiana books for. It was a pony riding fetish. They were actual ponies that I had to ride mostly being nude and talk to them strictly. OMG…it was so hard to stay serious. I still can’t believe I was able to pull it off, but I guess I did okay with it.  I don’t think I would do that fetish again though. There is only so far I will go to do something I am not really that into even if I am paid.

On Friday I shot some bondage trade videos with a beautiful fetish model named Galas.

She is very well know in the fetish scene and does a lot of work with fetishes involving balloons, death, chloroform, and bondage. I shot one bondage clip for her site and she did one for mine. I should get photos for those soon as well. I then hired her to shoot some spanking clips for my site and Paul hired her for his site as well. We did 5 spanking scenes with her, two being for my site.

In the first one, Paul was my dad and a preacher. He was out of town at a retreat and my friend Galas was over to visit me. We are on our way out to a night club (which is against daddy’s rules) and we are dressed very slutty to say the least. I didn’t even want to go but she made me. Well daddy’s flight was canceled and he was not happy to come home to find his daughter and her friend dressed like little sluts on their way out to a night club.

In the second one Galas plays my girlfriend who I spank. I am very upset with her that she has gone to her ex’s house to get a spanking instead of asking me for it. I tell her that was just a warm-up and pull her over my knee for the real spanking. This was a hot scene!

Then after a full day of shooting some good dinner we checked into our second hotel in Fort Lauderdale where we will be through the 10th. I turned 27 at mid-night and got my birthday spanking. We video taped it even though I had no make-up on and didn’t feel shall we say shoot ready. I will edit that clip and put it up later this week in between other shoots and celebrating. Here a a couple photos from tonight’s spanking.

Check back in a few days for more photos and re-caps on my Florida spanking/fetish/Birthday trip.

Euphoric Tendencies

Who is that in the photo with Sarah Gregory? Well, it is none other than the gorgeous and sexy Tasha Lee of Bumrap Productions.

I have always had a very close bond and special relationship with Tasha since before I ever met her. Then after meeting her for the first time the sexual chemistry was so strong that we became, shall we say, very close.

A long while back I was given a DVD of a play that she wrote, produced, and acted in along side her hubby, Yoni. This DVD was the stage show of the Off Off Broadway romantic comedy, Euphoric Tendencies.

I was drawn into this story right away and loved the way it took spanking into the mainstream. Well, now this amazing play is in the process of becoming a full length feature film, and I would even get to be in it, how cool is that.

NOW, Actress, writer and filmmaker, Tanya Marten, better known to many in the spanking community as Tasha Lee, owner and principle star of Bum Rap Productions, is outing herself for art.  Tanya, whose Off Off Broadway romantic comedy about spanking, Euphoric Tendencies, presented the spanking scene to a mainstream theatre-going audience in a positive and fun way, is currently in the process of raising more than half a million dollars to produce the feature film version of her stage hit.  And she’s looking for support from the spanking community.

“I’m outing myself because I want people in the scene to know that, although I am happy and proud to make spanking videos, before I was ever Tasha Lee, owner of Bum Rap Productions, I was Tanya, a SAG and Equity actress, with a fairly extensive resume of theatre, television and film work.  And it infuriated me that every time I saw mainstream television or filmmakers dealing with the spanking and BDSM scenes, it was always to portray us as serial killers or twisted freaks.  With Euphoric Tendencies, my goal was to create an entertaining, positive and life-affirming look at the spanking and BDSM world, something a mainstream audience could enjoy and relate to.  It worked beautifully with the stage production, and it will be even better when we make the film version.”

I am so excited to see this happen as I have known Tasha for a long time and she deserves something amazing like this to happen.

She is asking for help from the spanking community as well and I fully support that and would like to strongly urge you if you can, to help support this film.

“I’m asking those in the community who have the ability, to invest in a project that brings a life-affirming and entertaining look at our spanking lifestyle to a mainstream motion picture audience.  We’re working with a non-profit theatre company, so even if people can only afford to donate a few dollars, they can participate.  And for those interested in making a serious investment, we have a complete Business Plan available through our production company, Soular Films.”

“Euphoric Tendencies tells the story of Beth Moss, a frustrated writer, struggling with her first novel, who finds her muse in the person of a new, bisexual roommate, who introduces her to the world of spanking and much more.  Ms. Marten will be reprising the role of Mina, Beth’s new roommate, which she created on stage, with an, as yet, unsigned “name star” playing Beth.  The film is scheduled to begin shooting in November.  If you’re interested in helping, you can contact Tanya directly at <> , or <> .  You can also visit the Euphoric Tendencies website at , where you can view a clip from the NY stage production, shot live, in performance.”

Also along with this huge news, I will be the bottom half of a spanking demo for TES at Paddles on Saturday night March 19th. Tanya/Tasha will be there talking a little about Euphoric Tendencies, her book, Hot Crossed Buns, doing some Q&A’s , and doing some actual spanking…of me!!!!

As you can see we have great spanking chemistry. Hope to see you all at Paddles on March 19th.

Sarah and Erica Scott take Connecticut

So last week we shot with Erica Scott. What a professional, talented, gorgeous, and fun woman to work with. On Monday I got to direct, photograph, and film 5 scenes that were shot for Paul, Tubaman, Rogers’ upcoming website on spanking instruction. What a different kind of shooting day it was for me. I didn’t have to get up like 2 hours earlier to do hair make-up, etc etc. I could make coffee, relax, and wait for everyone else to be dressed and ready. I did set up cameras and angles and make sure batteries were charged. Paul set up the lights as they are very big and we also had to clean a bit, but not a whole lot. It was a productive day of lots of spanking. We got so much work done. We were even too tired to go out to dinner so we had homemade chicken soup in. Plus, it was less than zero degrees outside, so it was more fun to sit inside by the pellet stove, eat, tell funny stories, and watch tv. Tuesday I had to go off to some appointments and then to Cabaret rehearsal…YES  I am in Cabaret…woohoo. So, Erica, Paul, and my friend K (we were at his house) all spent the day together. I still don’t know exactly what they all did, but I am hoping they didn’t have too much fun without me.

Wednesday was another full day of shooting, except we didn’t get started til about 3:30pm. There was a lot more getting ready to do as the scenes we were doing for my site were a little more involved in that three of us would be in them and each was in a different room. I came up with the plots and basically directed while being in the videos. K was our video guy and he has been helping me a lot with the models when they come in for shoots, so he is getting really good at it. I just call “cut” when I want to change angles. It is kinda funny actually cause I am all screaming in pain, then I say “cut, can you get a butt shot now,” or “cut, can you get a close up on my face.”

I came up with my first video idea for three reasons. 1. Erica would only bottom, but….I wanted a way to have her be a little toppy to me. 2. We had awesome set pieces to use for the video and 3. I love school girl scenes as does everyone else it seems. So, Paul is the principal, Erica, the teacher, and me the snotty student. Basic plot is Erica keeps me after class for failing a test, she and I get into a yelling match about it, principal hears, comes in, he’s not happy, spanks me to show her how to handle brats like this, then spanks her for not dealing with me properly. It was a very fun scene to be in and come up with. It is about 30 min in total so I will be able to sell it as a full DVD at the various vendor’s fairs. Here are a couple photos from that scene.

The next scene we did I came up with because I have such an outgoing personality and Erica can come across very shy at times, so it worked well. Plus I wanted an excuse to dress really really slutty. I was the prostitute and she was the shy wife having me come over to “please” her as she was not getting enough from her husband (Paul). She figured that hiring a woman prostitute meant she was not cheating. Well, when her hubby comes home early, he is not so happy at what he finds. He takes his wife otk for some hard spanking, then spanks the prostitute even as she protests so loudly.

“How long do you expect me to hide behind the bed and wait? I am not getting paid for this.” (Yes that was one of my lines)

And yes, we got a little silly too while shooting some of the stills.

And finally we did a scene where Erica was the inn keeper and a very rude one at that. She was taken otk by Paul and given a “tip” she won’t forget.

Glad I had this dress for her to borrow……it worked great for the scene.

After all the shoots we went out for a really nice seafood dinner. A great end to a great shoot.

To see more on our adventures visit Erica’s blog. She tells in great detail of her time from her perspective. A great read.