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Sarah In England Part 1

Well, me and Paul have been in the UK now for a little over a week. We have been doing a lot of sight seeing as well as shooting.It was hard to get this photo, but we managed to get a quick spanking shot in front of Stonehenge.

We hired the gorgeous, witty, and talented Amelia Jane Rutherford to shoot for us. She did 4 great scenes for Sarah Gregory Spanking and  bunch of short scenes for Paul’s upcoming site, Spanking101 the book. In one scene we played roommates and I spank Amelia to get her ready for her part in Kiss me Kate, as she has asked me, her friend, to show her what a real spanking feels like. I had a lot of fun, but my arm was very worn out and even broke a hairbrush. This girl has got buns of steal.

In the next scene she plays a naughty girl who is trying to sneak out to a party when her guardian, Paul Kennedy, from Northern Spanking, catches her and is not too happy. This will be called, Party Girl.

Next, I shot a scene where her and I get spanked by Paul Kennedy together, this was fun.

And the last scene she did for my site was a rather serious intense one that started off with a lighter theme and turned around with the improv of it to be more serious with real tears. Amelia gts spanked by both Pauls in this one.

I also shot for two well know UK based spanking sites, Northern Spanking, and TrippleASpanking. I took my first shall I say “real” caning and I don’t think it is something I would do again as a choice. It was not good for me and sort of felt a lot more like work than like something I would do on a regular basis. I didn’t like it much. The after effects were not fun either, I guess it is for some people and not for others. I do like being caned, don’t get me wrong, but just not to full strength. Photos from these two shoots to come later when I get some sent to me.

Tomorrow I shoot with Bars and Stripes, another UK based website. I will let you know how that goes.

Texas All State Spanking Fun

I am sorry for taking so long to blog on this. I have been in England with limited internet access and left a day after the party was over.

The weekend of June 9-12 was the Texas All State Spanking party. It was so much fun. There was everything from, good food, dancing, karaoke, spanking, naughty school girls, to fun suite parties, and oh yea lots more spanking. I will share with you a story in photos detailing the weekend that I had. So, Thursday was pre-registration and opening suite parties. We had a party in our room, and although not super crowded, there was lots of spanking play. In the day on Thursday I did a bit of shooting for my website with Dana Specht and Kat St. James. We did a full length 45 min video where me and Kat are sisters and get in a lot of trouble with our mom. Here are some sneak peak stills.

I also did some shooting later Thursday night after some dinner and partying with the adorable Jenni Mac.

Friday started with a few wonderful Demos. I only saw two of them, as I had to leave early to prepare for the Naughty School Girl Party. The first demo was on scolding and this was given by the very strict famous disciplinarian, Dana Specht.

The second demo was on role play and this was given by the strict Miss Chris and adorable Jenni Mac.

Later in the day I got to host my very first event…a Naughty School Girl Party. I had chosen a specific group of tops to play the priests and nuns and told any female bottom to show up dressed as a school girl to participate in the party. It was loads of fun. Here is a collage of photos from the party that I put together as there were so many to choose from, I wanted to include as many as possible. Click on the collage to see bigger.

Then, later Friday night, it was a Margaritaville theme, icebreaker games, food, and spanking. The dress I wore was my college graduation dress. I had also worn it in a video on Chelsea’s Pfeiffer’s website called Unhappy Birthday Spanking. In the photos below are me and Kat, then me and Paul, then bottom row, me, Chelsea, and Dana and then me and Miss Theresa

Unfortunately I didn’t get up early enough Saturday for the breakfast, but heard it went great. Plus, I had a lot of prep work that still needed to be done for the vendor’s fair, which was awesome. I sold a lot of DVDs and had fun spanking the lovely Ten and getting spanked by Chelsea Pfeiffer and Dana Specht.

Saturday night was White Night. We had an awesome dinner, listened to a comedy show from Artamis, danced, did Karaoke, and of course lots of spanking.

I stayed up really late playing and so it was hard to get up the next morning for the models brunch, but I did it as tired as I was. This was fun. It was just kind of a goodbye type thing and an opportunity for all the models who attended to be in one spot at one time so that they could be approached for photos and conversation. We took a group celeb photo as well.

After the model brunch, I continued with a lot more shooting. I shot with Chelsea, Dana, Ten, and Jenni Mac, for my website. Here are some stills from our shoots.

All in all it was a very fun and full weekend of shoots, partying, spanking play, and just time with friends.

Ready for Texas All State Spanking!!!

Texas, here I am and ready to be spanked. I arrived to Dallas Texas Monday evening to be greeted by my daddy, Paul. We have frantically been preparing for the Texas All State party which officially starts Thursday (today). I am super excited as there are going to be so many fun events.

Here is the promo video we filmed together.

However, I do not have red hair anymore. The story with that is I had a good paying shoot in L.A. who didn’t like the red hair for the shoot, so they asked me to go back to a more natural look, I did, and although I miss the bright red, I feel that it was a good change of pace for a little while, the darker hair is less maintenance and it suite me better. What do you think?

I am also throwing a Naughty School Girls party during the Texas All State party. I am super excited for this. All the tops I have invited will be priests and nuns, and the bottoms who can be any female bottom have to show up as school girls ready to be naughty. I will also be vending a lot of DVDs and my Calendar. I am still booking sessions as well. I have a few slots still open if you will be at the party and would like to book one, email me for details.

Also check out this week on, Bad Model, starring me spanking my naughty friend, Whitney Morgan. Boy did I let her have it.

Stay tuned for Party photos and updates soon!!!!!!!

Cane-iac Sarah Gregory Collection Live

I am super excited as the Sarah Gregory Spanking Toy Collection has officially launched on Cane-iac. I have been working with them on this collection. They have put a lot of time into creating some pretty amazing implements and spanking toys that really suit my style and personality. You can now order the fantastic toys from the collections page. I have also been spending a lot of time having these implements tested out on my poor bottom from my daddy, Paul.

Sarah above with her CORSET JR Double Leather Strap

Sarah above with The GREGORY HOLED OAK PADDLE.

After I feel each implement, I write a short description called, a “Sarah Says” and these can be viewed when you click on a particular item in the store. The collection page is constantly being updated and changed as it progresses and shows to be a very successful line. Also, if you will be attending the Texas All State spanking party next week, I will have a few of the items on my vendor’s table for you to try out. If you like them, they can be ordered directly through the collection page.

I also had an amazing shoot this past week with Carissa Montgomery and Kat St. James. Look for photos coming soon!

Also, check out the latest update on Sarah Gregory Spanking. This video is called Lazy Maid and stars me and Dana Specht. Speaking of which I just got back from shooting with her out on the West Coast. I will also be seeing her in Texas to do some more playing and shooting with.

Better Late than Never

Well, as you know I always post a blog on any spanking parties I go to, so here is my post on Boardwalk Badness weekend. I am behind on this post as I had to get the photos off my camera and had been non-stop traveling. Well, I have some down time in the airport, so here are my Atlantic City adventures….

Kat, Kyle, Kisa, and John, all flew to my place. Paul was already with me. We rented an 8 person SUV and drove to Atlantic City for the party the last weekend of April. Is was an awesome party with lots of fun things to do. I did a good amount of shooting as well. I got to chance to shoot some more content with Miss Chris for Sarah Gregory Spanking. Here is a photo from our shoot.

I also had the pleasure of working with Ten. She is such a nice girl. We really hit it off and I have a feeling a nice friendship is blooming. Plus she moved to the state I live in, so shooting with her and hanging out will be very easy.

The actual party was great. The Vendor’s fair brought me a lot of business with  my DVDs and Calendars.

Also I was the host of Strictly’s got Talent. I  got the opportunity to perform a couple of songs. I think this part of the weekend was the highlight for me, as performing and singing is where a lot of my passion is.

Me and Kyle, Me and Paul, and me and Kat.

Stay tuned for more of my L.A. adventures…