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Crimson Moon Summer party

Just got back from the Crimson Moon summer spanking party in Chicago. I had such a wonderful and busy weekend, that when I got home, I slept for almost a full day, so I am just getting to blog now. I was debating even doing this blog post because my reader viewings have been way down. But I will post anyways, cause I have a lot to show and tell from the party.

I arrived last Wednesday and just chilled, went for a dip in the hot tub and settled in. Then, more people started to arrive Thursday. I was there with my daddy, Paul. We had an ice cream/spanking fundraiser for diabetes research on Thursday night. We were encouraged to dress in 1950s attire. I didn’t know about this before hand, so I didn’t have the best outfit, but I managed.

After dinner and the ice cream fundraiser I did a private session. It went well. It was actually my only session as I was pretty booked with party stuff and shoots that I didn’t want to tire out too much. Plus I had a lot of people I just wanted to have fun and play with. However if you would like to book as session while I am in Vegas next month at The Shadow Lane Spanking party, please inquire.

Then, Friday they had a school girl party inspired by the one I hosted at TASSP. I wasn’t feeling very well, but I went and participated to the best of my ability. Me and Jenni Mack are pictured below at this event.

Then after the school girl party, there was something new that I haven’t seen at any spanking parties before. This was an all female spanking suite party for females who only wanted to play with females. It went very well and I think I will host one of these at next years Texas All State spanking party, which will be the weekend of June 14th-17th. Since this was sort of a private suite party, I don’t have any photos from it.

Then between the afternoon events and dinner, I did an outside of party events bondage shoot with Ropeographer from fetlife. It paid well and was quite fun. Here are some of my favorite shots from the shoot.

Late Friday night, Kat, Kyle, and Kisa arrived. We played a little before they were tired and needed to turn in.

Saturday afternoon was the vendor’s fair. I didn’t make many sales of DVDs to my surprise, but I purchased quite a lot of new implements and cute outfits. I also had on my table a display of some of the new spanking toys from the Sarah-Gregory-Collection. These were just samples to try out and people can order them directly from their website. I do get commission on these items, so please order some, try them out. I love em!!! Also, if you would like to order any of the videos on my website in DVD form, please email me at to place an order.

I got spanked by Kyle Johnson and Tasha Lee in front of my vendor’s table. This drew in a crowd on on-lookers.

I would LOVE to do a video in this Girl Scout costume for my website…any ideas???

Photo from Saturday night

Here is a short clip that Johnny Ravage filmed with his phone. Not the best quality, but something to have and post.

Sorry about the double frame. It was shot in 3D and I couldn’t edit it out.

I did some filming with Tasha Lee on Sunday for my website. We filmed two scenes. I will put one up soon. Check back later for some photos from the shoot.

England Part 4: Leia Ann Woods

Well, to wrap up my adventures in England, I still need to talk about my shooting with the lovely British model Leia Ann Woods. We shot with her on our last day. I did 3 scenes with her for my website and the first one is up now, It is called, “The Nanny.” I had a lot of fun filming with Leia, she is such a nice and professional girl. She spanked me and I got to spank her and she is wonderful and talented on both ends. The plot for this video is that Sarah is attending school in England and living in a house that her father paid for. She is out of control, missing classes, partying, and her grades are slipping. Her father hires a nanny to come in a and whip this bratty girl into shape with some good old fashioned discipline.

Also here are a couple sneak peaks at some of the other stuff we shot to be released at a later date.

I am at the Chicago Crimson Moon spanking party this weekend, so check back later for photos and fun stories.

England Part 3: Pandora Blake

Yes, we had the opportunity to shoot with British spanking model Pandora Blake. She was a pleasure to work with and spank. We shot 3 scenes for Sarah Gregory Spanking and a bunch of scenes for Spanking 101, Paul’s new upcoming website.I did a female/female caning demo with her for the site.

Luckily we had a 4th person there to help when needed so we were able to get a scene with me, Pandora, and Paul. I had recently received an authentic English school uniform and bought a matching one, so we were able to use them in this school themed scene. Paul played my father and we were a father/daughter going as guests in a British school. He got the job and I came along to attend. Pandora, another student and I get in a fight and are sent to his office for a spanking, caning, and paddling. This will go up on Sarah Gregory Spanking soon!!

In another scene I spank Pandora for copying my term paper and getting in trouble at school for this. I come back to show her I was caned, so I spank and Cane her as revenge.

The third scene for my site is called The Initiation. Pandora plays a college sudent trying to get into a sorority. One of the pledges she must do is knock on a person’s door after being dropped off in a random neighborhood and asked to be spanked and then have a photo taken for proof.

Sarah Gregory as a Naughty Diaper Girl

Yes, when I was in L.A. in May I did some shooting for Clare Fonda’s Naughty Diaper Girl website. It was really fun actually. I had fun getting in touch with my naughty baby side. I went up live on the website so you should check it out if you haven’t. Even is diapers is not your thing, it is extremely sexy as I do my baby strip tease and get spanked. Here are a few photos that I love from the shoot.

Check out the FREE PHOTO GALLERY of me as well!!!!!

Sarah In England Part 2

Hey everyone. So as promised, here are some preview photos from a few of the websites I have shot for so far while being over here in the UK.

Ivan from Triple A Spanking was kind enough to already put photos from our shoot up on his blog and do a lovely post on a couple of the videos on my website as well, Burn Sinners Burn, and Bad Model. Here are some of the photos from that shoot.

I also shot for Northern Spanking.

And lastly for Bars and Stripes.

Also coming up next, photos and stories from my shoots with Pandora Blake and Leia Ann Woods. Stay tuned.
