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Lots of new Sarah Gregory Spanking updates

So, I have been working on the website almost non stop for the last week. I have edited lots of new photos and videos. The last three videos to go up live on the site are a video starring me and Miss Chris called, “Teenage Shoplifter.” This video has some great mother/daughter banter and really hard spanking. Click on the photo below for the free gallery.

Another new video stars me and Kyle Johnson. This is a fun video and was filmed very recently in August. I love role play and playing characters. So, we had a lot of fun with this one. It is called, “The Biggest Brat in Bedrock.” There will also be a sequel to this one coming soon which includes Kat St. James. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her today by the way!!!!

Enjoy a preview video clip.

The third new video just posted this week is called, “Mama Clare Takes Charge.” It stars non other than the lovely and talented spanking model, Clare Fonda. She has also been one of my idols in the spanking scene since I started, so to have her on my website is very exciting. We shot this video over labor day weekend at the Shadowlane Party in Vegas. I don’t have a free gallery yet, but there are some photos from this in my previous blog post and here are a few more.

and a preview clip

The next video to come n September 27th, 2011 on is a favorite of mine. It was shot back in April when I had red hair. I will introduce a lovely model named Leila Hazlett to the spanking scene.

She is has a great body, cute face, and can take a hard spanking. We enjoyed working together so much that she is coming back again this winter for more. So there will be lots of her to come. Here are some stills for the upcoming video, “Leather is for Lovers.”

Fun times at Shadowlane!

Sorry it has taken me so long to prepare this post. I was very tired when I got back from Vegas and had a lot to do around the house that was unexpected. Not to mention I don’t have a car and have to borrow one as mine is in the shop. Plus I think I had a bit of post party blues. It was such an amazing weekend that I didn’t want it to end.

I got into Vegas the Wednesday before the party so that I had a chance to rest before it all started, but I didn’t get much rest anyways. I didn’t get in til later Wed night than expected due to Paul arriving later than expected and me having to wait at airport 2 hours for him. Apparently he forgot his ID when he went to the airport in Dallas and had to go home to get it and he missed his flight. So the photo shoot I that was planned that night had to be changed, I guess it was all for the better since I was very tired anyways.

Thursday I spent the day doing sessions…I wanted to get most of them out of the way before the party, so I could just focus on play and party Fri and Sat.

Friday I shot with Clare for Naughty Diaper Girls and for my website. She will premier in “Clare Takes Charge” next week. Here are some stills from the shoot with her.

Then Friday night was the Vendor’s fair. I had a blast in my cheer uniform. I sold a lot of the Cane-iac implements I brought from my collection as well as some DVDs. I have a lot of DVDs left so if you are looking for a particular one or want to know what I have, send me an email. My email address can be found on my website.

Friday night was wicked fun. However I had to limit my play as a bottom because I had a Shadowlane shoot Monday and couldn’t be marked.I still did some flogging play as that doesn’t mark, it’s more of a relaxing type play. This moment went down as one of the best Shadowlane moments where we were all being flogged at once. Not everyone wishes to be named as they are not scene models, but the second one in from the right is Ten, then next over, me, then Kat.

Saturday I slept in a little and then did another session that went well. I had a lot of getting ready to do for the big fancy night. Curling my hair took way longer than I thought. But it was a great night with lots of fun moments that included, dancing, eating, talking, and spanking.

Me and my friends Saturday night. First photo, me and Kisa. Second, me and daddy, third, me and Erica Scott, fourth, me and Clare Fonda.

Then me and Clare took some fun spanking promo photos.

Then we decided to do a little role play show for everyone. Since Clare didn’t like my taste in music, she was saying she was going to spank me for it. I can’t help it if I like Britney Spears. But I did get Clare on the dance floor later to Britney…hehe. Enjoy the story of how it went in photos including, me, Clare, Kat St. James, and Veronica Ricci of Clare Fonda Spanking.

Then Saturday night we got flogged again, but it was just me, Kat, and Ten.

Sunday, yes I did some more sessions and had my rescheduled photo shoot, then had a night out with Paul in Vegas on the strip. Then we came back for a post party suite party with some Karaoke DJed by Kyle Johnson. I sang one solo and two duets. I will put at least one of the videos up as soon as it’s edited.

Shadowlane prep and more news!

Well, I am trying to answer and respond to everyone’s comments, so on the last two posts I have done just that.

I have also been busily getting all my website updates done through the beginning of September as they are on auto update when I am not home.

This week see two of the videos I filmed while in England. Spanked at Dawn features me, Amelia Jane Rutherford, and Paul Kennedy, and Revenge is a Dish Best Served Hot features me and Pandora Blake. Here are some stills from them along with a free Gallery!

Free Gallery from Spanked At Dawn!

Yes I got to Cane Pandora…how exciting!!!

I wanted to get them done through the Shadow Lane party weekend so I can enjoy the party without being on my computer every night. I will have enough to worry about with scheduling sessions, shoots, and play time not to mention organizing for the Vendor’s fair. Which brings me to my next point, I have some questions that came to my mind after struggling to make DVD sales at the last few parties.

1. What makes a good DVD for purchase? What are you the buyer looking for? (length, how hard of spanking…etc?)

2. How much variety do I need? I mean I have about 20 titles now.

3. How often do I need to produce new content on DVD?

4. If it is on my website will people buy a DVD of it instead of joining or in addition to?

5. Why have DVD sales been down? Are they just not popular anymore? Economy? People would rather spend money on toys?

6. Are prices too high ($25 for one, $40 for two, and $50 for three DVDs)?

7. Do people prefer compilations of a few shorter videos to make a longer DVD or longer titles with one video on the DVD, such as a 45 min video?

In addition to selling my DVDs at this fair, I will also be selling many of the implements and toys from the Sarah Gregory Cane-iac collection and some other cute items such as tee-shirts that say spank me and stuff as such, and another surprise.

Here is a promo video I did with Pandora Blake in England for one of the cane-iac items.

I have also been doing some updates in my clips4sale store as well as creating a new clips store to be announced soon!

And a piece of totally awesome exciting news. I will be filming once again for my second time with Shadow Lane after the party..YAY! Kat St. James and Tom Byron will be in the shoot with me.

More adventures from California

Well, I am home safe and well spanked from the lovely West Coast. I had a blast. I have so many fun stories and photos to share. I think where I left off in my last post, was after my time hanging out with Clare Fonda. Well, after spending some quality time with her, I had another couple shoots in the L.A. area. I had a rental car so I was able to explore more than I would have in the past. I had a foot fetish shoot for Barefoot Vision, which because I am very flexible, went very well and they want to hire me again. I also had a Damsel in Distress rope bondage shoot with Saico, which also went very well and I am wanted again for next time I come out, which means I will plan yet another L.A. trip later either this year or for early next year since there is more work there for me. I will also get to see my friends again too which is also a plus. It is really great having so many friends out there to spend time with when I am out there to work. As a model I gotta go where the work is.

Here is a photo of the work I did for Saico a the rope bondage shoot in West Hollywood.

After my bondage shoot I drove around West Hollywood and went to some thrift stores (one of my fave things to do) and found an amazing vintage shop where I got some authentic cheer uniforms ans some vintage dresses for later shoots I have planned. I also went for lunch at a yummy falafel joint. That night I drove to Chelsea Pfeiffer’s house as she was nice to let me spend the night. We didn’t have much time to hang out as I would have liked, but we did some catching up and it was nice to see her. The next day I was picked up bu my friends Kat St. James and Kyle Johnson to go on our road trip to Monterey and San Francisco. Our first stop was a cute ton called Avila, where we stayed in an inn on the beach.

We got up early the next morning to walk on the beach and take photos. It was a gorgeous day. Kat and I both love photography.

Then we drove to a place called Pirate’s Cove. This was a nude beach with a cave.

We had a bit of a hike down to the nude beach.

But luckily it was a gorgeous day and we could take photos of great scenery, which I love.

We did some shooting on the nude beach with help from some of kyle and Kat’s friends from fetlife  who met us there, John and his girlfriend. They were very nice to help us. Some of these videos will be available on spanking tube soon, and the longer video with be on Sarah Gregory Spanking and Disciplinary Arts Clips4sale. We had such fun filming and the people around us watching seemed to enjoy themselves as well. It was funny because every time someone would park themselves a little close to us, Kat would go over to them and say, “just to let you know, we are going to be filming some spanking videos here, you can watch, but you might want to move if you don’t want to be in the shot.” I would have trouble doing that, but not Kat, a very brave girl. Here area few grabs from the video files, some of which should be available later this week on spanking tube. Right now see the Nude Beach Prank on my clips4sale store.

We also took some cute photos before we left.

After out morning on the beach and cave filming we got in the car to continue our road trip to Monterey. We took the longer route along the coast so we could stop at the Elephant Seal Rookery. They are interesting looking creatures to say the least.

Other wildlife surrounds the area and as you can see Kyle had fun ignoring the signs.Too bad he doesn’t get spanked, cause that’s a spanking for sure.

Upon arriving to Monterey, we were tired and hungry. We were staying with a good friend of mine and so we all went to dinner. The next day, we headed to San Fransisco as Kat and I were shooting for SF_Spanker’s clips4sale store.

Then back to Monterey we went Kat and Kyle dropped me off, headed back home and I stayed for a couple days before heading home myself. Now I have a lot of work ahead of me between editing the new videos,doing website updates, and preparing for the Shadow Lane Party which is in a couple weeks time. I will be selling a lot of new titles that aren’t even released on my website yet, so I have a lot of prep to do. Bye for now!

Hello from the West Coast

Once again I am back in the lovely Sunny California. I have bee gradually making my way up North. In the past I have mainly stayed in L.A, but I am exploring new territory. I spent my first week in Hemet with Kat St James, Kyle Johnson, and Kisa Corvin.

Me and Kat in the pool in Palm Desert near the bondage shoot.

I shot in Palm Desert with Bondage Designs and Dominic Wolfe again, popular bondage production companies. This was my second time working for them. I must admit, it is very tight and intense bondage, but it helps to advance my career as a fetish model and we always get some great content. Once I get some photos from this shoot, I will throw them up here. Here is a photo from my last shoot with them in May.

While in Hemet I shot a scene I have been planning for awhile with Kyle Johnson. I will let you figure out what kind it was with the preview photo.

We also went to a small after party at Clare Fonda’s on Sunday the 7th. She had her famous EE shoot that day and invited a bunch of us over after.We just took some fun photos while hanging out.

And of course Clare’s Maxxxi was getting turned on by the spanking…haha!!!

I wasn’t in the EE6 shoot, but still was invited over. I also shot some scenes for her clips4sale Diaper site and Bratty Step-daughter site. I am back at her house now to spend some quality time shopping, talking, and I went to her comedy show. What fun! I love this woman.

Stay tuned for more of my west coast adventures later this week.