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Happy Spanksgiving

I wanted to wish all my reader’s a very happy Thanksgiving. I always ask the question, what am I thankful for this time of the year? It isn’t everyday that we sit and think of what we truly are thankful for in our lives. There are so many things that I am thankful for in my vanilla life as well as scene life.

What I am thankful for in my spanking life.

I am thankful that I have a wonderful daddy in my life.

I am thankful that I have a wonderful Momma in my life.

I am thankful for all the other spanko friends that I have made though the years, just to name a few, Kat, Kyle, IMLX, Kisa, Chelsea Pfeiffer, JohnnyRavage, Tasha and Yoni, Mike Billa, Larry-Givantake, Pixie, Clare Fonda, Doug and there are loads more. So thanks for your wonderful friendship.

I am thankful for all my fans and readers. It is because of you that I keep going as Sarah Gregory.

I am thankful that I have a successful spanking member’s website and that I get to do what I love for a living.

In my vanilla life I am thankful:

That I have a loving and caring family, as difficult as they can be at times, they still love me a lot.

That I have a college degree

That I am finally getting lead roles in community theater

That I have an amazing voice teacher who is like a second mom to me.

That my living situation is finally great.

That I have a wonderful cute doggie named Maxi

That I have a few wonderful and loyal friends, they all may not live close by, but that doesn’t mean I love them any less.

This week enjoy some free galleries from my website as well as a preview of my latest Thanksgiving Special starring me, Dana Specht, and Paul. It is called, A Not So Happy Spanksgiving.

Gallery 1

Gallery 2

Gallery 3

Gallery 4

Gallery 5

“Sarah is pouting and acting very ungrateful. When Sarah’s mother confronts her and asks her for some help preparing Thanksgiving dinner, Sarah back talks her enough to earn herself a hard slap across the face. If that isn’t enough she gets a hard bare bottom spanking from mom, from dad, then from both for acting like a spoiled ungrateful brat on Thanksgiving.”

What are you thankful for???


I walk into her room. I am wearing pink fleece PJs with little hearts on them. I am a child, a little girl. Momma says, honey come over hear. “You know I love you, right? “Yes momma.” “You know you are loved.” “Yes Momma.” “I want to show you how much I care for you child.“ Momma pulls the covers back to reveal fresh white sheets. Momma sits comfortably in the middle of the bed. Her back against the headboard her legs stretched out. “Come here Sarah,” she says. “Yes momma,” I say with a small smile. I am happy, yet nervous at the same time. I am ready for pain, and love at the same time. I know I need this and she knows it too, words don’t need to be exchanged at this point. I climb onto the bed, crawl over to her right side. I kneel for a minute, my heart pounding, looking up at her with my big brown eyes innocently. She looks at me with that kind face, tilts her head to the side and simply motions with her head for me to lay across her lap. I lay over, place my head down upon the soft white sheets. My legs stretched out, my butt raised in anticipation. She pulls my PJ pants tight to show off the lovely curves of my bottom. I relax into her strong motherly lap. Light pats start, she knows how I love my mommy spankings with a warm up. She can read my body. Every breath I take in and out she feels. I feel every breath she takes, her warm lap, the soft sheets, my cozy Pjs. I feel safe, content, loved. The pats become a little heavier, it is more like spanking at this point, after she feels that I have been spanked over my soft protective Pajama pants enough, she slowly and carefully pulls them down only to see I am wearing full bottom white cotton panties, her favorite for her little girl. I raise my butt a little to help as she straitens them out, making sure to pull them a bit in different directions to make sure my bottom is covered for the next part of my spanking. I relax even more. Her hand feels a little heavier, but still not so painful. She rubs my pink bottom in between spanks. “It is getting warm” she says. I can feel the touch of her hand rubbing over my spanked bottom, it soothes me into more comfort and I feel more cared about than ever. I want to make momma proud and be a good little girl. I know that when I am not, the spanks are hard right from the beginning. Before I know it, she begins to slowly peel down my white cotton panties to reveal a light pink round bottom. It awaits what comes next. She rubs a little more, than spanks me. The part of my bottom that had been covered is more white than the rest. It all begins to get a nice pink color. The spanking get harder, and before I know it, I begin to tense up, my ankles cross, knees have a slight bend, head faces the bed as my back arches ever so slightly. The spanking gets more intense; my butt is turning a darker shade of pink. Momma knows that what she is doing is out of love. She knows how much I crave this. It satisfies her to give to me, as it satisfies me to be a good girl for her.  The spanking goes on and I start to think about some of the things that I have done that I am not proud of. I am getting what I need to help me forgive myself. My legs raise a little in the air as she begins to spank my sit spot, they raise even more and I start to kick as she spanks my sweet spot. It is really hard now, my body is tense, my abs tighten over her sturdy lap. I know she feels my tension, but she keeps going knowing this is a good thing for me. I go into my head; into a deeper sub space. My body feels heavy. I think how I have been feeling sorry for myself lately. I think about my depression and the unhealthy ways I had dealt with it before I discovered this amazing spanking community. I am a star, people love me, need me. I need to be here for them, I need to be here for Momma and the spanking reminds me of that. It is tangible. With each whack, the inner pain and heaviness I carry diminishes. I feel emotionally cleansed. I feel like I haven’t a care in the world. I have found what I have been searching for my whole adult life. I begin to tear up; I hide my face in the soft sheets as I cry quietly to myself. The spanking is intense, hard and my bottom is bright red now. I know I need this. I cry from the release of all the crap inside my head. It is like momma is taking my inner pain and turning it into external pain, so that it escapes. The time goes so fast, yet is really long. All of a sudden the spanking stops, My whole body feels like jello, I relax once more into her warm lap, my feet uncross, drop onto the bed, my head turns to my left as I look up at her loving face. Our eyes meet. We don’t have to say it, we can feel the love. I look away with momentary shyness then turn back. She is rubbing my bottom as I breath in and out. My tears are dry. I turn my head more and look up at  her. Her long white hair hangs down, her head tilts, the corners of her mouth turn up, and she strokes my back, my head. I rest my head down into the sheets again. She scratches my back, as she knows this feels really good for me. She leans over and takes the lotion from the nightstand. Puts some on her hands first, then rubs it into my bottom. It is soothing as it cools my well-spanked bottom down. It glides on so smoothly and soaks right into the skin. Them she pulls my white cotton panties up over my bottom, straightens them out. Then she pulls my pink heart fleece Pjs pants back up over my panties. I sit up. I am a little dizzy, and in a good place. I feel as if a warm bubble surrounds me, almost in a hypnotic state. Momma leans back and I lay on her right side, my arm around her middle and my head on her chest. She strokes my back and my head. We chat a bit. The words exchanged at the time mean a lot. She says she loves me and I am her good little girl. We talk a little about the day; process some of our thoughts. We lay there still and content. After it has been a little while, I get into my bed. I get under the covers. Momma tucks the blankets around me in and leans in to kiss my forehead. “I love you my little girl, have sweet dreams.” Good night, I love you.”

Crimson Moon Spanking (part 2): Naughty School Girl Party

So I did promise more photos and stories from the Naughty School Girl party. I think since the Texas All State spanking party last June I have started something with this. It has become a very popular event at the parties and we hope to continue them as long as people are interested in attending and participating in.

The basic premise of the party was I was a new teacher who had lost control of the class, so mother superior, father Rogers, and a few other teachers had to come in and deal with the uncontrollable class. I actually missed dressing in a school uniform and being the naughty student. As fun as it was to try out the other side, I think I prefer being a school girl at this event. Don’t get me wrong, I love topping, but something about playing the bad school girl is very fun and comes natural for me. Not to mention the 20+ school uniforms/costumes I own and have to choose from.

Me as a teacher having fun posing before class…

So first I try to control the class. They were very loud and rowdy I might add.

Then, mother Superior, Dana Specht, comes in to show me how it is done. She tells me to discipline these bad girls the old fashioned way.

Then all the naughty school girls lined up for a spanking from each teacher. (Yes Ten is cheering)

This is when I hurt my hand going down the line spanking all these naughty girls.(Owwwwwww!!!!) That hurt more than a spanking.

I did an okay job, but father Rogers had to come and discipline me as well as Mother Superior for being a bad teacher. My poor bottom….

All in all it was a good event, but there were things I would have liked to go better and things I would have done differently. But I have to look at things more positively I guess as people seemed to have enjoyed themselves. I just put way to much pressure on myself for things to be perfect, when there is no way they can it seems.

More party updates coming, so keep checking back….


What a busy Crimson Moon Spanking weekend! (part 1)

I have so much that I want to write about and need to get to sleep as I have an early flight. I wanted to get as much in before I leave as there will be no electricity where I live for at least another week. I will try to get to some friends houses in the neighboring state to get my updates for the site done and perhaps another blog post.

Well, I am just at the tail end of the spanking party weekend. It is Monday night, today was Paul’s Birthday so we took it low and just had some down time. We went out to dinner with Paul, me, Johnny, and Dana Specht. Mike Billa and his friend joined us for desert, it was nice to have a relaxing day/evening without all the spanking activity and adrenaline/anxiety that comes with a huge party at times.

I got my special “mommy” spanking from Dana before bed a little while ago. This is very special time for her and I at the end of a party weekend as it gives me that special alone time with her as well as her feeling close to me. Knowing I would have this time with her really helped me through some of the emotional ups and downs I felt over the weekend. Sometimes a spanking party will bring that out of me just because of all the spankings and conversations and having to be “on” for that long, if you know what I mean. I will go more into my spankings I have in private in another blog as I have some more thoughts to put in about my off camera spankings and there place in my life. But I want to try to have this focus on the whole party, so I will do follow up blogs that go into a little more detail on certain issues that hit close to home and I think would be good for my readers to read about. Maybe they too could connect with how I feel and it will help them feel not so alone.

Well, we arrived in Chicago last Wednesday. Dana and I arrived around the same time. So Mike picked us up at the airport. Johnny, Yoni, and Paul were already there as they got in earlier. I took it low as I had not had much sleep the night before. We worked out in the hotel gym, went to the mall to have dinner and pick up some last min pieces I needed for my Halloween Costume. We stayed up late, well me and Paul watching my new fave TV show, Gossip Girl, and cuddled. It is nice. I did get spanked though, of course, what would a first party night be without that. I just know how to brat when I want it.

Thursday more people started to arrive. We slept in and then did some shooting with Dana Specht for Paul’s new site coming out, I was the bottom in all the videos. We shot for about 2 hours straight. I really had a good time and I think Dana did too. We got into our characters and had great chemistry as we always do on film. One video I especially loved was a school girl/nun one I did with her. Then, we cleaned up, and went to wal-mart to pick up some snacks for the room and decided to get subway while out. We got back just after the dinner and I decided to go casual that night. I did some spanking play ,but didn’t want to ware myself out too much, it was only the first night of the official party. Plus I had to get up early the next morning for the school girls party I was running. For me even 11am is early….I usually sleep 12 hours, but at these parties I get 5 to 6 a night, not good, which is another reason my mood may have been off. I hope too many people didn’t notice, I tried to hide it and have a good time and make everyone fee good. I do love the parties, but with the excitement comes the downs and ups and shocks to our nervous system. Spanking is also a very emotional outlet for me as well for many others. I was also very worried about the situation back home with the snow, no electricity, my pets, etc.

Friday was a good day for many reasons and bad day for other reasons. The Naughty School Girl Party went well according to everyone there, however as the host of it, you tend to focus on the flaws and what didn’t work and feel down on yourself for those, I know in my heart and mind it went well, but I still have doubts and fears I guess. Also I hurt my hand really bad doing all the spanking and yes as much as I love to top, it was hard being on the top side and wish I was the school girls bratting, so I made sure to get spanked too, as the new teacher not able to control her class, I know I needed it and I cried for real, though hid my face as it was embarrassing…plus my hand hurt like a bitch and I still have a bad hand contusion on my spanking hand. I had to do the rest of my sessions with my left hand and implements which made me sad. I had two topping sessions that evening and hope I did ok with the circumstances.

Here is one photo from the Naughty School Girl Party…more to come when I post on just this event. I have a whole story in photos.

I have lots more to post but an falling asleep. I will get more done when I get back and can find a place with electricity and internet. Til then enjoy a few more fun photos from the weekend.

Spankings in Aruba

Well, I know it’s been a long time since I posted, but my vanilla life has taken priority since I have gotten back from Aruba, and I am sorry for not blogging.

Well, as some of you may know I was on vacation in Aruba for the first week of October. It was a really relaxing and fun week. We did shoot some spanking videos of course, but for the most part, hung out on the beach and at the pool.

It was my second time on this lovely island and I hope to go back again someday. There were 4 of us on the trip, me, my daddy, Kat, and another friend I will refer to as K, or should I say vanilla K, as he was the non spanko there. Enjoy some more photos from the trip.

This one was taken in our room. I wanted to show off the tan that I really didn’t try to get. I wore a lot of sun block, but the sun was so strong.

Me and Kat shot a bath tub video for my website. It is called, Pay the Price, and it premiers this week Here are some stills.