I have so much that I want to write about and need to get to sleep as I have an early flight. I wanted to get as much in before I leave as there will be no electricity where I live for at least another week. I will try to get to some friends houses in the neighboring state to get my updates for the site done and perhaps another blog post.
Well, I am just at the tail end of the spanking party weekend. It is Monday night, today was Paul’s Birthday so we took it low and just had some down time. We went out to dinner with Paul, me, Johnny, and Dana Specht. Mike Billa and his friend joined us for desert, it was nice to have a relaxing day/evening without all the spanking activity and adrenaline/anxiety that comes with a huge party at times.
I got my special “mommy” spanking from Dana before bed a little while ago. This is very special time for her and I at the end of a party weekend as it gives me that special alone time with her as well as her feeling close to me. Knowing I would have this time with her really helped me through some of the emotional ups and downs I felt over the weekend. Sometimes a spanking party will bring that out of me just because of all the spankings and conversations and having to be “on” for that long, if you know what I mean. I will go more into my spankings I have in private in another blog as I have some more thoughts to put in about my off camera spankings and there place in my life. But I want to try to have this focus on the whole party, so I will do follow up blogs that go into a little more detail on certain issues that hit close to home and I think would be good for my readers to read about. Maybe they too could connect with how I feel and it will help them feel not so alone.

Well, we arrived in Chicago last Wednesday. Dana and I arrived around the same time. So Mike picked us up at the airport. Johnny, Yoni, and Paul were already there as they got in earlier. I took it low as I had not had much sleep the night before. We worked out in the hotel gym, went to the mall to have dinner and pick up some last min pieces I needed for my Halloween Costume. We stayed up late, well me and Paul watching my new fave TV show, Gossip Girl, and cuddled. It is nice. I did get spanked though, of course, what would a first party night be without that. I just know how to brat when I want it.
Thursday more people started to arrive. We slept in and then did some shooting with Dana Specht for Paul’s new site coming out, www.spanking101thebook.com. I was the bottom in all the videos. We shot for about 2 hours straight. I really had a good time and I think Dana did too. We got into our characters and had great chemistry as we always do on film. One video I especially loved was a school girl/nun one I did with her. Then, we cleaned up, and went to wal-mart to pick up some snacks for the room and decided to get subway while out. We got back just after the dinner and I decided to go casual that night. I did some spanking play ,but didn’t want to ware myself out too much, it was only the first night of the official party. Plus I had to get up early the next morning for the school girls party I was running. For me even 11am is early….I usually sleep 12 hours, but at these parties I get 5 to 6 a night, not good, which is another reason my mood may have been off. I hope too many people didn’t notice, I tried to hide it and have a good time and make everyone fee good. I do love the parties, but with the excitement comes the downs and ups and shocks to our nervous system. Spanking is also a very emotional outlet for me as well for many others. I was also very worried about the situation back home with the snow, no electricity, my pets, etc.
Friday was a good day for many reasons and bad day for other reasons. The Naughty School Girl Party went well according to everyone there, however as the host of it, you tend to focus on the flaws and what didn’t work and feel down on yourself for those, I know in my heart and mind it went well, but I still have doubts and fears I guess. Also I hurt my hand really bad doing all the spanking and yes as much as I love to top, it was hard being on the top side and wish I was the school girls bratting, so I made sure to get spanked too, as the new teacher not able to control her class, I know I needed it and I cried for real, though hid my face as it was embarrassing…plus my hand hurt like a bitch and I still have a bad hand contusion on my spanking hand. I had to do the rest of my sessions with my left hand and implements which made me sad. I had two topping sessions that evening and hope I did ok with the circumstances.
Here is one photo from the Naughty School Girl Party…more to come when I post on just this event. I have a whole story in photos.

I have lots more to post but an falling asleep. I will get more done when I get back and can find a place with electricity and internet. Til then enjoy a few more fun photos from the weekend.