Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spanking Travels: Part 1 (L.A.) – Clare Fonda

Well I just got back home from being away for almost three weeks. I attended the Seaside Swats Spanking Party in San Diego the weekend of April 20-22. I then attended the Boardwalk Badness Weekend spanking party the following weekend.

My whole trip started on April 11th when I flew into LAX. Clare Fonda picked me up at the airport and I spent a few days with her. I felt honored to be a part of Clare’s last spanking shoot. I am officially the last person she spanked on camera. She will still be doing the diaper site and Bratty Step daughter and helping out behind the scenes with the cameraman. She just won’t be in the spanking videos anymore. So, she is not going away for good, don’t worry, just focusing on other fetishes.

I did some shooting for Naughty Diaper Girls, Spanked Call Girls, Clare Spanks Men and also for the new site, Spanking Sorority Girls . The video I shot for Naughty Diaper Girls is posted now on the website.  I had a great time. I am not into wearing diapers and I don’t like the way they feel or look on me, but something about playing a baby and acting bratty and cute and little, I love that. I guess I just like age play a lot. In this video I play an ABG who pretends to be a baby so she can breast feed. Clare is not too happy when she realizes that Sarah is not a  baby and tricked her just so she could suck on her breasts. This ends with Sarah getting a spanking over her diaper and on the bare. Enjoy a few photos from the video.

For the first time I shot for Clare Spanks Men. I was hoping I would get to spank a guy, but instead they had me doing a short POV clip talking to the camera as if the person I was talking to was a naughty boy.

I shot for the all new Spanking Sorority Girls website. I will be involved in the long video shoot for this site where the under classman are initiated into the sorority. This shoot is in July and I will get to paddle all the under classman, how fun. Here I am giving Christy Cutie a taste of what is to come.

I also shot for Spanked Call Girls with Clare and Christy Cutie. This was the last spanking shoot Clare Fonda did.  Not the last one that will appear on the web.  It will actually be up some time next week. But there will be various scenes with Clare appearing in the next few months as they are trickled out. Check out this FREE GALLERY

This photo is very special, it was the last photo taken of Clare Spanking anyone – and that was me – Sarah Gregory….

(I really feel so honored to be that person). Clare has been one of my spanking idols since I was first aware that there was an internet spanking community and video world. Though she was not the first producer I shot for, she was the first producer I shot for on the West Coast back in 2008. That was also my first time ever visiting L.A. Who knew that that would start such a tradition of my going back and forth to the other side of the US. Clare has helped me so much throughout the past 4 years. I have learned a lot from her about the ins and outs of running a successful spanking business. She has often said that I remind her of a younger version of herself in the way that I am so driven with my business. I have such a drive to be a successful spanking video producer and she sees that.  I have also enjoyed getting to know her as a person. We are good friends and I hope that our friendship last forever. When I go and stay with her, we have fun going to thrift stores together, taking fun photos, talking, and just hanging out.

Momma’s Visit part 2

As promised another post on my Momma, Dana Specht’s, visit to my house. But first let me just update you a bit. I arrived in L.A. late Wed night the 11th. I am staying with Clare Fonda until Saturday night. I shot today for the famous and talented Ken Marcus. He shot some amazing photos of my for my portfolio and I will be working with him again in July when I come back hopefully doing a video with another girl for his website, I will post the photos on here late this week, but for now they can be seen on fetlife. I will be shooting tomorrow(Sat) for Naughty Diaper Girls with Clare Fonda, the new spanking website, Spanking Sorority Girls and Spanked Call Girls being the last spanking that Clare Fonda will give on camera. More about that later, but yes she is moving on from spanking, into more of the diapers and focusing on that site more to build it up. She will still be consulting and working with her cameraman, so not to worry, the Clare Fonda sites will still remain.

So, getting back Momma’s visit. My previous post talked about the shooting that I did with her, but we also did a lot more on her visit. We did a lot of double spanking sessions. That was a lot of fun. I love spanking naughty boys side by side with my Momma. You can see my new topping website HERE. I am still working on it more and hope to have a small members section at some point with videos, but for now it is a free promotional website. Her and I will continue to offer double sessions while together either at her house, mine, or at the spanking parties.

We also just had a lot of fun, vanilla and spanking. She came with me to my voice lesson and I sung a song for her that I had been working on. She had tears in her eyes as the song concluded. Don’t know if any of you have heard the song, but it is called Somewhere Out There and from a Disney Movie. We also went to the swing dance I go to and she got to see my dancing and talk to some of my dance friends. And, she came to my Jewish Choir concert and it was so awesome to have my Momma sitting near the front watching me perform with a big proud smile on her face. We had a lot of wonderful conversations and emotional heartfelt talks. I got my favorite bed-time spankings, cuddles, and tuck-ins. Here are some of our fun photos from the week.

A tradition at home is having fires outback in our fire pit. Here we took some otk shots by the fire late at night, that was fun.

We got this photo taken after my concert. It is going in a frame in my bedroom.

Momma really loved my doggie, Maxi.

And lastly we did a photo shoot together with my regular photographer, Dick OBrien. We did some stuff that we hadn’t done before in photos with a more BDSM flare. It was really fun and I can’t wait to do more like this. I will have the full sets up on MY WEBSITE, but for now, here are a few samples.

Let me just say, I really enjoyed the photos in my new collar. I bought it from and hope to get the matching cuff set…anyone wanna buy it for me, it’s on my wish list….hint hint…teehee. Something about being in a collar and controlled by Momma, felt really secure and safe. It was a feeling that I haven’t felt before. I really got into a more submissive place than I ever have. It is only with people whom I trust and am as close as I am with her who I would be able to go that deep into a submissive role with. Like with the spanking and the spreader bar, I was very vulnerable and in a truly submissive state. I had a lot of emotional stuff going on inside and needed this spanking. Yes it was a shoot and yes photos were being taken, but I allowed myself to be pushed to my limit and I cried. It is very hard for me to cry in my videos, but so easy to off camera. There are only a hand-full of videos I have done where I cried real tears and they were probably some of the best spankings, not because of the pain itself, but because of the emotional release and trust I was feeling . This is an element I have been working on bringing into more of my videos.

More to come on my current L.A. spanking and fetish tour.

Momma’s Visit: Our Spanking Video Shoots

Hey everyone, sorry this took so long to post. I have been very busy getting ready to jet set off to the West Coast pretty soon. I will be in L.A. doing some shooting, and then at the Seaside Swats Spanking Party in San Diego. I will have a lot of new DVDs for sale as well as many of the items I love from Cane-iac, since I am their spokes model.

I also want to say thank you to those of you who have gotten me gifts from my amazon wishlist and stockroom wishlist. It means a lot and I appreciate it.

Also, more news, I am now officially……SG Entertainment LLC……yipee! I know more taxes, but it is so cool to be an LLC finally.

Ok, so getting to what this post is actually about……my MOMMA’S visit. As most of you know, Dana Specht, one of the most famous disciplinarians, is my Momma. She came out to the east coast to spend a week with me in March. I was so super excited as I had been to her house many times, but she had never seen where I live, or what my life was actually like. She really enjoyed herself and wants to come cool is that? I was so sad when she left, but she kept reminding me that we will see each other soon as we will both be at the Seaside Swats Spanking Party and Boardwalk Badness Weekend in April. Actually, I will be seeing her again in May as I am going out to her house for a week then as well. We just can’t get enough of each other. I am going to be very happy to be there in May as I will be able to celebrate her Birthday…nd guess what? I have agreed to take a spanking from her on her birthday since she is only a top and I am her baby girl. So, we will film that and show it to ya’ll.

Well, while Momma was here we did lots of shooting and double sessions. A model whom I have worked with in the past, Scarlet, drove in from out of town to do some shooting with us. We filmed 3 videos with her. One is called, Lesbian Lovers Spanked, where Scarlet and I play lesbian lovers home from college over a weekend and my Mom catches us about to have sex after making it clear, no sex in her house. The second video we shot, Scarlet played, Little Red Riding Hood, only we are calling is, Little Red BOTTOM hood for obvious reasons. Momma plays Grandma and Scarlet is Little Red. Little Red gets spanked by her grandma for lying, being late, and wearing a skimpy dress. The third video we shot will be called, Detention Discipline. I play a new teacher and am not very good at controlling misbehaving students. When principal Ms Dana Specht walks by she is very upset by Scarlet misbehaving and me, the frustrated new teacher, she steps in and takes charge the way she sees fit, spanking.

Here are some photos from the videos we shot.

Yes there are going to be photos of me spanking Scarlet in this video too, but we forgot to take em with the camera,….so I will have to do screen grabs from the video while I edit.

And here are some photos from Little Red Bottom Hood. I really liked directing this one. It was a fun clip to make.

As well as shooting with the lovely Scarlet, Momma and I also filmed our own video, which we both expect to be a top seller, Spanking Interrogation. It is a video in which she played a mean cop and I play the criminal. I did my first ever strip search with cavity search. I don’t think I would ever do this with just anyone, it would have to be with someone whom I trust and love as much as my Momma. I know she wouldn’t hurt me and I just wouldn’t have been comfortable doing this with anyone else, at least for the first time. I have been asked if this is the kind of a scene I would do a role play like in sessions, and for the record, the answer is no. I am sorry, I just don’t do full nude scenes with this much graphic content with people whom I don’t have an established relationship with.

Spanking Interrogation is now in my Clips4sale store in a couple of different formats, it can be ordered on DVD by emailing me at, and it is in my member’s section on my website, Sarah Gregory Spanking. As you know, my Momma and I share our content, so this film can also be purchased from her over at

Here are a few photos from the video and a preview clip that I made.

I have more to share with you about my Momma’s visit, so i hope to do one more post early this week before setting off to the West Coast.

My new Sister

I have so much to blog about and tell you all. I really want to do a detailed post on my MOMMA’S visit here. She was here with me at my house for a full week and I have lots of stories and photos to post, so that will be coming soon. I also have some new websites I am opening.

But…….in the meantime, I am sure that you are all curious about the “Princess Kelley Drama” and why things are suddenly changed and we are getting along. I decided a couple of weeks ago to send Kelley a Fetlife message thanking her for all the help she was giving my Daddy with the new Texas All State website. I said that I know we hated each other, but that I love Paul, my Daddy, and that she was really helping and making his life easier, so I was thankful for that. We started talking for the purpose of practicality of planning TASSP. We were both promised the same job and were both being hidden from each other. In all actuality, Paul is really the one to blame for all the drama and hate between me and Kelley. He lied to both of us. I am working on my forgiveness of him and will be able to, but it will take time and I am still emotionally healing from all of this. Him and I still have a lot to talk about and it kind sucks that I won’t see him til June.

After putting a lot of thought into it all, I realized, what good is it doing for anyone to put that much time and effort into hating someone and being that bitter. So Kelley and I continued to write back and forth. Each message was becoming longer and longer. We both realized that none of this was either of our fault and we began the process of forgiveness and not hating each other. We have decided for the greater good of OUR DADDY and the spanking scene and for each other to be sisters. If we were going to have to accept each other’s presence and share Paul, we would have to come to this decision. It was Kelley who asked if she could put that she is my sister on Fetlife and I was happy to do so. We have had two phone conversations and I have really enjoyed talking with her and feel that there is potential for a long lasting friendship. We are so much alike in so many ways, it seems. So, her and I will be helping OUR Daddy, Paul, to host this years Texas All State Spanking Party. We are even going to be kicking off the Saturday night dinner show that I am MC-ing with a duet. Since we are both singers, it was only natural. You don’t wanna miss this, it’s gonna be amazing and the song is perfect, but it’s a surprise.

She has created this totally amazing promo clip for the party. I was blown away by it, really I was and kinda jealous that I don’t have a totally awesome promo. But I hope to film one maybe with my Momma when I see her in April. But here is the promo from my sister and my daddy:

Also, wanted to throw in the Promo for TASSP that I shot with Bob The DJ while I was out in California in February.

So, yes this is all good news, but yes I am still healing from the hurt and pain I experienced when I learned of what had been going on and covered up. Good can come from bad…..but it all takes time. I believe everything happens for a reason….so while I am still trying to figure all that out, I am happy that I have gained a friend and sister and look forward to the journey of getting to know each other.

Here is a link to her blog post about all of this.

Punishment from Momma

Well…it all started one day while I was on the phone with Daddy late January. I was having a bad day because I had just found out that the play I was in, the DVD they made of it, the video-grapher had “technical difficulties” and one of the 4 scenes I was in, didn’t make it to the DVD. I was so crushed as my Momma couldn’t make it out to see my play and I had wanted to bring and show her the DVD. I was driving to a shoot and running a little late. I wanted to read Paul the email from the guy that explained why he didn’t capture my scene. So….I put him on speaker phone and went into my blackberry to find the email and read it to him. After reading it, he asked….“what was that noise?” I paused and said, “oh a very large truck passing me.” He yelled…“what, you are on the highway driving and reading me email… are so gonna get the spanking of your life!!!” Well the next time we were together it was my birthday and we were having fun and doing lots of shooting. He didn’t want to ruin our trip by punishing me and he knew that shorty after this trip I would be headed put to the west coast to visit Momma.And…because I have a guilty conscience, I knew that I had to tell Momma before Daddy did, so she would see that I was an honest little girl and knew when I did wrong. I wrote to her and explained that Daddy would be contacting her for my careless behavior and told her what I did. This was the basis of our conversation over email.

Me: “Also, just a warming, Paul may contact you about something I did recently that he didn’t want to discipline me for over my Birthday…… yea. If you wanna know what I did, I guess I have to tell you. I was on the phone with him on speaker while driving on the highway and reading him email off my phone and that is illegal and he got very upset. I can’t not be honest, I know it was wrong.”

Momma: “Paul hasn’t emailed me yet but I agree with him for getting upset with you over the testing & driving issue.  People who do this or read emails while driving cause accidents and you know this.  All it takes is for you to take your eyes off the road for a couple of seconds and BAM!!  Yes I will punish you for this.  I’m not mad at you sweetie but this does cause me concern.”

Me: “As far as my punishment, I know I deserve it and do feel guilty about it, and I know I could have caused an accident and I feel bad. I deserve a hard spanking…..actually a little scared and dreading it now, but know I need it. I am glad you are not mad at me,but I am still sorry that I caused you concern. I guess I am just nervous cause I have never been punished for real by you….you know? I know you will want to talk to me and I am sure your words alone will bring me to tears…..but I have been on the verge of tears for awhile anyways.”

Momma: I know you’re nervous about me punishing you over this because it is serious and not play.

Me:  I guess I have reason to be nervous and I know you love me and have my best interest in mind. I would only ever trust you and Paul with discipline and punishment. Though it is a new aspect to spanking for Me: “As I have been threatened many times, and only punished a few time from Daddy. Just please assure me you still love me, so I don’t freak out…ok? I feel so bad disappointing you that I feel like crying. Cause I want you to be proud of me and I know I fucked up.”

Momma: “As for your punishment, you know the worst part is hearing what I have to say and not the actual spanking.  I’m thinking we might work it into the Disciplinarian video we’re planning to shoot?  I do love you sweetheart and I’ll tell you that over and over again when it’s punishment time.”

Daddy did write to her explaining that I have a terrible texting while driving habit and what I had done. She immediately without hesitation said that I had told her and she was going to punish me for this careless behavior.I was so scared as I didn’t know what to expect. We had agreed on waiting til the end of my visit as to avoid being marked for the videos. But I also know that this wasn’t fair to Momma as this was hanging over us all week. Looking back I should have gotten it out of the way when I got there. Since we had been planning a real discipline video for awhile, Momma thought that it was best to scrap her idea of disciplining me for not taking proper care of myself while traveling as I have a tendency to not eat right, take my vitamins, and not drink enough water. What I had done was more serious. I put my life at risk and the life of everyone driving around me and I truly had been thoughtless. Thursday morning came and it was our last full day together. Momma got me up at about 9:30am so we could start at about 11am. I got showered, put my PJs back on and dried my hair. I didn’t bother putting on much make-up, just a little that I would wear anyways. We didn’t set up lights. Momma wore leggings, and a sweater and didn’t wear her “Dana” clothes as she was her and I was me and this was real. I was scared since the moment I woke up and couldn’t even sleep the night before.

Her husband video taped it for us. I pretended the camera wasn’t there…that was a new idea for me. I hadn’t done real on camera ever.

I sat in my bedroom and waited anxiously for Momma to come in…my heart pounded, my palms were all sweaty. I was shaking and on the verge of tears. I knew Momma was disappointed in me and that hurt me more than anything. I love her and want to be her well-behaved little girl always.Momma walked in and stood at the end of the bed while she scolded me. She never raised her voice, she spoke in a stern and strict tone, but assured me that she loved me and she was doing this because she loved me and didn’t want anything bad to happen to me. She said. “I ‘ve got some implements for you this time. Ordinarily when you just misbehave, and you’re naughty, I just give you a hand spanking. But this time, you’re more than naughty, aren’t you? You’re not bad….what are you?” I answered, “careless” and she repeated it and added, “irresponsible.”

“This is not just a little hand spanking for a video, this is a punishment, this is a serious punishment because I love you and I care about you and I was very disappointed to hear this.” At this point I started to cry. The tears rolled down my face out of the corners of my eyes, one at a time. I looked up at her serious stern face with my big brown eyes in shame. The one thing I hated was to disappoint Momma. I love her so much and care what she thinks of me. I want to make her proud. I wasn’t saying anything, just listening and taking in her words. I felt so small and guilty and shamed. “Now did you see what I brought into this room? This is the strap you gave me for Christmas and I hoped when I got this strap that I would never have to use it on you, but I’m going to today…and I know you don’t like the straps. I found that out early on when we did a video and we had to cut, cause you don’t like the straps, well you’re going to get strapped today.”

“You’re going to be in a tight leg lock and I’m going to smack you with this spencer paddle over and over and over again until I drum the message home to you that this is serious and that you are being punished.” Well for those of you that know me, know I HATE wood.

When the punishment began all I could feel was pain…excruciating pain on my cold bare bottom. I was being spanked so hard, no warm up…just her hand on my skin smacking me as hard as she could. I lay draped over her lap as she sat in a straight back chair at the end of my bed. She scolded me and spanked me hard and I cried and cried. No words came from me, only sobs and tears dripping onto the carpet below my face. My muscles tightened over her stern lap as each smack came down. My bare now deep red bottom clenched for each smack. I kicked my legs….“Momma I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

The hand spanking wasn’t long, maybe lasted a minute or two. Next I was told to lay on the bed face down like a little girl who was being punished.

I lay my body down with the anticipation of Momma’s mean strap. She didn’t even wait for me to put my head down on the pillow before strapping. She started on my left side and worked her way around making sure to ge the whole bottom. She strapped one after the other, no break. I cried and buried my face in the pillow. I screamed from the pain. I grabbed the bed with my fists to avoid reaching back. I deserved this. This punishment was saving my life. I would never text and drive or read email and drive again. I didn’t want this ever again.

The strapping was over…no break, right onto the paddling. Momma ordered me off the bed and I was told to lay over her lap. She put her leg around my legs to hold me into a leg lock so she would have full control. With each smack of the wood to my very sore bare bottom I yelped in pain like I never have before. She reached around and grabbed my hand to hold it. I squeezed her hand and she held it tight I knew she cared and was doing this out of love. She had a tight grip around my body with her legs and was holding my hand down. I knew that with each strike of the paddle to my bottom it was out of love and caring to teach me a powerful lesson.

The intense paddling was finally over. My punishment was over. I lay there limp, crying and completely emotionally drained. Momma helped me up and sat me on her lap. She held me and I cried. I cried so hard. She told me how much she loved me. I felt my guilt go away as she told me I was forgiven. I promised to never ever ever do this again. She said she loved me like a daughter and that is why she had to punish me like she would have punished  her son or grandchildren if they did something this serious as she cares about them and wouldn’t know what to do if something happened to them or me. She continued to hold me and hug me as I cried. I felt so safe and loved and I didn’t want to leave her.

With the after care of holding me came the lotion and more hugs.Yes I was punished, but Momma also was taking care of me.

It hurt her emotionally to have to do this to her baby girl. And I am sorry, Momma if you are reading this..I am so sorry I put you through that. I love you with all my heart and I am so lucky and blessed to have a Momma that cares that much about me to know when I need to be punished.

I had mixed feelings about having this filmed as I don’t usually show this side of me to the public….but I think it was a good idea. I am a spanko after all and this was real. So I have posted a preview clip on spanking tube and will be selling the full video thorough my clips4sale store in 4 different formats and well as on DVD at the various vendor’s fairs I will be attending. However if you would like to order a copy, you can from me by emailing me at or from my Momma through her website,