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Shoot with UK model Danielle Hunt

This past week I had the pleasure of meeting popular UK spanking model, Danielle Hunt. She came to my house, stayed over and did some great shoots for me. What an outgoing girl this is. She is loads of fun and I wish we had more time together as I am sure there is a lot of mischief that we could have gotten into….oh well, maybe next time. And I wished we had a pillow fight too, that woulda been fun. It’s been awhile since I had a slumber party.

Here are some of the stills from a few scenes that we shot.

And of course I let her get her revenge on my naughty behind. Not only can she take a hard spanking, but she can dish one out as well.

I will be sure to let you know when some of these scenes are edited and up on Sarah Gregory Spanking.

I fly to Texas Monday as I will be doing a lot of shooting with Daddy, the lovely Amelia Jane Rutherford and Pandora Blake from England before the Texas All State Party begins on Thursday. During the party I will also be shooting with Ten Amorette, Stevie Rose, Christy Cutie, Casey Calvert, my Daddy, Paul, and my Momma, Dana. I still have one or two spots left for sessions if you would like to book one and will be attending the party, please do get in touch with me.

DVD Store is Live

So, in the midst of all my traveling, I have finally made my DVDs available for sale in a store on my website. You can now order them directly and the pay is through paypal. I have added on the shipping depending where you are located when you go to the check out as well as the tax that is required for me to add. I offer many of the titles that are in the member’s area as well as many that are exclusive to DVD and Clips4sale. The most recent DVDs are at the top.

A week with Momma!

I arrived at Momma’s house on Monday night the 21st so excited. She was waiting for me at the airport with open arms. We went home and had a really yummy dinner that she made. Then she helped me unpack and hang all of my clothes up and fold them and put them away. We spent time just hanging out, chatting, and then last before bed I got my bedtime spanking and cuddle time. It felt so good to finally be back over Momma’s lap and in her arms again. I slept the best I had in nights.

The next morning we had a double session at 10am so she got me up nice and early so I was ready. We did some fun role plays. I got to switch. I also got spanked by Momma in the session very hard by a wooden hair brush. I will have the video clip of this which is only about 12 min available on Sarah Gregory Spanking eventually and it will be called, “Don’t Make me get the Hairbrush.”

The rest of the day we relaxed, had left overs from the night before and then watched a movie. I fell asleep towards the end of the movie, so I went right into bed after it ended.

Wednesday morning Momma got me up at 9am to go to yoga with her. I had never taken a yoga class and she said I would be really good at it since I am so flexible and that it would be good for me. I actually liked it, though my upper back and legs are sore still. Wednesday afternoon we shot a promo video for TASSP and had a lot of fun with it.

Some photos we took after we shot the promo video.

Wednesday evening we went out to a restaurant/bar that had a band and open mic night. I performed and it was my first time performing with a live band. It is much different than singing with piano, or karaoke tracks. I guess I could get used to it…but I didn’t feel I did my best as it was hard to hear myself.

Thursday we had a relaxing day and then Momma took me to a local theater to see, “Fiddler on the Roof.” We had a nice evening together.

Friday Momma got me up at 10am as we had an 11am session. That went well. We did a role play where I was the baby sitter, Momma was our client’s Mommy. I was called over to baby sit but had to learn how to handle this little boy’s naughty behavior. So his Mommy demonstrated how to spank him when he misbehaves. Then, she had me spank him to show that I could do it. Then she spanks me as my character hadn’t been spanked before in order to give a proper spanking.

After the session we did a video shoot. We shot a long video that will be called, “Discipline Therapy Session.” In this video I play a girl in my 20s going to see Dana Specht to help with structure in my life through discipline. I was very much able to get into the mindset of this young woman seeing Dana for this kind of help since we were dealing with real issues in my day to day life. She acted as if I was really seeing her for a session. I was even nervous walking up her front steps and ringing the doorbell.

In the hour video she spanked me on the bare bottom with her hand, leather straps and flappers, the wooden hairbrush, wooden stick, spencer paddle, and cane…owwwww!

You don’t want to miss this video. I will have it edited and with me at TASSP available to purchase in 2 weeks! It will also be available really soon in my new DVD store coming soon to Sarah Gregory Spanking. It will also be available on Once the camera was off and she was holding me, I started to cry. I guess it all just came out at that point as an emotional release. She held me on the couch as I cried and then put lotion on my bottom.

Saturday we had a slow day, I got to sleep in. Saturday night we went out to dinner to celebrate Momma’s 60th Birthday which was yesterday, Monday. It was a nice evening.

Sunday we got up nice and early to go to Mission Ranch for a very filling and yummy brunch. After brunch, we shot a short custom video for a client. Then I did a session by myself where I played a student who had plagiarized a paper and got caught and had to take a spanking in order to not be expelled or fail the course.

Sunday evening we walked down to a local bar/restaurant for happy hour an then went home and watched a movie.

Monday was Momma’s Birthday. I was so happy that I got to spend the whole day with her and make it special. When I got up, her husband and I gave her the gifts we had. I got her a Marilyn Monroe make-up case lipstick case, and I painted a wooden picture frame and personalized it for her with a photo of us in it. She now has this hanging on the wall in her bedroom as the first thing she sees when she wakes up. I hope she takes a photo of it and puts it in her discipline diary on her website next week. We had a really good day just hanging out. Momma helped me pack up to go home in the later afternoon after her nap 🙁 Then she cooked a yummy salmon dinner and her husband and I surprised her with cake for dessert. Before leaving for the airport she gave me her Birthday spanking. Her husband warmed me up and then she went to town on my bare bottom to make sure I had a constant reminder of her as I sat on my long flight home. Then we went to the airport. I was very sad to leave and pretty teary eyed as I walked through security. Once on the plane I cried a little off and on. I know I will be with her again in 2 short weeks at TASSP but it will be different. We will both be very busy with sessions and the party as well as our other spanking friends and will have to share each other. We will still have our bedtime cuddle and spanking time though she says and our morning coffee. I hope her room will be near mine and Daddy’s suite.

Well I just got off the long red-eye flight where I didn’t sleep more than 4 hours. I am at my layover in Cleveland. I will be headed home soon for a busy day with not much time to rest. I will get to bed early hopefully tonight when I get home from choir. I can sleep in tomorrow before I have 2 sessions. Then before the week is up Momma expects me to clean my bedroom which I left kinda messy and un-pack. I will have to then turn around and begin packing for Texas. At least I have the 2 week break…well sorta as I have lots of sessions booked before I leave. If you are coming to Texas and still want to book a session, I will be there June 12-21 so get in touch with me and book your session if you want to. I only have a couple of open times left.

And on a completely different note, my spanking model buddy from California, Veronica Ricci,  has a new blog up. Check it out HERE. I will be spanking this naughty girl in an upcoming shoot on July 22 on the new website, Spanking Sorority Girls.

Spanking Travels: Part 3 (Boardwalk Badness Weekend)

And onward to Atlantic City I went. I flew home from San Diego Seaside Swats on the red eye Monday evening. I was home in CT for a day, then on Wednesday turned around and took a bus to AC for BBW. My brother, IMLX picked me up at the bus station. After driving around for awhile trying to pick up a few food items and find my Momma her chardonnay, we headed to the hotel. We spent the first night relaxing, taking it easy for the most part. I got to see/hang with my Momma which was great.

Thursday I did a couple of sessions and then got ready for the early registration that was around dinner time. That was fun, I got to see so many of my spanking friends. When I saw Erica Scott we ran into each others arms and hugged as we jumped up and down.

I was so excited to see her. I sat and ate with my good friend and play partner Benman which was nice. I saw Ten and we spent some time chatting. I also met some new people. Thursday night after the mingling,  there was a suite party in which Momma and I were doing a demo of hairbrush spanking. Momma talked about how to spank someone safely with a hairbrush, about proper warm up before wailing away and about knowing how intense you should go and reading the subs body language to gauge it. Many Party go-ers crowded around to watch us.

I also did some shooting with Ten for Sarah Gregory Spanking. This is a video where we play roommates, me a kinky spanking model and her a vanilla girl. She is mocking me and saying how I have the easy life and get paid all this money to just take a little spanking and how she would trade places with me any day. So I challenge that by making her take a spanking and see just how easy it is and she realized how wrong she was.

On Friday, I did an early double session with Givan and Dana. We did some fun role playing where Givan was the naughty school boy, me his teacher and Dana the strict principal. Then Dana and I joined Benman, BradD, and a few others for a nice lunch.

Here I am with Benman (taken Saturday night)

Friday evening was the Vendor’s fair and dinner. I sold quite a few DVDs as well as Cane-iac implements. I also bought a few new implements to add to my HUGE collection. but I feel that one can never have too many implements for spanking.

Momma and I had some spanking fun in front of my vendor’s table as we always do. e enjoy this and it draws a crowd.

Momma and Erica looked so pretty Friday night in their red dresses so we had to get a photo all together.

Saturday evening after the vendor’s fair I went into more of a little head-space. I had a very stressful day and with having been around people and stuff for almost 2 weeks straight I was feeling emotional and kind of a little down, not really knowing why. I feel that going into more of a little mode when I am like this offers me a healthy escape and allows me to let go of some of my inner control and just be. I changed into my Pink heart PJs, put my hair in pigtails and stuck my pacifier in and went to the suite parties. I was not in the mood to top at all or really play much with anyone whom I didn’t feel super close to. I did have a very relaxing flogging from Fineous though.

Saturday I slept in and then did a session. Next was the bad boys party. I was very busy for this entire hour and was sad that there was just not enough time to give every naughty boy lined up to see me enough time and some I didn’t even get to. But I did promise some of the naughty boys more play that night and followed through on all of my play dates. I wore my new polka dot corset to the bad boys party.

After that I went to chill out and have some down time. Miss Lisa let me use the bathtub in her suite and I was very grateful for that.

I arrived later than I had wanted to the Saturday night festivities, but I really needed some down time. I sang during their talent contest which was fun. I also took some fun photos with Ten and Lilia.

Momma and I took some fun photos as well in our Saturday evening wear. We both put a lot of time and thought into our outfits.

Also my mentee and one of my submissives, Vboy was able to attend and we had a great time together except for the times I had to discipline him…I hope he learned his lesson. He also saw my Momma for a discipline session.

Saturday evening I went to the suite parties mainly as a top. I played with a few of the naughty boys whom I didn’t get to at the bad boys event. I also had met the famous video star Ralph Marvel and had really wanted to talk with him more and get spanked by him. I approached him and wanted his spanking to be my last of the night. I found him when I was ready to end my suite party fun and we went to my room. He gave me a great spanking and we must have chatted for over an hour. It was a blast getting to know him and I hope to keep him as a friend. Maybe he and I will even do some shooting for my website, he said he was interested.

On Sunday I woke up sick 🙁 I came down with a cold and was up most of the night coughing. Momma said I should go on the cruise as the fresh air would be good for me since I hadn’t been outside all weekend.  I went, but didn’t play and just hung out and took some photos of the beautiful sunset.

Monday was a great day. I was feeling much better and was able to do some sessions and shoot a video with Momma an Givan. This will be called ‘An Old Fashioned Spanking’ and is now available on DVD and I will have them in Texas at the vendor’s fair. I play a spoiled brat who has her Momma fooled into thinking she is a little angel. When Momma is away at work I turn into a back-talking brat of a girl. My uncle Givan decides that the best way to deal with me is with good old fashioned spanking. When Momma comes home to find him spanking me, she is shocked at what she sees, “Why are you spanking my little angel?” she questions. Well she is informed that I am not such the angel she though and she agrees that although she hasn’t spanked me before, it is what I need to be a better girl. She spanks me in from of uncle Givan, she gives me the dreaded hairbrush on my bare bottom, Momma and uncle Givan both give me the belt as well as spank my over both of their laps very fast and hard. This is one hell of a good movie.

Speaking of my Momma, I am in California at her house right now for the week. I am so happy to get to spend her birthday with her which is Monday the 28th. Her husband and I are going to dinner with her Saturday night to celebrate. I can’t wait to give her the gifts I have. One is very special and I made it. I am sure she will post a photo of it in her diary on her website once she opens it. The card I gave her for mothers day made her tear up I hear. I also recorded a cd for her of a few songs that she loves. One of them is called, Somewhere Out There, and I sang this for her at my voice lesson in March when she came to visit me and it made her cry, she was so touched. I am posting a music clip of the song I sung for her here.The other favorite song that she has that I do is ‘Don’t Know Why’ by Norah Jones. I recorded this for her too.

Somewhere Out There

Don’t Know Why

We are doing lots of double sessions as well as shoots and I will be talking about these in my next blog post.

Spanking Travels: Part 2 (Seaside Swats Spanking Party)

After spending time in L.A. I headed to Hemet to stay with my friend Kat St. James for a couple of days before heading to San Diego to attend the Seaside Swats Spanking party hosted by Bob the DJ and Kitty from Kitty’s Exotic Paddles. My Momma was also at the party.

We had a great time over the weekend just hanging out, shooting, and attending the party. I stayed with her the first night when I arrived. Momma doesn’t like to share her hotel room as she is someone who loves her privacy, but I was coming in a night early to do a session (which got cancelled last min) so she said I could stay with her and it was ok because it was just one night. She said it was good so we could talk, she could give me one of my favorite bedtime spankings and we could cuddle before bed.

Seaside Swats had a vendor’s fair Friday and Saturday night. I haven’t been to a party that did it this way before. I did sell a lot though.

Also, Momma spanked me in front of my vendor’s table, which always brings a crowd to watch.

Momma bought a beautiful corset at the vendor’s fair and I got one as a trade from a shoot I did one of the days of the party in San Diego.We helped each other put them on for a shoot we did both topping.

Momma and I shot our first video together where we both top the entire time to a male sub, Lee. Lee is good friends with Momma and I enjoyed working with and spanking him side by side with her. This video is called, “Hot Lunch” and is now available to order from me on DVD, from My Momma’s website,  and will be at the coming Texas All State Spanking Party with me at the vendor’s fair in June.

Momma and I also shot a video with super cute model, Christy Cutie. Christy will lso be attending the Texas All State Spanking Party. She is so bubbly, spank-able, and cute. I love this girl. Oh, did I mention I love this girl. I don’t know when this video will be edited and available as I am waiting for the rest of the content since it is also shared with Assume the Position studios, but when it is, I will let you know.

I also did some shooting with my roommates, Lily Starr and her boyfriend Robert. We shot two scenes. One which we will share where Robert spanked me and one that will be on Sarah Gregory Spanking exclusively starring both Robert and Lily.

Lily, Robert, and I also went to the San Diego Zoo on our last day in town.

We had a blast. I think I took about 400 photos of the animals. I love photographing animals wit my telephoto lens. I will be entering some of my photos into a local arts festival.

Come back soon to check out my adventures at the Boardwalk Badness Weekend in Atlantic City.