Well, the first stretch of my trip is now over. I spent the first few days with THE one and only Chelsea Pfeiffer. We had such a great time together. Whether we were shooting spanking videos, talking, watching movies, trying on shoes together, or just joking around….we never stopped having a good time. She is truly one of my best friends. We did 4 scenes between the few days I was there. One of them is now available on Chelsea’s spanking site, Good Spanking. It is called Injury to Insult. I had a lot of fun playing this part being a Celtics fan and all and her being a Lakers fan. What a perfect scenerio, especially right now with the play-offs going on.
“Chelsea loves post season basketball, especially when her favorite team is in the finals! She treated Sarah to a ticket in the corporate box, but Sarah was unappreciative of the gift and spent the entire game texting friends and getting embarrassingly drunk in front of all of Chelsea’s colleagues. Now, there’s a price to be paid and Chelsea’s exacting it on Sarah’s behind!”

I also got to see what a lot of Chelsea’s implements felt like. One of the nights I stayed over, we watched Legally Blonde, and then went through her drawer of spanking toys. I was like “Can you try those on me?” She sat on a pillow and I layed my body over her lap, bottoms up, and she went form implement to implement. What a fun time. She even gave me a Paddle Master Green Butterfly paddle for my collection. I have some cute ideas for spanking scenes with this paddle.
It was also fun to have a quick dinner with Clare Fonda.
I got to catch Clare up on how my website is going and she seemed very impressed. She said my site is a good mix of traditional family spankings with some romantic scenes mixed in as well. I really appreciated her feedback as Clare was one of the first people I reached out to in the business. Sometimes I cannot believe that I have my own site as when I was a teen I was going online and checking out Dana Specht, Chelsea Pfeiffer, Tasha Lee, and Stephanie Locke and now I have them on my website. I want my scenes to have so many details because my fantasies sure did. Clare was also impressed with how many updates I am giving my members. I felt that because when I first opened, I didn’t have a whole lot of videos up for the newest members, I want to thank those who stuck around. I am now updating EVERY DAY with video. I am going to be putting up daily videos for the first few months so I can build lots of new and diverse content. So, as Clare said, “wow, your members are really spoiled right now!” It is a lot of work with the editing and uploading, but it is worth it to me to build up my member base and have happy members. I am really having fun with the whole project. I don’t know of a lot of 26 year old women who run their own website independently. I add a new episode every week, and then mix in clips from previous weeks to spread them out a bit. I then will always put up the full video at the end of all the individual parts.