YAY!!!! GirlSpanksGirl is now showing the brand new EE video of the 5 year saga.

Here are some works written by Clare about this fabulous new long video
Exclusive Education 5 presents 10 school girl spankings with hand, hairbrush and a paddling as well. For the fifth year in a row Clare Fonda hosts her corporal punishment film with domina Lana as Principal Miller and switch Alicia Panettiere as the strict new teacher. There has never been a problem with the class of 2010 until they meet Miss Panettiere. Their tall, young teacher with her long golden hair and cute Midwestern accent inspires a girl crush amongst the students.

Lesbian rumors swirl and then two classmates are kissing each other. Pretty soon the entire group of girls is making out, plaid skirts are flying up and tits in tight white tops groped and new teacher cannot do a thing to control it. Principal Miller much be fetched. Sure they were only “experimenting” but discipline in the form of an OTK spanking is a proven method.

You are about to meet the class of 2010 in a way they never expected it, getting bare bottom spankings from teachers and principals hands and hairbrushes and one particularly naughty girl will bend over and stick her sore bottom out for ten swats with a wooden paddle.
A bonus sequence at the end of the video shows a “Schoolgirl’s Revenge” fantasy. The wiggly Miss Fonda is taken OTK by one girl and the others circle her spanking her with books and hairbrushes. She squealed louder than the girls. Miss Panettiere is over schoolgirl Sarah Gregory’s lap with her skirt pulled up and of course Principal Miller and her cinnamon skin, her pert and curvy bottom with white panties pulled down endures whacks from all the schoolgirls. The faculty is lined up at the chalkboard just like the girls were. So many subscribers had written to Clare Fonda asking that she and the other tops were spanked and this will not disappoint.
The ten spanked schoolgirl cast in Clare Fonda’s Exclusive Education 5 are fetish models, lifestyle spankos and professional submissives and switches. The Fen Dom’s who administer the bare bottom spankings to the girls are experiences dominas. A cast of spanking enthusiasts gives us a spanking video with hard discipline and girls who know that bratty behavior will make the schoolmistress punish them harder. Ten pretty spanking models OTK getting very red bottoms make it a treat for lovers of traditional discipline. Just in time for back to school for the past five years Clare Fonda has released this feature and this year the girls wiggle and squeal OTK while they endure long and hard punishments and line their sore bottoms against the wall on display for the viewer. The cast of submissives this year features well-known spanking models
Sarah Gregory, Katherine St.James, and Nikki Roug

as well as showcasing some talent Clare developed on Spanked Sweeties- April O’Neil and Elise Graves.

There are also several local lifestyle girls, some of whom are making video debuts, who will be doing much more modeling this year. These girls have a high tolerance and most of them truly enjoy a good bottom warming.
Lindsay Meyers and Sandy Mendoza

Kisa Elaine Corvin, Natasha and Marie Elle are new starlets whom we will see more of on the web. Sassy girls, shy girls, skinny girls, curvy girls, big bottoms, tight tushies, ten schoolgirls spanked!

I had so much fun shooting this video for Clare Fonda and working with all the girls. They were such sweeties and we got so much done. It was a really productive shoot and I know Clare and Cameraman would both agree.
Clare has even provided a few FREE galleries Gallery 1 Gallery 2 Gallery 3
One more photo of my spanked butt

And I was saving the best for last. Clare didn’t do any spanking in this video except well spanking me. I asked her if we could do something special since I was coming all the way out to CA and she is one of my favorite spankers out of the many I love spanking me. She agreed and on set this idea sort of just came naturally. I was very emotional to begin with as there had been some crazy stuff going on in my personal life with a stolen suitcase, on the verge of getting ill, and dealing with my unrepaired hernia. I needed to cry and I just did. While the class was being repremanded and spanked two by two, I was a blubbering mess at my desk, so we decided that after the class was dismissed to put their punishment suits on, Clare would spank me for sobbing at my desk as I felt that I had not started the trouble and had been victimized. She wanted to get the message through that we all were a part of it and all NEEDED the discipline. She drove that point home and I felt it emotionally and physically. She made it real for me. Thanks Clare.