Woodland Modeling

Well, as promised, here are some of the lovely photos that Pixie took of me on our afternoon frolic in the woods. We had a great time. Luckily the weather held up, though we had some dark looking clouds at one point give us a scare. Pixie is a wonderful photographer as well as model. She knew just where to tell me to go and what would look best. We even did some shots together with the timer, which I will include in another post. But enjoy these photos from our frolic.

11 thoughts on “Woodland Modeling

  1. Funbun

    Hi Sarah,

    Hope there are a few pictures where you have each other otk as well.. ๐Ÿ™‚ Two lovely and fantastically beautiful ladies frolicking in the forest. Well the good lord must have approved as he carpeted the forest floor with a very nice carpet of colorful leaves, making the beauty of the two of your stand out even more..!
    But.. I do hope that all of a sudden an angry FEMALE and UNIFORMED forrester appeared, who took you both over her knee for trespassing or whatever reason. As long as you both get a good spanking on those lovely rotundities at the back of your well-shaped bodies…

    Great photo’s..!! Hope to see more..!!

    XXX, Erik aka Funbun

  2. Dave

    These are the finest photos of you I’ve seen to date. The natural background. The hair. The coloring. Truly wonderful.

    Autumn never looked so beautiful.

    Thumbs up to your very talented photographer too as well–Pixie ๐Ÿ™‚



  3. Steve (UK)

    Either you are a natural model or Pixie is a natural photographer (or both), because these photos are sensational! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Sarah Gregory Post author

    Funbun – Thank you. No, no spankings. not a single female top in site…..sigh….too bad….wish there was. Being spanked in the woods, that for now can only be a fantasy.

    Dave – Thank you so so much. I appreciate your kind words. Pixie is an amazing photographer.

    Chloe – Thanks hun! Miss you lots.

    Steve – Awwwww, thanks. I appreciate it and she is a wonderful photographer.

  5. Lord Hard Hand

    Sorry to repeat what others have said but these pics are beautiful. Searching for my camera to see if I can take some myself… LOL!!!


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